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Recommended by Cosmopolitan, USA Today, Shondaland, & Book Riot “It’s not often that fat women feel such thorough representation of themselves not only in poetry but in any media and not only in the beautiful moments but in the sorrowful ones, ranging throughout life. James does a brilliant job of portraying this and all her themes brilliantly; highly recommended.” —Starred review by Library Journal The raw poems inside Song of My Softening studies the ever-changing relationship with oneself, while also investigating the relationship that the world and nation has with Black queerness. Poems open wide the questioning of how we express both love and pain, and how we view our bodies in society, offering themselves wholly, with sharpness and compassion.
Renowned poet Mary Jo Salter, whose command of verse forms and high intelligence is universally acknowledged, selects the poems for the 2024 edition of The Best American Poetry, “a ‘best’ anthology that really lives up to its title” (Chicago Tribune). The Best American Poetry series has been “one of the mainstays of the poetry publication world” (Academy of American Poets) since 1988. Each volume presents a curated selection of the year’s most brilliant, striking, and innovative poems, with comments from the poets themselves offering unique insight into their work. Here, guest editor Mary Jo Salter, whose own poems display a sublime wit “driven by a compulsion to confront the inexplicable” (James Longenbach), has picked seventy-five poems that capture the dynamism of American poetry today. The series and guest editors contribute valuable introductory essays that assess the current state of American poetry, and this year’s edition is certain to capture the attention of both Best American Poetry loyalists and newcomers to the most important poetry anthology of our time.
Nova Iorque está a escapar por entre os dedos de Cleo, que fugiu de Inglaterra em busca do seu lugar na cidade que nunca dorme. Apesar de andar de festa em festa todas as noites, quase não conhece ninguém. O seu visto de estudante está a terminar quando conhece Frank, vinte anos mais velho, com uma vida cheia de sucesso e todos os excessos que faltam a Cleo. Ele oferece-lhe a oportunidade de ser feliz, a liberdade para pintar e a possibilidade de se candidatar a um visto de residente. Ela oferece-lhe uma vida imbuída de beleza, arte e, talvez, uma razão para reduzir o seu consumo de álcool. Ele é tudo o que ela precisa neste momento. Cleo e Frank casam impulsivamente sem prever que i...
Cleopatra en Frankenstein van Coco Mellors is een ijzersterke moderne debuutroman, zowel humoristisch als hartverscheurend en even lichtvoetig als diep ontroerend. Voor de lezers van Rooney Cleopatra en Frankenstein van Coco Mellors is een ijzersterk debuut, zowel humoristisch als hartverscheurend en even lichtvoetig als diep ontroerend. Cleopatra en Frankenstein van Coco Mellors is voor de lezers van Normale mensen van Sally Rooney. New York blijkt moeilijk te veroveren voor de vierentwintigjarige kunstschilder Cleo. Ze is weliswaar op bijna ieder feestje te vinden, maar eigenlijk kent ze nauwelijks iemand. Haar visum verloopt bijna en ze heeft geen geld voor sigaretten. Maar dan ontmoet ze...
It is now widely recognized that individual-based motivational interventions alone are not sufficient to address the global pandemic of physical inactivity (lack of exercise and too much sitting time). There has been a growing interest in the effect the physically built environment can have on people’s active behaviors. The fundamental assumption is that surrounding physical environments can support active behaviors among a large number of people with long-term effects. This topic has received much attention over the last decade, mainly in the three fields of urban design, public health, and transportation. This Special Issue aims to provide multidisciplinary and evidence-based state-of-the-art research on how the locations where people live impact their active behaviors and health outcomes.
Ein Silvesterabend in New York: Cleo, Mitte zwanzig, britische Kunststudentin, Bohémienne a.k.a. ewig pleite, trifft Frank, Mitte vierzig, Amerikaner, Inhaber einer Werbeagentur und ungleich gesettleter, im Aufzug einer Partylocation. Es ist die vielbeschworene Liebe auf den ersten Blick. Hals über Kopf stürzen Cleo und Frank sich in eine amour fou, mit der sie selbst kaum Schritt halten können - geschweige denn die, die ihnen nahestehen. Eine absolut süchtig machende New-York-Romanze, herzzerreißend und beglückend zugleich - und ein ungewöhnlich reifer Debütroman. Mit Coco Mellors lernen wir eine unverwechselbare neue literarische Stimme kennen, von der noch viel zu hören sein wird.
Nueva York se está escapando del alcance de Cleo. Sí, se pasa más de una noche a la semana en distintas fiestas, pero no conoce a nadie. Su visado de estudiante está a punto de expirar, y ni siquiera tiene dinero para comprar tabaco. Pero entonces conoce a Frank. Veinte años mayor que ella, la vida de Frank está llena del éxito y los excesos de los que la vida de Cleo carece. Él le ofrece la posibilidad de ser feliz, la libertad para pintar y la oportunidad de pedir un permiso de residencia. Ella le ofrece una vida repleta de belleza y arte y, con un poco de suerte, una razón para beber menos. Son todo lo que el otro necesita ahora mismo. Cleo y Frank se lanzan de cabeza a una relac...
Cleo, uma pintora inglesa de vinte e quatro anos, ainda está tentando encontrar o seu lugar na intensa Nova York, quando, alguns meses antes de seu visto de estudante vencer, conhece Frank. Vinte anos mais velho, o publicitário Frank tem uma vida repleta de todos os excessos que faltam à de Cleo. Ele oferece a ela a chance de ser feliz, a liberdade para pintar e a oportunidade de conquistar um visto permanente. Ela proporciona a Frank uma vida regada à beleza e à arte – e a esperança de ser uma razão para que ele coloque fim às bebedeiras. Mas o casamento por impulso muda a vida deles de forma irreversível, assim como a daqueles que estão próximos a eles, de uma maneira absolutamente imprevisível. Cada capítulo explora a vida de Cleo, Frank e de um elenco inesquecível de amigos e familiares mais próximos enquanto eles crescem e amadurecem. Cleópatra e Frankenstein é um romance de estreia surpreendente e dolorosamente factível sobre as decisões espontâneas que moldam toda a nossa vida e aqueles relacionamentos imperfeitos nascidos em noites tão perfeitas quanto inesperadas.