Computer Programs for Chemistry, Volume 4, aims to make available a useful collection of tested programs, which may be expected to have a long useful life. Since the programs in each volume are represented by considerably over 10,000 source cards, arrangements have been made to provide a master tape for each volume. The programs in the series fall into two broad classes: complete packages and subroutines. ANSI FORTRAN has been chosen as the language since it provides adequate flexibility and excellent compatibility. But where departures are needed for efficiency, the editors have not hesitated to allow use of small subroutines in nonstandard FORTRAN or in assembly language, with careful docu...
Every time a cell divides, a copy of its genomic DNA has to be faithfully copied to generate new genomic DNA for the daughter cells. The process of DNA replication needs to be precisely regulated to ensure that replication of the genome is complete and accurate, but that re-replication does not occur. Errors in DNA replication can lead to genome instability and cancer. The process of replication initiation is of paramount importance, because once the cell is committed to replicate DNA, it must finish this process. A great deal of progress has been made in understanding how DNA replication is initiated in eukaryotic cells in the past ten years, but this is the first one-source book on thes...
On 28 June 1914 the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in the Balkans. Five fateful weeks later the Great Powers of Europe were at war. Much time and ink has been spent ever since trying to identify the "guilty" person or state responsible, or alternatively attempting to explain the underlying forces that 'inevitably' led to war in 1914. Unsatisfied with these explanations, Gordon Martel now goes back to the contemporary diplomatic, military, and political records to investigate the twists and turns of the crisis afresh, with the aim of establishing just how the catastrophe really unfurled. What emerges is the story of a terrible, unnecessary tragedy - one that can be underst...
International Review of Cytology presents current advances and comprehensive reviews in cell biology-both plant and animal. Articles address structure and control of gene expression, nucleocytoplasmic interactions, control of cell development and differentiation, and cell transformation and growth. Authored by some of the foremost scientists in the field, each volume provides up-to-date information and directions for future research.
FIREBRAND is a propelling invitation to walk with the Holy Spirit in a fresh, new way and to discover beautiful depths in your spiritual walk with Jesus Christ. This book will transform you to transform the world! It is for women searching for more in their Christian experience, and seeking to burn with holy fire in a way that glorifies God. The 10-Chapter, 340+ paged stirring material takes you on an astounding journey into Scriptures, and integrates a journal for capturing your thoughts, reflections and goals. It also ends with Prayer Prompts to help you express your heart to your Heavenly Father!
"Papers presented to J. E. Littlewood on his 80th birthday" issued as 3d ser., v. 14 A, 1965.