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Post-war European adaptations of Hamlet are defined by ambiguities and inconsistencies. Such features are at odds with the traditional model of adaptation, which focuses on expanding and explaining the source. Inspired by Derrida’s deconstruction, this book introduces a new interpretative paradigm. Central to this paradigm is the idea that an act of adaptation consists in foregrounding gaps and incoherencies in the source; it is about questioning rather than clarifying. The book explores this paradigm through seven representative European adaptations of Hamlet produced between the 1960s and the 2010s: dramatic texts, live theatre productions, and a mixed reality performance. They systematically challenge the post-Romantic idea of Hamlet as a tragedy of great passions and heroic deeds. What does this say about Hamlet’s impact on post-war theatre and culture? The deconstructive analyses offered in this book show how adaptations of Hamlet capture crucial anxieties and concerns of post-war Europe, such as political disillusionment, postmodern scepticism, and feminist resistance, revealing exciting connections between European traditions.
Highway engineering is an engineering discipline branching from civil engineering that involves the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of roads, bridges, and tunnels to ensure safe and effective transportation of people and goods. The book Highway Engineering includes the main topics and the basic principles of highway engineering and provides the full scope of current information necessary for effective and cost-conscious contemporary highway. The book reflects new engineering and building developments, the most current design methods, as well as the latest industry standards and policies. This book provides a comprehensive overview of significant characteristics for...
This Element argues for the importance of extended reality as an innovative force that changes our understanding of theatre and Shakespeare. It shows how the inclusion of augmented and virtual realities in performance can reconfigure the senses of the experiencers, enabling them to engage with technology actively.
Tille Hoyuk was excavated between 1979 and 1990 by the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara as part of the Turkish Lower Euphrates Rescue Project. The site revealed important remains of the Late Bronze and Iron Ages, and of the Achaemenid, and Hellenistic periods, as well as a Medieval phase. Between the 12th and 15th centuries the prehistoric mound was occupied by the fortified residence of a local chieftain. This volume contains a discussion of the methodology and stratigraphy of the excavation, followed by catalogues of the pottery, metal objects and coins.
Süleymaniyeli Mehmet Emin Feyzi Bey, Osmanlı'nın son döneminden Cumhuriyet’e sarkan dalgalı bir ömrün sahibidir. İmparatorluğun farklı yerlerinde asker, mühendis, eğitimci ve kütüphane memuru olarak görev yapmış ve pek çok olaya şahit olmuştur: İstibdat, II. Meşrutiyet, eşkıya takipleri, sıkıyönetim mahkemeleri, ordu ve bürokraside adam kayırmalar, tasfiyeler, Cihan Harbi, Ermeni sorunu, Kürdistan Teali Cemiyeti, mütareke, Kurtuluş Savaşı ve nihayet Cumhuriyet. Bu kitapta askerî eğitimden matematiğe, Osmanlıca şiirlerden ilk Kürtçe şiir antolojisine, materyalizme reddiyeye kadar ardında çokça eser bırakmış ama unutulmaya yüz tutmuş bir eski...
The publication accompanying Emre Hüner’s solo exhibition [ELEKTROİZOLASYON]: Unknown Parameter Extro-Record opens with the artist’s text titled “[Elektroizolasyon]: A Recording Mechanism”. Featuring collages, images from the production process, drawings, diagram-sketches, “[Extro-Envanter]” photography series and film stills created and prepared by Hüner specifically for this occasion, it also includes Aslı Seven’s curatorial text “Electrical Afterlife_Scriptoprothesis in the Shadow of a Hyperobject”, fragments from the script of [Elektroizolasyon] and photos, as well as Hypernauts by Meliha Erem. Designed by Vahit Tuna, the book brings together reproduction and exhibi...
Misli Baydoğan, uzman bir psikolog. Ancak biz kendisini, pek çok dergide yayımlanmış, Türk davranış kalıplarını ustaca sergilediği tarihî hikâyelerinden tanıyoruz. Hû Diyen Karga -Selçuklu Hikâyeleri- başlığı altında, Türkistan’dan Anadolu’ya uzanan Selçuk neslinin o baş döndüren, coşkulu serüvenini birkaç insan nesli ömrünce yaşamış, bilge bir kara karganın ağzından dinleyeceğiz: “Ete kemiğe büründüm, karga diye göründüm. Kutlu Selçuk neslinin kervanından seyrettim. Hû! Ben kuşun sözlerine kulak verecek olursanız, yanaşıverin şöyle tüneğimin kıyısına. Kuş aklımı hor görmeyin. Dilimi inkâr etmeyin. Beni yaratan da siz...
Ein Toter hängt an der Hackerbrücke. Was zunächst nach einem Selbstmord aussieht, entpuppt sich als regelrechte Hinrichtung. Doch warum wurde der türkische Obsthändler aus Berlin so spektakulär mitten in München erhängt? Die Spuren führen den Münchner Bullen Max Pfeffer zum "Chinesen", einem ebenso aalglatten wie skrupellosen Geschäftspartner des Ermordeten. Doch auch ein Wohnheim für obdachlose Jugendliche im Westend rückt bald ins Zentrum der Ermittlungen. Es scheint, als wären einige der Zöglinge dort auf der Flucht - zum Beispiel vor ihren Familien ... Gehen die jungen Männer für ihre Freiheit auch über Leichen? "Westend 17" ist der 5. Fall des schwulen Münchner Kriminalrats Max Pfeffer, in dem das brisante Thema Zwangsehe von einer ganz anderen Seite aufgerollt wird.
Justin McCarthy's introductory survey traces the whole history of the Ottoman Turks from their obscure beginnings in central Asia, through the establishment and rise of the Ottoman Empire to its collapse after World War One under the pressures of nationalism. Vividly illustrated with many maps, this introductory overview is designed for non-specialists but is written with great authority and with access to original sources. It fills an important gap for an authoritative but accessible account of the rise of one of the world's great civilizations.