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Towards a Vigilant Society
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 215

Towards a Vigilant Society

Towards a Vigilant Society sheds light on the emergence of a new society of vigilance, in particular the actions of anti-migrant groups around Dover and Calais. Based on field research on both sides of the channel, it studies the dynamics of these groups - midway between a social movement and vigilantism - at these two key points in the international migration route between the European Union and the United Kingdom. In recent years, a series of anti-migrant groups have been mobilising on both sides of the Channel to counter migrations. Their actions range from demonstrations, to violence against migrants. And by staging their actions on social media, which is an extraordinary sounding board, these groups can build an online community and a mass audience, influencing public opinion and even the migration policies of states. This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence. It is offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations.

The Routledge International Handbook of Online Deviance
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 827

The Routledge International Handbook of Online Deviance

Covering a wide range of different online platforms, including social media sites and chatrooms, this volume is a comprehensive exploration of the current state of sociological and criminological scholarship focused on online deviance. Understanding deviance broadly, the handbook acknowledges both an objective normative approach and a subjective, reactivist approach to the topic, putting into sharp relief the distinctions between cybercrime and online deviance on the one hand, and wider concerns of online communities related to online deviance on the other. Divided into five sections, the first section is devoted primarily to scholarship about the theories and methods foundational to explori...

Proud to Punish
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 340

Proud to Punish

A magisterial comparative study, Proud to Punish recenters our understanding of modern punishment through a sweeping analysis of the global phenomenon of "rough justice": the use of force to settle accounts and enforce legal and moral norms outside the formal framework of the law. While taking many forms, including vigilantism, lynch mobs, people's courts, and death squads, all seekers of rough justice thrive on the deliberate blurring of lines between law enforcers and troublemakers. Digital networks have provided a profitable arena for vigilantes, who use social media to build a following and publicize their work, as they debase the bodies of the accused for purposes of edification and entertainment. It is this unabashed pride to punish, and the new punitive celebrations that actualize, publicize, and commercialize it, that this book brings into focus. Recounted in lively prose, Proud to Punish is both a global map of rough justice today and an insight into the deeper nature of punishment as a social and political phenomenon.

Médias et émotions. Catégories d’analyses, problématiques, concepts
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 212

Médias et émotions. Catégories d’analyses, problématiques, concepts

Dal 2012 un gruppo franco-italiano di ricercatori in scienze del linguaggio e in scienze dell’informazione e della comunicazione persegue una riflessione pluridisciplinare sui media. La quarta edizione itinerante, avente come tematica le emozioni nell’analisi dei media, si è svolta a Bordeaux (2019). Questa raccolta riunisce gli interventi delle due giornate internazionali dedicate a tale riflessione. La questione delle emozioni è da alcuni anni trattata in maniera approfondita nelle scienze del linguaggio e nelle scienze dell’informazione e della comunicazione. La specificità di questo volume sta nell’affrontare aspetti di ordine metodologico e teorico. Esso si divide in 3 parti....

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 221


Motivated by recent instances of vigilantism that have captured media attention, such as the murder of Ahmaud Arbery and the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, Drs. Castle and Meade examine vigilantism through historical contexts, popular culture, and modern technologies. From vigilantes’ presence in the frontier and early states, to their contemporary manifestations in Neighborhood Watch and digital cybersleuthing, Castle and Meade characterize the evolution of the vigilante narrative and vigilantes' purpose of social group control. This book considers the impacts of vigilante mythology in American pop culture, with special emphasis on the early Western vigilante to the urban vigilante, like Dirt...

Dicionário da Memória Afetiva - Minha França
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 338

Dicionário da Memória Afetiva - Minha França

  • Categories: Art

Há muitas maneiras de se amar um lugar. Uma delas se dá por um laço que só se estreita com o passar dos anos. É o que acontece, muitas vezes, em relação a um país. Neste Dicionário da Memória Afetiva, o autor mostra a sua paixão pela França de A a Z: amigos, atletas, atores, atrizes, aulas, avenidas, bares, batalhas, bebidas, belezas, bibliotecas, bistrôs, cafés, campanhas, campos, casas, castelos, cidades, cinemas, diários, diretores de filmes, divas... Elegância, entrevistas, esperanças, esportistas, festas, festivais de cinema, filmes, gestos, gostos, histórias, homens, ídolos, jogadores de futebol, lembranças, livrarias, livros, lugares, mares, monumentos, mulheres, m...

Démobiliser les quartiers
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 286

Démobiliser les quartiers

Si les quartiers populaires ne sont pas des déserts politiques, l'action collective y demeure fragile et fragmentée et n’a pu se constituer en mouvement social d’ampleur. Pour comprendre ce phénomène, ce livre se concentre sur les pratiques des pouvoirs publics qui contribuent à entraver ces mobilisations : disqualification des militant∙e∙s ...

Razonamiento y argumentación jurídica
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 373

Razonamiento y argumentación jurídica

  • Categories: Law

Desde hace varias décadas proliferan nuevos enfoques para la protección de la naturaleza que han transformado las maneras de razonar y argumentar en el campo jurídico. Existen sistemas legales que reconocen a la naturaleza como sujeto de derecho, tribunales que se hacen eco de nuevas perspectivas para decidir sobre conflictos que afectan ecosistemas, estrategias innovadoras para el planteo de litigios ambientales y climáticos, entre otros fenómenos que muestran un espacio en constante movimiento y debate. Esta obra colectiva intenta reponer el recorrido de algunas de las experiencias innovadoras, tanto en ciernes como en desarrollo, en diferentes culturas jurídicas y geografías. Atiende especialmente a aspectos teóricos y doctrinales vinculados con el reconocimiento de derechos de la naturaleza, a un variado conjunto de estrategias de litigación y solución de conflictos ambientales, así como a experiencias prácticas de tutela de los derechos ambientales con el objetivo de nutrir las discusiones contemporáneas en la materia.

Citoyens policiers
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 432

Citoyens policiers

Selon la formule célèbre de Max Weber, l'État revendique le monopole de la violence physique légitime. Tout au long de l'époque contemporaine, il organise des forces de l'ordre de plus en plus nombreuses et professionnalisées. Des amateurs n'ont pourtant jamais cessé de participer aux fonctions policières. Ils (rarement elles) viennent en renfort quand le besoin s'en fait sentir ou quand le désir les y entraîne. Appui citoyen ou aiguillon sécuritaire, ils revêtent des visages variés : foules révolutionnaires formant leur propre police, gardes nationaux héroïques ou ventripotents, " amis de l'ordre " armés de gourdins, détectives amateurs de la Belle Époque, volontaires ou ...

Handicaps invisibles et discriminations
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 127

Handicaps invisibles et discriminations

Ce nouveau numéro des Cahiers de la LCD propose un regard croisé autour des handicaps invisibles et des discriminations et violences subies par celles et ceux qui en sont les porteurs. Qu’il s’agisse d’inclusion dans les universités, de violences au travail ou d’agressions sexuelles, d’intégration dans les politiques de la ville ou de combats associatifs, Anastasia Meidani offre une somme de textes au panorama large afin de restituer des expériences souvent silenciées.