Recovery from Schizophrenia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 410

Recovery from Schizophrenia

'Recovery from Schizophrenia' demonstrates convincingly, but controversially, how political, economic and labour market forces shape social responses to the mentally ill, mould psychiatric treatment philosophy, and influence the onset and course of one of the most common forms of mental illness.

  • Language: fi
  • Pages: 132


Kun joki jäätyy, tyhjenee Porvoo turisteista. Pikkukaupunkiin jäävät paikalliset pikkutytöt, salaliittoteoreetikot ja okkultismin harrastajat. Jään alla, kaupungin laitamilla, muinoin ja nyt liikkuu monenlaisia tarinoita, jotka kertovat kukin tavallaan siitä, miltä pelko tuntuu, miten kauhu syntyy, mitä kaikkea marras voi tarkoittaa. Kirjan novellit hipaisevat kauhun kylmiä väreitä. Tarinat liikkuvat kartanoissa, kellareissa ja kylpyammeissa, ne poikkeavat kirkkosalissa ja pirunportailla. Novelleissa kummallisiin talvisiin tilanteisiin joutuvat niin kylähullut ja kiltit porvoolaistytöt kuin sukeltajat ja tutkijat. Toivomme että törmäät tuttuihin ja outoihin asioihin, koet kaikki marraskuun värit novellikokoelman parissa! Ja jos satut kulkemaan pitkin porvoolaisia katuja, älä vilkuile taaksesi, sillä... Marras-kokoelmassa on 17 ennen julkaisematonta novellia, joissa Porvoo ei ole pelkkää pastellia. Uskallatko ylittää sillan?

Kritische Lebenskunst
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 489

Kritische Lebenskunst

Die Philosophie der Lebenskunst gehört seit Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts zu den aktuellen Denkrichtungen, die nicht nur in Lehre und Forschung vertreten, sondern auch von einem breiteren Publikum wahrgenommen werden. In ihr geht es um ein gelungenes, schönes und glückliches Leben. Im Fokus des vorliegenden Buches stehen ‚kritische‘ Perspektiven auf die Realisierung von Lebenskunst in spezifischen biographischen, sozialen und kulturellen Kontexten. Zu fragen ist: Wer übt wie Kritik woran und welche Motivationen und Ziele verfolgt er dabei? Diese Fragen werden mit Blick auf Individualität, soziale Beziehungen, kulturelle Strukturen, prekäre Lebensverhältnisse, therapeutische Praktiken,...

Innovation and Expansion in Translation Process Research
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 308

Innovation and Expansion in Translation Process Research

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Cognitive research in translation and interpreting has reached a critical threshold of maturity that is triggering rapid expansion along exciting new paths that potentially lead to deeper connections with other disciplines. Innovation and Expansion in Translation Process Research reflects this broadening scope and reach, emphasizing ongoing methodological innovations, diversification of research topics and questions, and rich interactions with adjacent fields of research. The contributions to the volume can be grouped within four loosely defined themes: advances in traditional topics in translation process research, including problems in translation, translation competence or expertise, and specialization of translators; advances in research into the emotional or affective aspects of translating and translator training; innovations in machine translation and post-editing; expansion of cognitively-oriented translation studies to include editing processes and reception studies. This timely volume highlights the burgeoning growth, diversification, and connectivity of translation process research.

Intelligent Kindness
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 263

Intelligent Kindness

A powerful examination of intelligently applied kindness in rehabilitating the welfare state, particularly health and social care.

Physical Illness and Schizophrenia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 177

Physical Illness and Schizophrenia

Provides a comprehensive review of research evidence on physical diseases in people with schizophrenia.

Diagnosis and Management of Head and Face Pain
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 447

Diagnosis and Management of Head and Face Pain

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-07-20
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  • Publisher: Springer

This text is a comprehensive guide to the evaluation of patients with head and face pain. It is a resource for any physician or dentist to properly diagnosis and to learn the options for treating head and face pain, as well as know when to refer a patient to a specialist and how to identify which specialist is needed. It discusses the basic anatomy, etiology, and pathophysiology of head and face pain, classification guidelines for treatment, and clinical case examples. Additional chapters on nerve blocks, nerve stimulators, radiosurgery, microvascular decompression, Botox, and alternative and complementary medicine are also included. Diagnosis and Management of Head and Face Pain will be an invaluable resource for otolaryngologists, family physicians, oral surgeons, dentists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, pain specialists, and patients who suffer from head and face pain.

The Rabbit Back Literature Society
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 293

The Rabbit Back Literature Society

A highly contagious book virus, a literary society and a Snow Queen-like disappearing author 'She came to realise that under one reality there's always another. And another one under that.' Only very special people are chosen by children's author Laura White to join 'The Society', an elite group of writers in the small town of Rabbit Back. Now a tenth member has been selected: Ella, literature teacher and possessor of beautifully curving lips. But soon Ella discovers that the Society is not what it seems. What is its mysterious ritual, 'The Game'? What explains the strange disappearance that occurs at Laura's winter party, in a whirlwind of snow? Why are the words inside books starting to rearrange themselves? Was there once another tenth member, before her? Slowly, disturbing secrets that had been buried come to light... In this chilling, darkly funny novel, the uncanny brushes up against the everyday in the most beguiling and unexpected of ways.

Self Portrait in Green
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 80

Self Portrait in Green

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-02-25
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  • Publisher: Influx Press

'NDiaye is a hypnotic storyteller with an unflinching understanding of the rock-bottom reality of most people's life.' New York Times ' One of France's most exciting prose stylists.' The Guardian. Obsessed by her encounters with the mysterious green women, and haunted by the Garonne River, a nameless narrator seeks them out in La Roele, Paris, Marseille, and Ouagadougou. Each encounter reveals different aspects of the women; real or imagined, dead or alive, seductive or suicidal, driving the narrator deeper into her obsession, in this unsettling exploration of identity, memory and paranoia. Self Portrait in Green is the multi-prize winning, Marie NDiaye's brilliant subversion of the memoir. Written in diary entries, with lyrical prose and dreamlike imagery, we start with and return to the river, which mirrors the narrative by posing more questions than it answers.

Edhina Ekogidho - Names as Links
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 378

Edhina Ekogidho - Names as Links

What are the most popular names of the Ambo people in Namibia? Why do so many Ambos have Finnish first names? What do the African names of these people mean? Why is the namesake so important in Ambo culture? How did the nation's long struggle for independence affect personal naming, and what are the latest name-giving trends in Namibia? This study analyses the changes in the personal naming system of the Ambo people in Namibia over the past 120 years, starting with 1883, when the first Ambos received biblical and European names on baptism. The central factors in this process were the German and South African colonisation and European missionary work on the one hand, and the rise of African n...