Given the weaknesses of mainstream democratisation since the 1980s, the authors present a cutting edge examination of dynamics of political change in the direction of more substantive democracy. While focusing on the Global South, they also draw comparisons from historical and contemporary experiences from Scandinavia.
Some two decades will shortly have passed since the WTO's Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights agreement came into force in 1995. This volume is the first cross-country analysis of how TRIPS has affected the capacity of 11 major low or medium income countries to produce generic drugs.
This essential book provides conceptual explorations of what to cover when teaching international organizations, and the best practices for teaching about them. Together with a group of expert contributors, Kent J. Kille addresses key topics, debates, frameworks, perspectives and a range of instructional approaches to incorporate when teaching in the field.
The book explores the ways in which Latin American states are capitalizing or failing to capitalize on the initiatives of China in world affairs. The authors hypothesize that a dearth of regional agency and social construction, and a consequent institutional deficit in foreign relations, characterizes Latin America and its inadequate reaction to Chinese agency. The volume includes multiple case studies from eight Latin American countries and discusses the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s initiatives and policies. The book will interest scholars, researchers, policy-makers, foreign policy analysts, and graduate students in Latin American and Asian politics as well as development studies and political economy.
The authors investigate the exceptional political economy of the ten inhabited islands whose territory is divided amongst two or more countries: that are unitary geographical spaces but fragmented polities.
A comparative study of the relationship between the end of the Cold War and the resurgence of geopolitics in Europe.
Much has been said about the driving forces of region-building processes or regionalization worldwide, yet few systematic and comparative studies have been conducted on how regions can contribute to the building of other regions - and more concretely, how the European Union has 'pushed' for regionalization worldwide. This comparative book investigates the impact that the EU has on regionalization elsewhere through its inter-regional relations. Covering agriculture, trade, ASEAN, NAFTA, MERCOSUR and Commonwealth amongst other topics, it investigates whether the EU contributes directly, as well as indirectly, to increased regional integration in different parts of the world.
In 2018, the members of the African Union adopted the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement (AfCFTA). This book examines the AfCFTA, dissecting its key provisions. It stresses the importance of the AfCFTA in the context of increasing episodes of trade protection in Africa, and it theorizes on the role of the treaty organs. The book also examines the importance of citizen participation for the success of the AfCFTA, as well as exploring the role sub-state actors can play. Ultimately, the study adds to the understanding of the array of problems that are associated with regional trade in Africa and the role law plays in resolving these problems. It will be of importance to academics and students of international law, especially those with an interest in African trade law, as well as legal professionals and policymakers.
Drawing evidence from North and South America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, the contributors illustrate that even within the common framework of economic globalization, the ways in which the interests of state actors and the agency of migrants intersects continuously shapes and reshapes both home and destination societies.