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Knjiga obravnava razvoj zavarovanih območij v Sloveniji. Ta so zaradi naravne in kulturne pestrosti Slovenije zelo obsežna, njihove posebnosti pa je treba upoštevati tudi pri spodbujanju regionalnega razvoja. Zaradi ranljivosti odnosov na zavarovanih območjih je nujno celovito načrtovanje, pri čemer ne sme biti njegova skrb zgolj varovanje biodiverzitete in naravne dediščine, temveč zlasti trajnostni razvoj in ohranjanje vzpostavljenih razmerij med človekom in naravo, ki se odražajo v svojstveni kulturni pokrajini. Avtorji osvetljujejo različne vidike upravljanja z zavarovanimi območji - njihovo opredelitev, zakonske okvire, vlogo pri varovanju pred naravnimi nesrečami, posebnosti z vidika upravljanja ..., ob opisu posameznih primerov pa je večkrat izpostavljen pomen vključevanja vseh deležnikov, saj je le tako neko zavarovano območje sprejeto kot razvojna priložnost in ne kot ovira.
Der naturnahe Tourismus ist ein wichtiges Element der ökologisch nachhaltigen Entwicklung im Alpenraum. In seinen vielfältigen Facetten und Formen unterstützt er den Naturschutz, die Kulturpflege und die Landschaftsentwicklung. Gute Beispiele zeigen, dass ein erfolgreicher naturnaher Tourismus der lokalen Bevölkerung Arbeitsplätze und regionale Wertschöpfung bringen kann. Um eine hohe Qualität des naturnahen Tourismus zu gewährleisten, ist ein funktionierendes Qualitätsmanagement wichtig. Die Autoren präsentieren dazu zehn Standards. Sie reichen vom Schutz der Natur, der Pflege der Landschaft, der guten Architektur, der Raumplanung und der Angebotsentwicklung bis zum naturnahen Mar...
Publikacija je nastala v okviru projekta CAPACities, obravnava pa splošna razvojna vprašanja občine Idrija. Naravnogeografskemu in družbenogeografskemu pregledu območja sledijo poglavja o regionalizaciji občine, naravni dediščini, rastju, plazovitosti, prebivalstvenih značilnostih, gospodarskem razvoju, turizmu, prometni povezanosti, prostorskem razvoju, ustvarjalni kulturi mladih, čipki ter dve zgodovinski poglavji. S tem ponudi knjiga razmeroma celovit vpogled v stanje ter prispeva k razpravi o prihodnjem razvoju obravnavanega območja.
Knjiga prikazuje usodo slovenskih nabornikov v JLA v času osamosvajanja Slovenije leta 1991. Odbor staršev je skupaj s takratnim RSLO in slovenskim političnim vodstvom poskrbel, da se je približno 6500 slovenskih fantov živih in zdravih vrnilo v Slovenijo.
This theoretically and empirically grounded book uses case studies of political graffiti in the post-socialist Balkans and Central Europe to explore the use of graffiti as a subversive political media. Despite the increasing global digitisation, graffiti remains widespread and popular, providing with a few words or images a vivid visual indication of cultural conditions, social dynamics and power structures in a society, and provoking a variety of reactions. Using qualitative and quantitative methods, as well as detailed interdisciplinary analyses of "patriotic," extreme-right, soccer-fan, nostalgic, and chauvinist graffiti and street art, it looks at why and by whom graffiti is used as political media and to/against whom it is directed. The book theorises discussions of political graffiti and street art to show different methodological approaches from four perspectives: context, author, the work itself, and audience. It will be of interest to the growing body of literature focussing on (sub)cultural studies in the contemporary Balkans, transitology, visual cultural studies, art theory, anthropology, sociology, and studies of radical politics.
The story of Nanga Parbat is long and multifaceted. It was often personified as implacable and unapproachable. Attempts to climb it were made as early as the 19th century. Between the First and Second World Wars it was named the 'mountain of destiny for the Germans' and abused by National Socialist propaganda. The best mountaineers lost their lives in large numbers. In the 1950s, the decade of the first ascents of 8,000m peaks, "Nanga" also fell. Its first climber, the unforgettable Hermann Buhl, would have celebrated his 100th birthday in 2024. This story from a long-forgotten time up to the days of modern mountaineering is dedicated to him.
Several internal and external factors have been identified to estimate and control the psycho-biological stress of training in order to optimize training responses and to avoid fatigue, overtraining and other undesirable health effects of an athlete. An increasing number of lightweight sensor-based wearable technologies (“wearables”) have entered the sports technology market. Non-invasive sensor-based wearable technologies could transmit physical, physiological and biological data to computing platform and may provide through human-machine interaction (smart watch, smartphone, tablet) bio-feedback of various parameters for training load management and health. However, in theory, several wearable technologies may assist to control training load but the assessment of accuracy, reliability, validity, usability and practical relevance of new upcoming technologies for the management of training load is paramount for optimal adaptation and health.
Sports performance is primarily associated with elite sport, however, recreational athletes are increasingly attempting to emulate elite athletes. Performance optimization is distinctly multidisciplinary. Optimized training concepts and the use of state-of-the-art technologies are crucial for improving performance. However, sports performance enhancement is in constant conflict with the protection of athletes’ health. Notwithstanding the known positive effects of physical activity on health, the prevention and management of sports injuries remain major challenges to be addressed. Accordingly, this Special Issue on "Sports Performance and Health" consists of 17 original research papers, one...