This volume, presented by leading experts in the field, covers the latest advances in diagnostics and modeling of polymer electrolyte fuel cells, from understanding catalyst layer durability to start-up under freezing conditions.
This unique one-of-a-kind book is a comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of Ayurveda, and discusses the practical use of therapies such as diet, exercise, yoga, meditation, massage, and herbal remedies. The book also includes detailed information on Ayurvedic pharmacology and pharmacy, clinical methods and examinations, and general treatment protocols. Plus, a helpful section provides a comprehensive materia medica of 50 Indian herbs that include botanical descriptions, traditional Ayurvedic knowledge, constituent data and the latest medical research, as well as clinical indications, formulations, and dosages. - Helpful full-color insert containing photos of the 50 herbs covered, alongside a ruler for scale, allows the reader to quickly identify herbs correctly. - Includes useful appendices, including information on dietary and lifestyle regimens, Ayurvedic formulations, Ayurvedic weights and measures, glossaries on Ayurvedic terms, and medical substances. - Unique contributions include a discussion of pathology, clinical methods, diagnostic techniques, and treatment methods from an Ayurvedic perspective.
The dramatic evolution of new technology in diagnostic and therapeutic radiology has changed the whole field of medicine. Ultrasonography, computed tomography, nuclear magnetic resonance, and digital radiography are those new techniques which are undergoing continuous development, providing us with increasingly re fined methods for establishing the cause of disease and for treating the patient. Using radiologic technique, ingenious methods are continuously being developed to en sure less expensive, less traumatic, and more efficient therapy. Transluminal angio plasty, embolization of tumors or bleeding vessels, extraction or dissolution of stones, and regional infusions are some of these the...
Orchids are beautiful, aren’t they? Decorations made of these spectacular plants make the whole atmosphere divine! Their range of colour, the pattern of the flowers and the dots and ridges on the floral parts make them unique and ‘different’. Interestingly, they are the most well-praised medicinal plants in the world. For ages, most countries have been harbouring and using these plants to treat several ailments like that in Ayurved, ancient Chinese medicine, etc. They’re also advocated and boasted for potential healers. Besides, numerous folklore uses, which may or may not be documented, can be traced. Being very juvenile, our research has provided scanty (as compared to their actual uses) information on the validation part of these plants. Orchids in Traditional Medicine tries to take you to the mysteriously beautiful world of orchids, providing a glimpse into understanding their potential and medicinal uses. It also seeks to putatively understand the Ayurvedic doctrine and the existing disputes regarding the use of orchids. Let us now explore the world of medicinal orchids!
Despite an increase in life expectancy over the past 20 years, the number of novel, multidrug resistant microorganisms has also risen dramatically. To reduce the risk of reemerging infections, and limit the spread of multidrug resistant microorganisms, it is urgently necessary to develop safe and effective therapeutic countermeasures. New antimicrobial chemicals are mostly produced with the help of microorganisms, and the bulk of medications now on the market are of this type. The use of high therapeutic screening and recent developments in analytical instrumentation has allowed the researchers to identify novel antimicrobial compounds from bacteria, fungi, plants, mushrooms, algae, and othe...
Arsenic contamination has become a global phenomenon. With the development of advanced technological detection tools, more geographical areas have been identified. The people most affected are those in the poorer socio-economic groups. The research articles in this book have been contributed by scientists working in areas severely affected by these difficulties. The book includes an assessment of environmental health risks and economic impacts, and the technologies available for dealing with the problem. Written in a straightforward style, the book is designed to update knowledge on the dynamics of natural arsenic from the aquifers through groundwater to the food chain. It outlines efficient techniques for arsenic removal and inform administrators, policy makers and company executives, and aims to increase awareness of the problem.
Fluorinated Liquid Crystals: Design of Soft Nanostructures and Increased Complexity of Self-Assembly by Perfluorinated Segments, by Carsten Tschierske Liquid Crystalline Crown Ethers, by Martin Kaller and Sabine Laschat Star-Shaped Mesogens – Hekates: The Most Basic Star Structure with Three Branches, by Matthias Lehmann DNA-Based Soft Phases, by Tommaso Bellini, Roberto Cerbino and Giuliano Zanchetta Polar and Apolar Columnar Phases Made of Bent-Core Mesogens, by N. Vaupotič, D. Pociecha and E. Gorecka Spontaneous Achiral Symmetry Breaking in Liquid Crystalline Phases, by H. Takezoe Nanoparticles in Liquid Crystals and Liquid Crystalline Nanoparticles, by Oana Stamatoiu, Javad Mirzaei, Xiang Feng and Torsten Hegmann Stimuli-Responsive Photoluminescent Liquid Crystals, by Shogo Yamane, Kana Tanabe, Yoshimitsu Sagara and Takashi Kato
Geology and Health is an integration of papers from geo-bio-chemical scientists on health issues of concern to humankind worldwide, demonstrating how the health and well-being of populations now and in the future can benefit through coordinated scientific efforts. International examples on dusts, coal, arsenic, fluorine, lead, mercury, and water borne chemicals, that lead to health effects are documented and explored. They were selected to illustrate how hazards and potential hazards may be from natural materials and processes and how anthropomorphic changes may have contributed to disease and debilitation instead of solutions. Introductory essays by the editors highlight some of the progres...