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Viele Rechtsanwältinnen und Rechtsanwälte in mittelständischen und größeren (Wirtschafts-)Kanzleien sowie Bewerberinnen und Bewerber fragen sich, wie der Anwaltsberuf erfolgreich mit der Familie in Einklang gebracht und eine gute Family-Work-Balance hergestellt werden kann. Dieses Buch beleuchtet das Thema Vereinbarkeit von Anwaltsberuf und Familie auf gesellschaftlich-politischer, betrieblicher und individueller Ebene und gibt konkrete Praxistipps, um ein passendes persönliches Modell zu finden. Bei der Vereinbarung von Beruf und Elternrolle oder Beruf und Pflege Angehöriger geht es insbesondere darum, vorgegebene strukturelle Rahmenbedingungen zu kennen und zu nutzen, eine moderne Arbeitskultur in Kanzleien zu etablieren sowie persönliche Entscheidungen zielgerichtet zu treffen und strategisch zu kommunizieren. Interviews mit erfolgreichen Rechtsanwältinnen und Rechtsanwälten beinhalten zusätzliche Ideen aus der Praxis. Marina Arntzen, LL.M. ist Rechtsanwältin im Bereich Gesellschaftsrecht/M&A in einer internationalen Sozietät und Mutter von drei Kindern.
Includes "special issues" and "extra issues."
A translated, thoroughly revised, and updated edition of the German work. Part I presents the geographic distribution of seaweeds and seagrasses around the world, environmental factors, floral history, and relevant paleoceanographic considerations, covered geographically. Part II covers seaweed ecophysiology, including the relationships of light, temperature, salinity, and other abiotic factors on seaweed distribution, as well as biotic factors such as competition, herbivory, predation, and parasitism, in order to elucidate the ecophysiologic bases for the distribution patterns examined in Part I.
Gegenstand der Fallsammlung ist das Examenswissen zur Vorbereitung auf die universitäre Schwerpunktprüfung im Schwerpunktbereich Arbeits- und Sozialrecht. Behandelt werden aus dem Bereich des kollektiven Arbeitsrechts insbesondere das Koalitions-, Tarifvertrags- und Arbeitskampfrecht sowie das Betriebsverfassungsrecht und das Recht der Unternehmensmitbestimmung. Die jeweiligen Bezüge zum Individualarbeitsrecht und zum arbeitsgerichtlichen Verfahren werden dargestellt. Darüber hinaus ist ein besonderes Augenmerk auf das für Studenten in der praktischen Fallanwendung häufig schwer zugängliche Sozialrecht gelegt, dabei steht das besonders examensrelevante Sozialversicherungsrecht im Vordergrund.
Anoxygenic Photosynthetic Bacteria is a comprehensive volume describing all aspects of non-oxygen-evolving photosynthetic bacteria. The 62 chapters are organized into themes of: Taxonomy, physiology and ecology; Molecular structure of pigments and cofactors; Membrane and cell wall structure: Antenna structure and function; Reaction center structure and electron/proton pathways; Cyclic electron transfer; Metabolic processes; Genetics; Regulation of gene expression, and applications. The chapters have all been written by leading experts and present in detail the current understanding of these versatile microorganisms. The book is intended for use by advanced undergraduate and graduate students and senior researchers in the areas of microbiology, genetics, biochemistry, biophysics and biotechnology.
The Lloyd’s Register of Yachts was first issued in 1878, and was issued annually until 1980, except during the years 1916-18 and 1940-46. Two supplements containing additions and corrections were also issued annually. The Register contains the names, details and characters of Yachts classed by the Society, together with the particulars of other Yachts which are considered to be of interest, illustrates plates of the Flags of Yacht and Sailing Clubs, together with a List of Club Officers, an illustrated List of the Distinguishing Flags of Yachtsmen, a List of the Names and Addresses of Yacht Owners, and much other information. For more information on the Lloyd’s Register of Yachts, please click here:
This book provides a comprehensive and authoritative review of cyanobacteria and their applications as solar cell factories. Cyanobacteria are able to perform oxygenic photosynthesis and they are utilized in many different bioprocesses. The book covers two major aspects of a cyano-based bioprocess: the biological whole-cell catalyst and the technical environment in which the catalyst is applied. In the biocatalyst itself electron and carbon flow play an essential role for the performance of the cell and need to be tackled likewise for successful biocatalyst development. In the first chapters of this volume, cyanobacterial biotechnology and the fundamentals of cyanobacterial bioenergetics are...
Perturbations linked to the direct and indirect impacts of human activities during the Anthropocene affect the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems to varying degrees. Some perturbations involve stress to aquatic life, including soil and water acidification, soil erosion, loss of base cations, release of trace metals/organic compounds, and application of essential nutrients capable of stimulating primary productivity. Superimposed onto these changes, climate warming impacts aquatic environments via altering species’ metabolic processes and by modifying food web interactions. The interaction stressors is difficult to predict because of the differential response of species and tax...
Rosemary Ommer and her project team combine formal scientific (natural and social) and humanist analysis with an examination of the lived experience of coastal people. They analyze community erosion created by economic decline and the ecosystem damage caused by unrelenting industrial pressure on natural resources and look at the history of coastal communities, their resource bases, their economies, and the way the lives of people are embedded in their environments.
The bibi iograp hy includes papers in a l I fields of photosynthesis research - from stu dies of model biochemical and biophysical systems of t he photosynt hes is mechanism to primary prod ucti on studied by t he so-ca Ile d growth analysis . In addition to papers devoted enti rel y to photosynth es is, papers on other topics are inc luded if t hey con t ai n data on photosynthetic activity, photorespiration, chloroplast structure, chlo rophylland carotenoid synthesi s and destruction, eta., or if they conta in valuable methodological information (measurement of selected environmentaI factars, leaf area, eta.) . In many branches it has been difficult to defi ne th e limits of int erest for photosynthesis researchers. This problem has arisen e. g. in topics deal ing with t he transfer of gases, where - in addition to t he papers on ca rbon dioxide transfe r - so me pape rs on water vapour transfer are included, these being of general appl icat ion or bringing new approaches . On th e other hand, m any papers deal ing wit h the anatomy and phys io logy of stomata have been omitted, if the aspect of ca rbon dioxide or water vapour exchange has not been discussed.