This book features an innovative visual approach to understanding the human body.
This book presents the largest international study of psychological disorders seen in primary health care. Centres in fourteen countries participated in this investigation, including Brazil, Chile, China, India, Nigeria and the USA as well as several European countries. The study has shown how people with mental disorders present their problems to doctors and how likely their disorders are to be detected and treated.
In reviewing introductory texts available to criminologists, one is left with the impression that biological factors are irrelevant to the formulation of criminal behavior. Where biology is mentioned at all, it receives infinitesimal coverage. This dearth of attention could at one time be blamed on shoddy research and the legitimate fear that evide
Les enjeux énergétiques et environnementaux sont à l'origine d'une forte croissance de la production d'électricité à partir d'énergies renouvelables depuis le début du XXIe siècle. Le concept de développement durable et le souci des générations futures nous interpellent au quotidien permettant l'émergence de nouvelles technologies de production d'énergie, et de nouveaux comportements d'utilisation de ces énergies. L'émergence rapide de nouvelles technologies peut rendre la compréhension et donc la perception de celle-ci difficile. Ce livre a pour but de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance de ces nouvelles technologies de production d'électricité en s'adressant à un p...
This new edition presents an integrated approach to neurotoxicology, the study of organisms' responses to changes in their environment and how interruption of the flow of information by chemical exposure causes a wide range of effects - from learning deficits, sensory disturbances in the extremities, and muscle weakness to seizures and signs simila
As we approach the 21st century, there is a discernable shift in policing, from an incident-driven perspective to a proactive problem solving stance often described as "community policing." In this volume a panel of 21 psychologists examine the changing directions in policing and how such changes impact on psychological service delivery and operational support to law enforcement agencies. The book describes existing and emerging means of providing psychological support to the law enforcement community in response to police needs to accommodate new technology, community-oriented problem solving technology, crime prevention, and sensitivity to community social changes. Senior psychologists who...
The aim of this extensively illustrated work is to better the knowledge of visual analysis of EEGs for neurologists and other specialists who use electroencephalography as well as EEG technologists. This first volume covers the scope of the main features of physiological EEG wake and sleep activities in children and adults, activation procedures and the most commonly found artefacts. Indeed, a more thorough knowledge of these elements is necessary so as not to misinterpret them as pathological traits.
Derived from the 1988 annual meeting of the Association (place not specified). Contributors review conceptual issues, longitudinal consistency, descriptive consistency, evidence from family studies, laboratory tests and treatment response. The final section considers future directions. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR