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This book is valuable to those involved in the evaluation of public organisations. Particularly insightful is the realization that similar challenges faced in various organizations are addressed with very different solutions.
The Conference on "Prisons, Drugs and Society" was held in Bern from 20 to 22 September 200. The conference proceedings include 8 papers, presneted to the conference by delegates from different countries, including Vivian Stern from the UK, and Alexander Gunchenko from the Ukraine. The report concludes with a consensus statement agreed by the conference, on principles, policy and practice.
Buy Together and Save Marlène Läubli Loud, John Mayne, Enhancing Evaluation Use: Insights from Internal Evaluation Units Enhancing Evaluation Use: Insights from Internal Evaluation Units concentrates on evaluations carried out by and/or on behalf of governmental and non-governmental organizations. Its aim is to help organizations become more focused on using evaluation to improve policies, strategies, programming and delivery of public and communal services. Existing theories of how this should be done are compared with the practical experiences of a range of national and international, government and non-governmental agencies. The book is written from the insider’s perspective on what h...
An der Schnittstelle von Wissenschaft und Politik hat sich die Evaluation öffentlicher Politiken in der Schweiz fest etabliert. Evaluationen leisten eine systematische und transparente Bewertung zu den Ressourcen, Leistungen, Prozessen und Wirkungen von staatlichen Aktivitäten. Sie liefern forschungsbasierte Informationen und werden als Dienstleistung für einen Auftraggeber erstellt. Der Band zeigt auf, wie sich die Evaluationspraxis in Bund und Kantonen in den letzten Jahren entwickelt hat und welche Bedeutung der Föderalismus und die direkte Demokratie auf diese Entwicklung haben. Weiter untersuchen die Autoren, inwiefern Evaluationen zur Stärkung der Demokratie und zur Versachlichung des politischen Diskurses beitragen, erwägen den Nutzen von Evaluationen bei der Lösung von Problemen und enden mit der Frage, ob Evaluationen weiterhin eine Berechtigung im politischen System der Schweiz haben oder nicht.
Hauptsache gesund! Der entscheidende Ansatz der Gesundheitspsychologie ist es, die Gesundheit (und nicht die Abwesenheit von Krankheit) in den Mittelpunkt zu stellen. Dies tun auch Babette Renneberg und Philipp Hammelstein konsequent: Die Themenvielfalt spiegelt die zahlreichen Tätigkeitsfelder des Fachgebietes wieder – sie reicht von der Verminderung des Konsums von Nikotin und Alkohol, Ernährung und Dentalhygiene, Bewegungsverhalten und Stress-Management hin zu sexuellem Kontaktverhalten. Neben den aktuellen Theorien und Modellen der Gesundheitspsychologie wird auch die praktische Umsetzung in vielfältigen Anwendungsgebieten dargestellt und so die Erhaltung von Gesundheit praxisnah aufgezeigt. Die Inhalte sind für Studierende und angehende Gesundheitspsychologen aufbereitet: So wird der Einstieg in das noch junge Fachgebiet leicht gemacht.
The notion of quality features prominently in contemporary discourse. Numerous ratings, rankings, metrics, auditing, accreditation, benchmarking, smileys, reviews, and international comparisons are all used regularly to capture quality. This book paves the way in exploring the socio-political implications of evaluative statements, with a specific focus on the contribution of the concept of quality to these processes. Drawing on perspectives from the history of ideas, sociology, political science and public management, Dahler-Larsen asks what is the role of quality, and more specifically quality inscriptions, such as measurement? What do they accomplish? And finally, as a consequence of all this, does the term quality make it possible to deal with public issues in a way that lives up to democratic standards? This cross-disciplinary book will be of interest to scholars and students across various fields, including sociology, social epistemology, political science, public policy, and evaluation.
La pubblicazione è stata prodotta nell'ambito della Conferenza "Prisons, drogues et société" che è stata organizzata congiuntamente dal Gruppo Pompidou e dall'ufficio regionale per l'Europa dell'OMS, su invito e con la partecipazione delle autorità svizzere. Questo titolo riassume le tre sedute di questeo seminario: il contesto generale delle interazioni tra prigioni, droghe e società; l'ampiezza e la natura del problema della tossicomania nelle prigioni, come pure il ruolo dei diversi attori e parti implicati che sono la giustizia, il mondo dei media, il personale penitenziario e il detenuto stesso.
Enhancing Evaluation Use: Insights from Internal Evaluation Units offers invaluable insights from real evaluators who share strategies they have adopted through their own experiences in evaluation. Readers will learn about the challenges, solutions, and lessons drawn from the experience of evaluators working in a wide range of organizations. Referencing the latest literature, contributors discuss factors that help or undermine attempts to foster an evaluative thinking and learning culture within an organization. Applicable in a wide range of situations, their accounts demonstrate the initiative and innovative thinking they use to address challenges in various, sometimes complex, evaluation s...