Geocomputation is the use of software and computing power to solve complex spatial problems. It is gaining increasing importance in the era of the ‘big data’ revolution, of ‘smart cities’, of crowdsourced data, and of associated applications for viewing and managing data geographically - like Google Maps. This student focused book: Provides a selection of practical examples of geocomputational techniques and ‘hot topics’ written by world leading practitioners. Integrates supporting materials in each chapter, such as code and data, enabling readers to work through the examples themselves. Chapters provide highly applied and practical discussions of: Visualisation and exploratory s...
This textbook explains how to design and build Agent Based Models and how to link them to Geographical Information Systems.
Memòries del pare Ireneu Segarra (Ivars d'Urgell, 1917) i monjo de Montserrat des del 1933. d'un enorme interès per a la seva biografia personal, però sobretot per a la història de l'Escolania de Montserrat durant un dels seus períodes més fecunds i més brillants. Hi destaquem les pàgines dedicades a la seva estada a París, al costat de Nadie Boulanger, i les descripcions dels mètodes seguits a l'escolania.