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This book is an in-depth and timely analysis of the EU Crowdfunding Regulation. Striking a balance between academic scrutiny and practical context, and drawing upon various aspects of financial law, consumer law, and dispute resolution, it is invaluable for practitioners and academics seeking to understand an innovative alternative mode of funding.
Comparative Financial Regulation investigates the key drivers of divergence and convergence in financial regulation and analyses the consequences in terms of market efficiency, investor protection and financial stability. It adopts a broad view of the financial system and promotes a functional understanding of the regulation of securities markets, banks, derivatives and payments.
This innovative Commentary boasts contributions from internationally renowned experts with extensive and diverse backgrounds, providing a comprehensive, critical, article-by-article and thematic analysis of the EU Regulation No 1503/2020 on European Crowdfunding Service Providers for Business (ECSPR). Chapters analyse Member States’ adaptation of their legal frameworks to the ECSPR, underlying similarities, divergences, additional problematic issues and residual regulatory fragmentation.
Andrew A. Schwartz marries theory with on-the-ground research to give lawyers, students, scholars, and policymakers a one-stop shop for everything they need to know about investment crowdfunding, its regulation, and how to improve it. Investment Crowdfunding is an accessible and engaging introduction to a growing field.
Os intermediários financeiros alcançaram um papel central no funcionamento dos mercados de capitais contemporâneos, enquanto elo de ligação entre a oferta – os emitentes – e a procura – os investidores. Ainda numa perspetiva privatística, os intermediários financeiros assumem, igualmente, como titulares de uma posição fiduciária, ao assumirem, perante os seus clientes, a obrigação de atuarem sempre no seu melhor interesse. Por fim, os intermediários financeiros representam uma primeira linha de defesa contra riscos sistémicos. O estudo jurídico da intermediação financeira coloca renovados problemas aos seus estudiosos, advogados e aplicadores: pressupõe um mapeamento prévio do Direito aplicável, que considere a legislação portuguesa e europeia e a crescente produção de soft law da CMVM, da ESMA e da EBA, mas também as suas especificidades metodológicas. Este levantamento, assume-se como ponto de partida para o estudo integrado e prática dos deveres específicos e genéricos, i. e. de organização interna, dos intermediários financeiros e para a análise do corresponde regime da responsabilidade civil, que tantos litígios tem originado.
This book examines the attainment of complete free movement of civil judgments across EU member states from the perspective of its conformity with the fundamental right to a fair trial. In the integrated legal order of the European Union, it is essential that litigants can rely on a judgment no matter where in the EU it was delivered. Effective mechanisms for cross-border recognition and the enforcement of judgments provide both debtors and creditors with the security that their rights, including their right to a fair trial, will be protected. In recent years the attainment of complete free movement of civil judgments, through simplification or abolition of these mechanisms, has become a pri...
This study analyses Articles 24-30 of Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 “on markets in financial instruments” (MiFID II), which govern, as of January 2018, the most important aspects of investor protection of clients to whom credit institutions and investment firms provide investment services. These Articles contain code-of-conduct and product governance rules, which constitute cornerstones of contemporary EU capital markets law as shaped to address the weaknesses revealed in capital markets’ micro-prudential regulation and supervision after the recent international financial crisis of 2007-2009. The book concisely identifies the elements of continuity and change in relation to the repealed Directive 2004/39/EC (MiFID I), while also presenting the detailed delegated acts of the European Commission and Guidelines of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), which were adopted on the basis of Articles 24-30 MiFID II.
In het Handboek compliance in de zorg geven gezaghebbende auteurs vanuit de wetenschap en de praktijk hun visie over de wijze waarop compliance stevig in een zorginstelling kan worden verankerd. In dit Handboek zijn onder meer hoofdstukken gewijd aan ethiek, governance, arbeidsrecht, toezicht, kwaliteit en veiligheid, privacy, mededinging, fraude, financiering en belastingrecht. Diepgaande kennis wordt telkens aangevuld met praktische interviews met kopstukken uit de zorgwereld die bereid zijn geweest om hun ervaringen met de auteurs te delen. Daarbij geeft dit Handboek met bijdragen van compliance officers, concrete inspiratieparagrafen en heldere do’s en don’ts de bouwstenen voor het opstellen van een complianceprogramma. Dit Handboek is daarmee een standaardwerk voor iedereen die zich bezighoudt met compliance in de zorg.
This timely book offers a comprehensive study of the mechanism that gives effect to foreign bank resolution actions. In particular, it focuses on how the legal framework for the recognition of foreign bank resolution actions should be structured and proposes detailed legal principles on which effective frameworks should be based.
Cross-border insolvency protocols play a critical role in facilitating the efficient resolution of complex international corporate insolvencies. This book constitutes the first in-depth study of the use of insolvency protocols, enriching existing knowledge about them and serving as a comprehensive introduction to their application in the context of multinational enterprise group insolvency. It traces the rise of insolvency protocols and discusses their legal basis, contents, effects, major characteristics and limitations.