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Insights about how gender and technology interact at work framed from an ethical-political standpoint, aimed at achieving design justice.
'Participatory Practice in Space, Place, and Service Design' is premised on a belief in the importance of participatory practices in finding creative solutions to the plethora of problems we face today. It argues that engaging professions with the public in mutual exploration, analysis, and creative thinking is essential. It not only ensures better quality products, places, services, and a greater sense of civic agency but also facilitates fuller access to them and the life opportunities they can unleash. This book offers a uniquely varied perspective of the myriad ways in which participatory practices operate across disciplines and how they impact the worlds and communities we create and in...
This book provides accessible, comprehensive guidance on service design and enables practitioners approaching the discipline for the first time to develop the strategic mindset needed to exploit its innovation potential. The opening chapters trace the origins of service design and examine its links with service innovation, as well as its strategic role in service organizations. It then offers step-by-step guidance on tackling a service design project, explaining the main design elements and indications of various useful design tools. It also introduces the topic of evaluation as a support practice in designing or redesigning better services, and providing evidence concerning the value of ser...
Reclaiming Participatory Governance offers empirical and theoretical perspectives on how the relationship between social movements and state institutions is emerging and developing through new modes of participatory governance. One of the most interesting political developments of the past decade has been the adoption by social movements of strategies seeking to change political institutions through participatory governance. These strategies have flourished in a variety of contexts, from anti-austerity and pro-social justice protests in Spain, to movements demanding climate transition and race equality in the UK and the USA, to constitutional reforms in Belgium and Iceland. The chief ambitio...
Digital sovereignty has become a hotly debated concept. The current convergence of multiple crises adds fuel to this debate, as it contextualizes the concept in a foundational discussion of democratic principles, civil rights, and national identities: is (technological) self-determination an option for every individual to cope with the digital sphere effectively? Can disruptive events provide chances to rethink our ideas of society - including the design of the objects and processes which constitute our techno-social realities? The positions assembled in this volume analyze opportunities for participation and policy-making, and describe alternative technological practices before and after the pandemic.
As the European Union undergoes a major, self-proclaimed democratic exercise the Conference on the Future of Europe and approaches Treaty change, this volume offers a new model of citizen participation to address Europe's long-standing democracy challenge, and respond to the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Proposed are a set of democratic innovations, ranging from citizens assemblies to regulatory gaming to citizens initiatives and lobbying, which are complementary, not antagonistic, to existing representative democracy across the European continent. These innovations are emerging bottom-up across the continent and getting traction at local, national and EU level in a new era powered by ...
Through practices of collaborative imagination and making, or "doing design otherwise,” design experiments can contribute to keeping local democracies vibrant. In this counterpoint to the grand narratives of design punditry, Carl DiSalvo presents what he calls “doing design otherwise.” Arguing that democracy requires constant renewal and care, he shows how designers can supply novel contributions to local democracy by drawing together theory and practice, making and reflection. The relentless pursuit of innovation, uncritical embrace of the new and novel, and treatment of all things as design problems, says DiSalvo, can lead to cultural imperialism. In Design as Democratic Inquiry, he ...
Filosofia del diritto. Politica e diritto. Diritto e parola. Diritto e logica. Doveri pragmatici. Doveri sintattici. Norma fondamentale. Regole EIDE. Ius Piblicum. La coscienza infelice.
L’allargamento dei mercati su scala globale ha determinato un mutamento del contesto entro cui la criminalità organizzata opera e ha dato così impulso a nuove forme di illegalità. Come il mercato, anche il crimine diviene quindi “globale”, travalicando i confini del singolo Stato e tendendo a localizzare le attività più “rischiose” in Stati “canaglia” o quanto meno aventi legislazione o apparati giudiziari morbidi o inadeguati. È quanto accaduto con riguardo alla pirateria e al riciclaggio dei relativi proventi. Fenomeno antico e sotto certi aspetti “epico”, la pirateria assume attualmente una dimensione del tutto “nuova”, associando a tecniche di aggressione di n...
La scuola italiana oggi è in stallo. In una società sempre più dura nei confronti di chi ha meno mezzi e dunque sempre più destinata alla disuguaglianza, la scuola non riesce più a svolgere il suo compito educativo. Per chi è nato in un quartiere che somiglia a un ghetto o in un territorio isolato e degradato, pensare con libertà al proprio futuro è difficile. E il sistema di formazione è ancora fermo a un modello rigido, che ostacola la mobilità sociale e impedisce la crescita culturale ed economica del nostro Paese, dividendo in modo classista il Nord dal Sud e dalle isole. Crescere nella fragilità sociale significa avere meno opportunità di coltivare sogni e desideri. La sfida...