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This essential book provides conceptual explorations of what to cover when teaching international organizations, and the best practices for teaching about them. Together with a group of expert contributors, Kent J. Kille addresses key topics, debates, frameworks, perspectives and a range of instructional approaches to incorporate when teaching in the field.
Korea 2012: Politics, Economy and Society contains concise overview articles covering domestic developments and the economy in both South and North Korea as well as inter-Korean relations and foreign relations of the two Koreas in 2011. A detailed chronology complements these articles.
This book provides an innovative theoretical framework for studying and comparing autocratic rule across the globe.
North Korea is not easily accessible, but boasts some of the most beautiful scenery in the Korean Peninsula, and arguably in East Asia. Travel to and in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is tightly controlled, while political, economic, social and cultural life is played out in terms of a not readily understood philosophy, known as juche. The country maintains a watchful and often defiant relationship with the rest of the world and insists on following its own standards and norms at all times. Nonetheless, North Korea is slowly adjusting to the great changes that have taken place since the collapse of the Soviet Union. One important expression of this softening of attitudes is its ...
Korea 2012: Politics, Economy and Society contains concise overview articles covering domestic developments and the economy in both South and North Korea as well as inter-Korean relations and foreign relations of the two Koreas in 2011. Additional papers deal with topics such as South Korea’s foreign trade drive, the death of Kim Jong Il, South Korea as a middle power, the portrayal of North Koreans in ROK cinema, graphic novel representations of food issues in post-famine North Korea, and North Korean views of foreigners. A detailed chronology complements the articles.
Civil Society in the Middle East analyzes the impact of repression on civil society activism in the Middle East through analyzing the cases of Egypt and Jordan. Sika argues that authoritarian regimes' repressive strategies toward civil society actors vary depending on recent historical experience with regime breakdown and/or continuity. Authoritarian regimes that go through breakdown and that transition from one autocratic rule to another increase repression against all civil society actors in an effort to pre-empt large-scale mobilization. This instils fear into civil society actors, who as a result either disengage from civic and political activism or turn to different forms of participati...
Die Arbeitswelten in Japan bilden ein weites und zugleich differenziertes Feld, das nicht nur aus einer Perspektive und Disziplin erschlossen werden sollte. Heute gibt es wohl kaum einen Bereich der japanischen Gesellschaft, über den so viele abenteuerliche, verklärte und häufig überzogene Ansichten, falsche Dokumentationen und populärwissenschaftliche Schlussfolgerungen im Umlauf sind, wie über das Phänomen Arbeit in Japan. Ausgangspunkt für den vorliegenden Band 18 der Reihe „Japanstudien" des Deutschen Instituts für Japanstudien war daher ein weites Begriffsverständnis von Arbeit, das sowohl Erwerbsarbeit als auch die Vielfalt unentgeltlicher Arbeitsformen einschließt. Kreative und künstlerische Ausdrucksformen von Arbeit zählten bewusst zum Themenkomplex „Japanische Arbeitswelten". Das Anliegen dieses Bandes war es, die Entwicklung und die Veränderung von Arbeitswelten in Japan aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven und Disziplinen heraus zu untersuchen.
This study presents comparative analyses of the process of party governance, from formation and duration to performance. It compares both the developments in the Eastern and Western part of Europe and uses different types of methods and data are used for comparative analysis.
Korea 2013: Politics, Economy and Society contains concise overview articles covering domestic developments and the economy in both South and North Korea as well as inter-Korean relations and foreign relations of the two Koreas in 2012. Additional papers deal with topics such as the promotion of the South Korea-EU trade agreement, the globalisation debate in South Korean higher education, the ideational foundations of the South Korean Unification Church, environmental policy in North Korea, the role of multilateralism in North Korea's foreign policy, and US television portrayal of North Korea. A detailed chronology complements the articles.
In Latin America, Scandinavian housing experts explained that "housing is too important a commodity to be subjected to the same general market conditions as other goods", but the Americans ridiculed such a stance. The Cold War was fought with bricks and mortar, not just small, hot wars in poor places and the threat of nuclear Armageddon. Privatisation began in Malaysia in the 1940s; in West Germany, Taiwan, Burma and South Korea in the 1950s; India in 1964; Jordan in 1965; Brazil in 1966; Guatemala and Nigeria in 1967; and the Philippines (again) in 1968. In the 1960s, the US granted loans to expand the private housing sectors in Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. They began housing projects in Rhodesia, Zambia and Mali. They moved into Senegal in 1972, Botswana in 1973, Tanzania in 1974 and Kenya in 1975 - all the while spreading the American dream.