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Applying role theory and Putnam’s two-level game framework to the European migration crisis of 2015, Magdalena Kozub-Karkut expertly shows how the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Poland used the crisis to contest their roles in the European Union (EU) and how each country and the V4, as a group, subsequently used their new contested roles in the bargaining process within the EU structures. In doing so, Kozub-Karkut demonstrates how international negotiations might be used by the chief negotiators as a way of triggering contestation and enhancing their position at the domestic level as well as how role contestation processes from the domestic level might be used at the international one. Two-Level Role Theory and EU Migration is an excellent resource for scholars and students of Foreign Policy Analysis, International Relations Theory, European Studies, and Migrations Studies. Chapter 3 and 7 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.
Applying role theory and Putnam's two-level game framework to the 2015 migration crisis, this book shows how European countries contested their roles in the EU. Two-Level Role Theory and EU Migration is an excellent resource for Foreign Policy Analysis, International Relations Theory, European Studies, and Migration Studies.
This book investigates the phenomenon of overbalancing through an analysis of Japan’s foreign policy during the interbellum. In the mid-1930s, Japan withdrew from a naval arms control framework that had restrained military buildup on both sides of the Pacific Ocean since the early 1920s. By doing so, Japan not only triggered a naval arms race with the United States that exhausted its economy, it also destroyed the last institutionalized structure regulating the relationship between the two Pacific powers. Japan and the United States became caught in a spiral of tensions that culminated with the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941. Puzzling is the fact that the international environment...
Teresa Pac provides a much-needed contribution to the discussion on shared culture as foundational to societal survival. Through the examination of common culture as a process in medieval Kraków, Poznań, and Lublin, Pac challenges the ideology of difference—institutional, religious, ethnic, and nationalistic. Similarly, Pac maintains, twenty-first century Polish leaders utilize anachronistic approaches in the invention of Polish Catholic identity to counteract the country’s increasing ethnic and religious diversity. As in the medieval period, contemporary Polish political and social elites subscribe to the European Union’s ideology of difference, legitimized by a European Christian heritage, and its intended basis for discrimination against non-Christians and non-white individuals under the auspices of democratic values and minority rights, among which Muslims are a significant target.
Encyklopedia stosunków międzynarodowych jest z wielu powodów publikacją wyjątkową i długo oczekiwaną przez wspólnotę badaczy stosunków międzynarodowych w Polsce. Wyróżnia ją – po pierwsze – unikalna koncepcja porządkowania wiedzy na temat ontologii i epistemologii stosunków międzynarodowych w warunkach przyspieszenia zmiany systemu międzynarodowego. Starannie przemyślano strukturę prezentowanych treści, łącząc wiedzę teoretyczną i metodologiczną […]. Po drugie, ważna jest forma prezentowania treści poszczególnych haseł. Zawierają one wyraźny komponent analizy ontologii danego zjawiska, ujmują je jako problem stosunków międzynarodowych i jako rodzaj ...
For the last thirty years the year 1989 has symbolized a European annus mirabilis, standing for such events as the fall of the Berlin Wall and the impending collapse of the Soviet Union. Cultural and political transformations in Western Europe due to the rise of the migrant crisis are now echoed in East-Central Europe. In Europe Thirty Years After 1989, the authors jointly explore the recent history of former socialist countries such as Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Hungary, the Czech republic, the Baltic States, and Russia. Thirty years ago some of these countries stood as a paradigmatic example of peaceful and liberal patriotism, but during the past thirty years some countries have experienced transformations in their values, memory and identity. A shift towards illiberal democracy has occurred, although not without the overlapping trends in Western and Southern Europe. This book is for those who wish to join and learn from the search for an interpretation and answer(s) to the question: what happened to the legacy of 1989 over the past thirty years, and why did these changes and transformations occur?
تظهر أهمية هذا الكتاب في موضوع الحكم العالمي من الناحية النظرية أنه يمثل بديلا نظريا يمكن أن يصف ويستوعب ظاهرة تجزئة سلطة الدولة وانتشارها، فبدلا من الاتجاهات النظرية التي ركزت على تناقص سيادة الدولة وتراجع سلطتها والتنبؤ بإمكانية تحللها وانتهاء عصرها ككيان سياسي واجتماعي، والاتجاهات القائلة بإنتقال سلطة الدولة وسيادتها إلى مركز عالمي هرمي واحد (حكومة عالمية). لقد أوجد منظرو الح...
The disintegration and questioning of global governance structures and a re-orientation toward national politics combined with the spread of technological innovations such as big data, social media, and phenomena like fake news, populism, or questions of global health policies make it necessary for the introduction of new methods of inquiry and the adaptation of established methods in Foreign Policy Analysis (FPA). This accessible handbook offers concise chapters from expert international contributors covering a diverse range of new and established FPA methods. Embracing methodological pluralism and a belief in the value of an open discussion about methods’ assumptions and diverging positi...
The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society discusses media around the world in their varied forms—newspapers, magazines, radio, television, film, books, music, websites, social media, mobile media—and describes the role of each in both mirroring and shaping society. This encyclopedia provides a thorough overview of media within social and cultural contexts, exploring the development of the mediated communication industry, mediated communication regulations, and societal interactions and effects. This reference work will look at issues such as free expression and government regulation of media; how people choose what media to watch, listen to, and read; and how the influence of those who control media organizations may be changing as new media empower previously unheard voices. The role of media in society will be explored from international, multidisciplinary perspectives via approximately 700 articles drawing on research from communication and media studies, sociology, anthropology, social psychology, politics, and business.