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The collapse of the communist states is regarded as the starting point of the new Europe. With this turning point, historical narratives have had to be rewritten in the post-socialist countries. Focusing on the little known case of Slovenia, this issue of zeitgeschichte offers a comprehensive survey of the transformations affecting collective memory and the writing of history in one post-communist country. The essays analyze the ways in which Slovenian society has grappled with traumatic historical events and thus give insight into the ongoing struggle over the interpretation of Slovenia's past. Given the proliferating illiberal tendencies in the political culture of numerous European countries, the strategies of historical revisionism described in this issue are likely to be of considerable interest not only to scholars interested specifically in the case of Slovenia.
"This is a history of a space - a space between the Panonian plain in the East and the most northernmost bay in the Adriatic in the West, from the eastern Alps in the North and the Dinaridic mountain area in the South. It is also a history of all the different people who lived in this area. The authors show that the Slavs did not settle an empty space and simply replace the Celto-Roman inhabitants of earlier times; they are, on the contrary, presented as the result of reciprocal acculturation. The authors show that the Slovenes made more than two important appearances throughout the entire feudal era; the same holds for later periods, especially for the twentieth century. This book offers a concise and complete history of an area that finally became an integral part of Central Europe and the Balkans."--Pub. desc.
This unique volume, nearly 2000 pages in length and handsomely printed on Bible paper, is perhaps the most comprehensive scholarly work of our time on the translation and interpretation of the Bible. At its core are papers presented to an international symposium in Ljubljana in September 1996 to mark the publication of the new Slovenian version of the Bible, a landmark in Slovene identity and cultural life. In addition, its distinguished editor, Joze Krasovec, has commissioned a wide range of contributions devoted to translations of the Bible in many languages, including the Slavonic languages, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish and the Scandinavian languages. The 82 chapters in this work, m...
The author examines the life and work of Slovenian-born Louis Adamic (1898-1951), a writer, editor, populist historian, and champion of immigrant contributions to the U.S. Coverage includes a chronological description of Adamic's life, from childhood in Slovenia to his death in 1951; Adamic and the emergence of cultural pluralism between the 1910s to 1940s; his rhetoric of social reform; his writing about second-generation immigrants; and his relevance to contemporary multiculturalism.
This major new reference work with contributions from an international team of scholars provides a comprehensive account of ideas and practices of nationhood and nationalism from antiquity to the present. It considers both continuities and discontinuities, engaging critically and analytically with the scholarly literature in the field. Volume I starts with a series of case studies of classical civilizations. It then explores a wide range of pivotal moments and turning points in the history of identity politics during the age of globalization, from 1500 through to the twentieth century. This overview is truly global, covering countries in East and South Asia as well as Europe and the Americas.
Knjižica je izšla ob 70. obletnici izhajanja Zbranih del slovenskih pesnikov in pisateljev, najstarejše in najobsežnejše knjižne zbirke v slovenščini, ki je tudi središče znanstvenega proučevanja in izdajanja slovenske literature. Izdajatelji in uredniki so v njej podrobneje prikazali historiat zbirke, njene konceptualne značilnosti in uredniška načela pa tudi programske zasnove in načrte. Na koncu je predstavljena uredniška zasnova nove podzbirke Zbranih del z naslovom Dela starejšega slovenskega slovstva.
Slavist in duhovnik Jože Gregorič (1908–1989), ki je bil rojen na skrajnem slovenskem jugu, v Delaču v Kostelu, in je tam preživel otroštvo, je večino življenja zapisoval in zbiral gradivo, ki ga je nameraval združiti v narečni slovar svojega rojstnega kraja in bližnje okolice. Začel ga je tudi že urejati, končno obliko pa so slovarju dali uredniki. Kostelski slovar predstavlja besedje in pomene s ponazarjalnimi primeri iz dela kostelskega narečja večinoma po stanju v prvi polovici 20. stoletja, torej še preden je v to narečje zarezala najprej republiška in nazadnje najmočneje državna meja. Besedje je v slovar zajeto kar se da široko, od etnografizmov do lastnih imen i...
Besedna zveza »kolektivna identiteta« označuje obliko družbene identitete, ki obsega kognitivno, moralno in emocionalno povezavo z drugimi. Dejstvo, da je medsebojno povezovanje ljudi na osnovi skupnih značilnosti ena od osnovnih človeških lastnosti, upravičuje porabo tega sicer modernega koncepta za raziskovanje starejših obdobij. Temu se v svojih raziskavah posveča triindvajset uveljavljenih raziskovalk in raziskovalcev iz Slovenije ter zamejstva, ki so za monografijo prispevali svoje razprave. Avtorice in avtorji so v svojih prispevkih obdelali široko plejado tematik, povezanih z nastajanjem, razvijanjem in spreminjanjem kolektivnih identitet na približno tisočletni premici zgodovine dolgega trajanja, segajoči od zgodnjega srednjega veka do druge polovice 20. stoletja. V središču zanimanja raziskav so Slovenci in njihov prostor, monografija pa slovenske teme postavlja tudi v širši okvir. Razprave so po hibridnem kronološko-tematskem ključu razdeljene na šest sklopov, in sicer: Srednji vek, Zgodnji novi vek, Krščanstvo in narodotvornost, Razvoj narodnega gibanja, Ljudska kultura in umetnost ter Polpreteklost in sodobnost.