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Supernatural beings from Slovenian myth and folktales
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 286

Supernatural beings from Slovenian myth and folktales

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2012-01-01
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  • Publisher: Založba ZRC

Focusing on Slovenian mythology the book contains a review of Slovenian mythological, historical, and narrative material. Over 150 supernatural beings are presented, both lexically and according to the role that they have in Slovenian folklore. They are classified by type, characteristic, features, and by the message conveyed in their motifs and contents. The material has been analysed in the context of European and some non-European mythological concepts, and the author deals with theory and interpretations as well as the conclusions of domestic and foreign researchers. The book forms new starting points and a classification of supernatural beings within a frame of a number of sources, some of which have been published for the first time in this book.

Baba Yaga
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 374

Baba Yaga

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2004
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  • Publisher: Peter Lang

Baba Yaga is a well-known witch from the folklore tradition of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. A fascinating and colorful character, she resembles witches of other traditions but is in many ways unique. Living in the forest in a hut that stands and moves on chicken legs, she travels in a mortar with a pestle and sweeps away her tracks with a broom. In some tales she tries to harm the protagonist, while in others she is helpful. This book investigates the image and ambiguity of Baba Yaga in detail and considers the meanings she has for East Slavic culture. Providing a broad survey of folktales and other sources, it is the most thorough study of Baba Yaga yet published and will be of interest to students of anthropology, comparative literature, folklore, and Slavic and East European studies.

Waltzing Through Europe: Attitudes towards Couple Dances in the Long Nineteenth-Century
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 294

Waltzing Through Europe: Attitudes towards Couple Dances in the Long Nineteenth-Century

From ‘folk devils’ to ballroom dancers, Waltzing Through Europe explores the changing reception of fashionable couple dances in Europe from the eighteenth century onwards. A refreshing intervention in dance studies, this book brings together elements of historiography, cultural memory, folklore, and dance across comparatively narrow but markedly heterogeneous localities. Rooted in investigations of often newly discovered primary sources, the essays afford many opportunities to compare sociocultural and political reactions to the arrival and practice of popular rotating couple dances, such as the Waltz and the Polka. Leading contributors provide a transnational and affective lens onto str...

Text & Reality
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 238

Text & Reality

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2005-01-01
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  • Publisher: Založba ZRC

Delo odpira nekatere temeljne dileme razmerja med resničnostjo in njenim ubesedovanjem. Osvetlili so jih strokovnjaki različnih disciplin, ki jih povezuje temeljno semiotično stališče o tekstu kot kompleksnem znaku, katerega funkciji sta reprezentiranje resničnosti in pragmatično umeščanje govorečega/spoznavajočega subjekta v to resničnost.

Slovenian Historiography in Foreign Languages, Published from 1918–1993
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 134

Slovenian Historiography in Foreign Languages, Published from 1918–1993

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1995-01-01
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  • Publisher: Založba ZRC

Delo je bibliografski pregled slovenske zgodovinopisne publicistike objavljene v tujih jezikih v obdobju od leta 1918 do vključno leta 1993. Objavljeno je bilo ob priložnosti 18. mednarodnega kongresa zgodovinskih ved, ki je bil leta 1995 v Montrealu. Bibliografija je razdeljena na štiri dele. Prvi, splošni del, se nanaša na objave zgodovinskih virov in zgodovinsko vedo kot tako; drugi del prikazuje objave po zgodovinskih obdobjih; v tretjem delu je bibliografija razvrščena po predmetih oz. temah; četrti del prinaša bibliografijo o Slovencih v sosednjih deželah in v emigraciji. Bibliografija ima na koncu tudi imensko kazalo avtorjev, ki pripomore k večji preglednosti in uporabnosti.

Fieldwork and Footnotes
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 276

Fieldwork and Footnotes

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013-04-15
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  • Publisher: Routledge

This book brings together 14 studies of the history of European anthropology from the 17th century onwards, each of which have great relevance for current debates within the discipline.

The Magical and Sacred Medical World
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 542

The Magical and Sacred Medical World

This collection of papers explores the sacred and magical aspects of ethno-medicine. The subject area is marked out by the points of connection between religious anthropology, ethno-medicine and medical anthropology, focusing on topics such as magical and religious concepts of health and disease, causes of disease, religious and magical averting and healing rites, healing gods, saints and, last but not least, the role that these play in the society, religion, mentality and everyday life of a community, as well as their various representations in folklore, literature or art. This volume includes, without restrictions of a methodological, temporal or geographical nature, works from the fields of folklore studies, anthropology, cultural history, comparative historical and textual philology, as well as research findings using the latest methods of analysis in textual folklore or based on archival research or fieldwork in or outside of Europe. This book will appeal to researchers and students of religion, folklore, and medical anthropology, as well as general readers interested in the humanities and cultural history.

Čar izročila
  • Language: sl
  • Pages: 488

Čar izročila

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2008-01-01
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  • Publisher: Založba ZRC

Monografija je posvečena opusu akademika dr. Nika Kureta, ki je bil v slovenski etnologiji in folkloristiki druge polovice 20. stoletja ena osrednjih osebnosti in raziskovalec, brez katerega bi bile etnološke in folkloristične raziskave osiromašene za marsikatero dognanje. V knjigi se prepletajo tri ravni ali trije pogledi: najprej gre za osebno – značajsko in biografsko raven, nato za njene poti v primežu časov, krajev, političnih, nazorskih oz. družbenih in zgodovinskih razmer, in naposled za presojo Kuretove znanstvene in strokovne dediščine v okviru razmer, v katerih je bil dejaven, še posebno pa tistih presežkov, ki njegovo izročilo ohranjajo sveže in aktualno v delu njegovih naslednikov. Ti se seveda danes drugače in – zaradi pahljače novih uvidov in spoznanj – tudi kritično ozirajo na njegova, a se hkrati vedno znova spogledujejo z njimi; zrcalijo hkrati prelome in kontinuitete v znanstvenih tradicijah, dialogi med njimi pa so za humanistično znanje še posebej značilni in tudi dragoceni.

Senses and Religion
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 224

Senses and Religion

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2007-01-01
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  • Publisher: Založba ZRC

Knjiga Senses and religion (Čuti in religija) odpira nova vprašanja o razmerju med percepcijo čutov in kulturo, med teološko teorijami in ljudskimi praksami. V petnajstih prispevkih se kažejo različna pojmovanja in dojemanja čutov: nekateri avtorji posvečajo svojo pozornost predvsem petim čutom – vidu, sluhu, tipu, okusu in vonju, drugi pa razpravljajo tudi o doživljanjih, povezanih s temi čuti.