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“We are at the forefront of a new reformation.” So declares Elaine Heath in Trauma-Informed Evangelism, aiming to recover the God of love from the structures of hate that pervade Christian communities in America today. In their new guide, she and Charles Kiser work toward bringing this reformation to fruition through ministering specifically to the spiritually traumatized. Over the course of their study, Kiser and Heath amplify the voices of those who suffered misogynistic, racist, or homophobic abuse at the hands of the church. While carefully listening to these stories, Kiser and Heath bring them into conversation with the passion and resurrection of Jesus. Engaging with womanist and l...
It’s time for a kindness revolution. In The Kindness Cure, psychologist Tara Cousineau draws on cutting-edge research in psychology and neuroscience to show how simple practices of kindness—for ourselves, for others, and for our world—can dissolve our feelings of fear and indifference, and open us up to a life of profound happiness. Compassion for ourselves and others is our birthright as humans—hardwired into our DNA and essential to our happiness. But in our fast-paced, technical savvy and hyper competitive world, it may come as no surprise that rates of narcissism have risen, while empathy levels have declined. We now find ourselves in a “cool to be cruel” culture where it’s...
Siellä missä on silta, on myös vettä. Syvällistä, pinnallista, tai vain pärskeitä. Silloissa on kaiteita, kaiteissa on lukkoja, ja joskus sillat romahtavat lukkojen painosta tai ilman. Silloilla ja siltojen alla ollaan yhdessä tai yksin, hiljaa tai äänessä. Yhdistääkö silta vai erottaako se? Koituuko silta kohtaloksi vai siunaukseksi? Ja kumpi on lopulta parempi? Sivupiiri-kirjoittajaryhmän toisen julkaisun 22 novellia liikkuu Porvoossa ja sen laitamilla, historiassa, nykyajassa ja tulevaisuudessa. Ne tarkastelevat siltaa sekä fyysisenä että kuvainnollisena osana elämää.
"Even in the midst of today' s global concerns, this book provides a sense of hope and future. A must-read for business executives who desire to be responsible citizens and leaders." — Idris T Vasi, Head of Nokia CNS &– Asia-Pacific "Finding sacredness in the other does not just create societal harmony, it may also be an essential milestone in the path to a more meaningful self-discovery... " — Radical Revolution of Values In this thoroughly researched and hopeful examination inspired by Rev. Martin Luther King' s call for "a radical revolution of values," the author guides readers through a worldly and spiritual voyage, taking a deep dive into the holy scriptures of various religions ...
Christel Don volgt meisjes die tussen 1860 en 1980 in een van de katholieke ‘liefdesgestichten’ van De Goede Herder terechtkwamen. Een hartverscheurende geschiedenis. Almelo, 1948. José wordt door haar oom naar een tehuis van de zusters van de Goede Herder gestuurd om haar te beschermen tegen haar gewelddadige vader. Eenmaal binnen krijgt ze een andere naam, gaan alle deuren op slot en mag ze niet met de andere meisjes praten. Ze wordt zes dagen per week gedwongen lange dagen te werken, onbetaald. Als ze zich verzet, wordt ze opgesloten in een cel. In ‘De meisjes van De Goede Herder’ volgt Christel Don meisjes die tussen 1860 en 1980 in een van de katholieke “liefdesgestichten” van De Goede Herder terechtkwamen. Op beklemmende wijze doet Don verslag van de levens achter de kloostermuren. Gaandeweg wordt duidelijk hoe groot de psychische druk was waar de meisjes onder leefden. Ook anderen komen aan het woord: een zuster, buurtgenoten en een jonge misdienaar. Christel Don geeft een stem aan talloze ongehoorde vrouwen en belicht een verbijsterend, vergeten hoofdstuk uit onze geschiedenis.
An inspiring collection of stories that demonstrate how a single act of kindness can change our lives, from the hit podcast Kind World On the Kind World program, hosts Andrea Asuaje and Yasmin Amer bring listeners deeply intimate stories and interviews that uplift the spirit and restore faith in humanity. And now, they’ve collected the show’s best-loved stories—including “where are they now?” updates—as well as new ones, all of which serve to remind us that there is good in the world wherever we look. In the tradition of The Moth and Humans of New York, Kind World is the perfect feel-good gift for anyone who is looking to add a burst of positivity to their life.
In 2009, Rachael Cerrotti, a college student pursuing a career in photojournalism, asked her grandmother, Hana, if she could record her story. Rachael knew that her grandmother was a Holocaust survivor and the only one in her family alive at the end of the war. Rachael also knew that she survived because of the kindness of strangers. It wasn’t a secret. Hana spoke about her history publicly and regularly. But, Rachael wanted to document it as only a granddaughter could. So, that’s what they did: Hana talked and Rachael wrote. Upon Hana’s passing in 2010, Rachael discovered an incredible archive of her life. There were preserved albums and hundreds of photographs dating back to the 1920...
What if every part of our everyday life was turned into a game? The implications of “gamification.” What if our whole life were turned into a game? What sounds like the premise of a science fiction novel is today becoming reality as “gamification.” As more and more organizations, practices, products, and services are infused with elements from games and play to make them more engaging, we are witnessing a veritable ludification of culture. Yet while some celebrate gamification as a possible answer to mankind's toughest challenges and others condemn it as a marketing ruse, the question remains: what are the ramifications of this “gameful world”? Can game design energize society an...
This collection explores the issues of how children fit into national discourse on international stages. The authors focus on national performances by/for/with youth and examine a wide range of performances from across the globe, from parades and protests to devised and traditional theatre. Nationalism and Youth in Theatre and Performance
A history and in-depth analysis of the film career of the iconic Black star, activist, and French military intelligence agent. Josephine Baker, the first Black woman to star in a major motion picture, was both liberated and delightfully undignified, playfully vacillating between allure and colonialist stereotyping. Nicknamed the “Black Venus,” “Black Pearl,” and “Creole Goddess,” Baker blended the sensual and the comedic when taking 1920s Europe by storm. Back home in the United States, Baker’s film career brought hope to the Black press that a new cinema centered on Black glamour would come to fruition. In Josephine Baker’s Cinematic Prism, Terri Simone Francis examines how ...