Research Anthology on Game Design, Development, Usage, and Social Impact
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 2034

Research Anthology on Game Design, Development, Usage, and Social Impact

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-10-07
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  • Publisher: IGI Global

Videogames have risen in popularity in recent decades and continue to entertain many all over the world. As game design and development becomes more accessible to those outside of the industry, their uses and impacts are further expanded. Games have been developed for medical, educational, business, and many more applications. While games have many beneficial applications, many challenges exist in current development processes as well as some of their impacts on society. It is essential to investigate the current trends in the design and development of games as well as the opportunities and challenges presented in their usage and social impact. The Research Anthology on Game Design, Developm...

Emerging Trends, Techniques, and Tools for Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Management
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 366

Emerging Trends, Techniques, and Tools for Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Management

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-06-15
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  • Publisher: IGI Global

In the digital age, online courses have progressed as popular modes of learning that provide interactive and collaborative learning in educational settings. The open education movement is enabled by the internet and combines the sharing of ideas, resources, and practices among all people in order to advance ideas and knowledge to a new generation of students. Massive open online courses (MOOC) provide a new way of learning for all levels of education. Emerging Trends, Techniques, and Tools for Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Management is a critical scholarly resource that addresses the difficulties and challenges in MOOC design, implementation, management, and deployment. This comprehensi...

Wastewater Treatment
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 501

Wastewater Treatment

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-06-21
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

Wastewater Treatment: Recycling, Management, and Valorization of Industrial Solid Wastes bridges the gap between the theory and applications of wastewater treatments, principles of diffusion, and the mechanism of biological and industrial treatment processes. It presents the practical applications that illustrate the treatment of several types of data, providing an overview of the characterization and treatment of wastewaters, and then examining the different biomaterials and methods for the evaluation of the treatment of biological wastewaters. Further, it considers the various types of industrial wastewater treatment, separation, and characterization of industrial wastewater. The book serves as a valuable resource for practicing engineers and students who are interested in the field of wastewater treatment. Features: Presents the latest technologies in water treatment, including nanomaterials for industrial wastewater Covers different treatments for various industrial wastewaters, including chemical and pharmaceutical waste Includes forward-thinking analysis including conclusions and recommendations for water reuse programs

Onlar başroldeydi
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 464

Onlar başroldeydi

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2007
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Turkey; politics and government; 1980-

Hacı Murat
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 131

Hacı Murat

1896-1904 yılları arasında yazılan Hacı Murat, büyük Rus yazarı Tolstoy’un olgunluk dönemi romanları arasında yer alıyor. Hacı Murat, XIX. yüzyılda Kafkas halkları arasında efsaneleşen Şeyh Şamil’le davalıdır. Yurt edinme, hayata tutunma, bağımsızlık, tutsaklık, ihanet ve iktidar sarmalında biçimlenen bir davanın kahramanıdır. Zayıflıklarının ve gücünün farkında bir kahraman. Acımasız bir coğrafyanın geniş yürekli insanları arasındaki iktidar mücadelesinde taraf olmak zorunda kalmıştır; Rusları da sevmez, Şeyh Şamil’i de. Seçeneksiz kalmak, bütün duygulardan arınmanın başlangıcı ve sonucu belki de. Savaş bazı insanların kaderidir. Tıpkı inanmasa da taraf olmak zorunda kalmak gibi. Asıl olansa direnmek. Her koşulda direnmek ve ayakta kalmak. Tolstoy, ölümüne direnen bu kahramanı sonsuzluğa taşıyor.

Microbial and Natural Macromolecules
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 864

Microbial and Natural Macromolecules

Microbial and Natural Macromolecules: Synthesis and Applications brings together active scientists and academicians in the field who share updated information and research outcomes from global experts. Microbial macromolecular diversity, molecular composure, genetics, usability of advanced molecular tools and techniques for their study as well as their applicability are discussed with detailed research perspectives. - Illustrates fundamental discoveries and methodological advancements - Discusses novel functional attributes of macromolecules - Updates progress on microbial macromolecular research

Manipal Interdisciplinary Health Science and Technical Reports-2023
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 157

Manipal Interdisciplinary Health Science and Technical Reports-2023

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-11-18
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

The “Manipal Interdisciplinary Health Science and Technical Reports-2023” is a comprehensive compilation of cutting-edge research and innovative findings across the fields of health sciences and technology. This edition presents a diverse array of studies conducted by experts at Manipal Academy of Higher Education, showcasing advancements in medical research, biotechnology, healthcare innovations, and technical applications. Each report within this volume highlights interdisciplinary approaches and collaborative efforts aimed at addressing some of the most pressing challenges in health and technology today. Ideal for researchers, practitioners, and students, this collection serves as a valuable resource for those seeking to stay at the forefront of scientific and technical progress.

Komik als Kommunikation der Kulturen
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 564

Komik als Kommunikation der Kulturen

Christopher Kloë stellt in diesem Buch Samuel Huntingtons Hypothese eines Kampfes der Kulturen die Systematik einer Begegnung der Kulturen gegenüber. Diese wird durch das Mittel der medialen komischen Kommunikation von (Selbst-)Darstellungen anhand der Thesen von Homi K. Bhabha, Thilo Sarrazin, Alfred Schütz und Zygmunt Bauman erläutert. Der Vorgang einer ansteigenden Auseinandersetzung mit den jeweils Fremden auch in der Form von komischen Inszenierungen, die als analog zum ansteigenden Eintritt von Fremden in den lokalen sozialen Raum betrachtet wird, erläutert der Autor am Beispiel von türkischstämmigen und muslimischen Gruppen in Deutschland und im Vergleich zu Minderheiten im westlichen Kulturkreis.

Bankacılık Ödeme Sistemleri ve Siber Güvenlik
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 228

Bankacılık Ödeme Sistemleri ve Siber Güvenlik


Medyanın Gözüyle Çeteler ve Susurluk
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 387

Medyanın Gözüyle Çeteler ve Susurluk

"Ey Türk istikbalinin evladı, işte bu ahval ve şerait içinde dahi vazifen, Türk istiklal ve cumhuriyetini kurtarmaktır. " Mustafa Kemal Atatürk "Söz'ün etkisinin kesildiği yerde, yerini kurşun alır. Kurşun, etkiyi başlatınca, yerini söz'e bırakır. Bu, bir kuraldır; tarihten çıkıyor. Tarihin 'ateşkes' dediği, kitapların 'diyalog' olarak adlandırdığı, hep bu'dur; kurşunun sözünü bitirip sözü söz'e bırakmasıdır. Savaş ise diyalogun durmasıdır. Bu zamanda, sözün söz'ü kurşuna çevriliyor... Söz ve kurşun, ayni öz'ün iki cismidir. Aralarında bir nitelik ayrımı bulunmuyor. Bende ise iki cisim yok; bende sadece bir biçim var. Buna 'kurşunsöz...