The Indian Journal of Political Science
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 894

The Indian Journal of Political Science

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2007
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Vols. 1- include the association's Annual report, 1939- .

Adaptive Soil Management : From Theory to Practices
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 572

Adaptive Soil Management : From Theory to Practices

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-03-15
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  • Publisher: Springer

The book focuses in detail on learning and adapting through partnerships between managers, scientists, and other stakeholders who learn together how to create and maintain sustainable resource systems. As natural areas shrink and fragment, our ability to sustain economic growth and safeguard biological diversity and ecological integrity is increasingly being put to the test. In attempting to meet this unprecedented challenge, adaptive management is becoming a viable alternative for broader application. Adaptive management is an iterative decision-making process which is both operationally and conceptually simple and which incorporates users to acknowledge and account for uncertainty, and sus...

Groundwater Quality
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 204

Groundwater Quality

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1994-10-31
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  • Publisher: Springer

Groundwater quality monitoring and testing is of paramount importance both in the developed and developing world. This book presents a series of papers illustrating the varied nature of current research into groundwater quality. Urban and rural supplies are covered through a case history approach, and the importance of remedial action to prevent deterioration is emphasized.

Edible Medicinal And Non-Medicinal Plants
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 1113

Edible Medicinal And Non-Medicinal Plants

This book continues as volume 2 of a multi-compendium on Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants. It covers edible fruits/seeds used fresh or processed, as vegetables, spices, stimulants, pulses, edible oils and beverages. It encompasses species from the following families: Clusiaceae, Combretaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Dilleniaceae, Ebenaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Ericaceae and Fabaceae. This work will be of significant interest to scientists, researchers, medical practitioners, pharmacologists, ethnobotanists, horticulturists, food nutritionists, agriculturists, botanists, herbalogists, conservationists, teachers, lecturers, students and the general public. Topics covered include: taxonomy (botanical name and synonyms); common English and vernacular names; origin and distribution; agro-ecological requirements; edible plant part and uses; botany; nutritive and medicinal/pharmacological properties, medicinal uses and current research findings; non-edible uses; and selected/cited references.

Improving Potassium Recommendations for Agricultural Crops
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 466

Improving Potassium Recommendations for Agricultural Crops

This open access book highlights concepts discussed at two international conferences that brought together world-renowned scientists to advance the science of potassium (K) recommendations for crops. There was general agreement that the potassium recommendations currently in general use are oversimplified, outdated, and jeopardize soil, plant, and human health. Accordingly, this book puts forward a significantly expanded K cycle that more accurately depicts K inputs, losses and transformations in soils. This new cycle serves as both the conceptual basis for the scientific discussions in this book and a framework upon which to build future improvements. Previously used approaches are critically reviewed and assessed, not only for their relevance to future enhancements, but also for their use as metrics of sustainability. An initial effort is made to link K nutrition in crops and K nutrition in humans. The book offers an invaluable asset for graduate students, educators, industry scientists, data scientists, and advanced agronomists.

Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Smart Agriculture
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 301

Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Smart Agriculture


Horticultural Reviews, Volume 46
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 493

Horticultural Reviews, Volume 46

Horticultural Reviews presents state-of-the-art reviews on topics in horticultural science and technology covering both basic and applied research. Topics covered include the horticulture of fruits, vegetables, nut crops, and ornamentals. These review articles, written by world authorities, bridge the gap between the specialized researcher and the broader community of horticultural scientists and teachers.

The Architecture and Biology of Soils
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 254

The Architecture and Biology of Soils

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2011
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  • Publisher: CABI

Soil is a fundamental and critical component of terrestrial ecosystems, but one that is often overlooked. It is an extremely complex environment, both in terms of its physical structure and in that it supports levels of biodiversity far greater than those found above ground in any ecosystem. Bringing together existing knowledge across many areas of soil biology and physics, this book develops the concept of soil architecture and explores key characteristics of the remarkable `inner space' of the soil. The authors consider how such structure develops through time and the consequences this has for life underground. They also explore the interactions between the biological and physical components of the soil and how they relate to its many functions, in order to demonstrate the key role of soil architecture in underpinning ecosystem dynamics. The diverse but richly interrelated perspectives offered in this book make it an essential resource for researchers and students in soil and environmental sciences, terrestrial ecology, plant sciences and microbiology.

Clinical Ophthalmology: Medical & Surgical Approach
  • Language: en

Clinical Ophthalmology: Medical & Surgical Approach

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Full-color coverage of the latest concepts and technological advances in the diagnosis and management of ophthalmic disorders Clinical Ophthalmology is a combination text and visual reference written to aid the ophthalmologist in the diagnosis of common ophthalmic conditions and in performing surgeries. Written by a team of more than seventy internationally recognized experts, the book provides an understanding of diseases and disorders essential to the everyday practice of ophthalmology. Features Hundreds...

Nano-scale CMOS Analog Circuits
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 397

Nano-scale CMOS Analog Circuits

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-09-03
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

Reliability concerns and the limitations of process technology can sometimes restrict the innovation process involved in designing nano-scale analog circuits. The success of nano-scale analog circuit design requires repeat experimentation, correct analysis of the device physics, process technology, and adequate use of the knowledge database. Starting with the basics, Nano-Scale CMOS Analog Circuits: Models and CAD Techniques for High-Level Design introduces the essential fundamental concepts for designing analog circuits with optimal performances. This book explains the links between the physics and technology of scaled MOS transistors and the design and simulation of nano-scale analog circu...