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Business English, 6e gives students a wide-ranging review of the fundamentals of English grammar and usage, placing special emphasis on the language principles and applications that can cause communication problems in the business world. Designed as a core text/workbook for the business English course, it is intended for instructors who want a comprehensive business English book with extensive exercises for remediation. This text could also be used in a business communications course as a supplement for Business English and grammar review. The new edition features increased emphasis on grammar and writing instruction, updated coverage of the Internet and office technologies, and more exercises for review and practice.
This text-workbook is a streamlined, no-nonsense approach to business communication. It takes a three-in-one approach: (1) text, (2) practical workbook, and (3) self-teaching grammar/mechanics handbook. The chapters reinforce basic writing skills, then apply these skills to a variety of memos, letters, reports, and resumes. This new edition features increased coverage of contemporary business communication issues including oral communication, electronic forms of communication, diversity and ethics.
With an emphasis on written and oral communication skills in our technologically enhanced workplace, the ninth Canadian edition of Essentials of Business Communication is designed to help students gain confidence in their communication skills, better preparing them for both their academic career and beyond. Our complete learning package is supported by three components: a textbook, an integrated workbook, and MindTap, our online digital platform. Within our complete solution, we provide students with the instruction and guidance to understand how important and necessary strong communication skills are for success in one's career. Using real-life business examples, we bring the instruction to life and allow students to immerse themselves in an experiential learning environment. For instructors, we have a well-developed and curated site of additional resources that are built to support any course using our learning resources. Guffey, Loewy, Almonte: your authoritative and trusted brand in Business Communication!
BUSINESS ENGLISH, 11th Edition, by Mary Ellen Guffey and Carolyn Seefer helps students become successful communicators in any business arena with its proven grammar instruction and supporting in-text and online resources. The perennial leader in grammar and mechanics texts, the 11th edition of BUSINESS ENGLISH uses a three-level approach to break topics into manageable units, letting students identify and hone the most critical skills and measure their progress along the way. Packed with insights from more than thirty years of classroom experience in business communications, BUSINESS ENGLISH also includes access to the premier website and its many resources for building language skills. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Ensure you have the job-ready writing and communication skills that today's employers demand with Guffey/Loewy's ESSENTIALS OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION, 12E. This market-leading text and its online study tools help you develop the professional and communication skills that employers seek, including writing, speaking, critical thinking and teamwork. Updated employment chapters offer insights into a labor market that is more competitive and dependent on technology than ever before. The latest trends, technologies and practices, based on interviews with practitioners and the research of thousands of articles and blogs emphasize transferable professional skills. Timely advice guides you through building your brand, searching for a job, writing a winning resume, interviewing effectively and using LinkedIn. Optional editing challenges and grammar reviews and a complete grammar guide at the end of the book help you improve critical language skills. MindTap online study tools let you further refine your communication abilities.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Technical Communication: Process and Product, 8e by Sharon J. Gerson and Steven M. Gerson, provides a proven, complete methodology that emphasizes the writing process and shows how it applies to both oral and written communication. With an emphasis on real people and their technical communication, it provides complete coverage of communication channels, ethics, and technological advances. This edition includes information on dispersed teams, collaboration tools, listening skills, and social networking. Using before/after documents, authentic writing samples and skill-building assignments, the book provides a balance of how-to instruction with real-world modeling to address the needs of an evolving workplace.