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Judul : Ekonomi Makro Islam : Teori & Studi Kasus Penulis : Dr. Abdul Aziz, M. Ag. Ukuran : 15,5 x 23 cm Tebal : 124 Halaman Cover : Soft Cover No. ISBN : 978-623-162-664-6 SINOPSIS Awal mula pemikiran Ekonomi Islam diawali sejak masa Nabi Muhammad SAW diutus menjadi seorang Rasul. Beberapa kebijakan yang dikeluarkan di masa Rasulullah selain masalah hukum (fiqih) dan politik (siyasah), kebijakan dalam hal perniagaan atau ekonomi (muamalah) juga diatur di antara kebijakan yang dikeluarkan. Rasulullah SAW menjadikan masalah ekonomi sebagai suatu hal yang harus diberikan perhatian yang lebih. Oleh karena perekonomian adalah pilar penyangga keimanan yang harus diperhatikan. Kebijakan yang telah...
Grammar Anthology is a collection of students’ essays as the outcome of Grammar in Discourse course taught in 5 classes. This writing project is assigned to provide opportunity for students to practice composing academic writing while applying theories of Grammar in Discourse . Moreover, as designed in the Outcome- Based Curriculum, this anthology can be a media for the students to express their opinions and map ideas based on contemporary facts they found in everyday life contexts. As we are reading and editing the anthology, we cannot help but be profoundly impressed by the perspectives our students have brought up in their writings. In this book, you would see how English grammatical un...
Grammar Stories is a report of the students’ outcome of English Sentence Structure taught in 5 classes. This writing project is developed for our students to have an opportunity to reflect their learning -not only their specific knowledge through our grammar courses, but also what curriculum 4.0 promotes -and express their thoughts through their writing of given themes.
Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata memiliki inisiatif untuk mengumpulkan tulisan dari siswa maupun mahasiswa dari berbagai sekolah/kampus di seluruh Indonesia. Surat-surat ini menyuarakan harapan dan isi hati dari siswa-siswi SMA/SMK sederajat, serta mahasiswa-mahasiswi dari berbagai universitas yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Hari Pendidikan Nasional yang menjadi inspirasi atas ide kegiatan “600 Surat untuk Indonesia” menunjukkan adanya kesadaran yang penuh atas setiap individu sebagai cendekiawan yang memiliki kewajiban untuk peduli dan terlibat dalam menghasilkan solusi bagi bangsa. Rasa kagum dan penuh kebanggaan juga saya sampaikan kepada ...
This book presents selected articles from the 4th International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering 2021, held in Malaysia. Written by leading researchers and industry professionals, the papers highlight recent advances and addresses current issues in the fields of civil engineering and architecture.
This book is the proceedings of the 4th International Colloquium on Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies (ICIIS), which was held in conjunction with the 1st International Conference on Education, Science, Technology, Indonesian, and Islamic Studies (ICESTIIS) in Jambi, Indonesia, on 20-21 October 2021, using blended platforms, in person and online. The Graduate School of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin, Jambi jointly organized the conference. This conference brought together academic researchers, business professionals, and graduate students to share their experiences and research findings on a wide variety of topics related to interdisciplinary Islamic studies. The proceedings are comprised of 52 high-quality papers chosen from more than 250 submissions. Islam and medicine, Islamic education, Islamic studies, psychology, the Qur'an and Hadith, and science and technology are the six issues covered in the papers. This publication is made possible by the committed steering and organizing committees who oversaw and organized the conference, as well as the reviewers for their academic contributions and commitment to assessing papers.
Antologi cerpen ini sangat menarik dan mudah dimengerti oleh pembaca, didalamnya berisi tentang kumpulan cerpen yang telah dibuat siswa SMP Negeri 4 Malang. Dengan berbagai keunggulannya, kami berharap antologi cerpen ini dapat bermanfaat dan berkontribusi lebih maksimal untuk menambah khazanah literasi anak-anak bertema petualangan. Karya ini merupakan sekian langkah kecil sekaligus upaya pengabdian literasi kami. Semoga Allah SWT mencatatnya sebagai bagian amal saleh yang ikhlas. Hanya kepada Allah kami bergantung dan Dialah sebaik-baik Zat untuk dimintai pertolongan.
Economics and Development Studies synthesises existing development economics literature, much of it very contemporary, in order to identify the salient issues and controversies and to make them accessible and understandable.