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Via a hermeneutics focused on Chinese numerology and concentric arrangements, this book offers a novel construal of the textual universe proper to early China writings. The author lays bare distinguishable patterns of textual composition while relating them to corresponding patterns of thinking. He differentiates rhetorical variants through detailed studies of the Zhuangzi’s Inner chapters, the Laozi, the Analects, and the Huainanzi. The philosophical depth and relevance of the Chinese ancient worldview appear in a fresh light when one unearths the patterns into which its content is embedded. The focus on textual patterns and rhetorical arrangements also facilitates the reading of Chinese classics alongside other traditions. The book will be a valuable reference for scholars and graduate students studying Chinese literary criticism, Chinese philosophy, and comparative philosophy.
"Although Charles Darwin predicted that his theory 'would give zest to ... metaphysics, ' even he would be astonished at the variety of paths his theory has in fact taken. This holds with regard to both gene-Darwinism, a purified Darwinian approach biologizing the social sciences, and process- Darwinism found in the disciplines of psychology, philosophy of science, and economics. Although Darwinism is often linked to highly confirmed biological theories, some of its interpretations seem to profit from tautological claims as well, where scientific reputation cloaks ideological usage. This book discusses central tenets of Darwinism historically as well as systematically, for example the histor...
Das Neulateinische Jahrbuch (= NlatJb) erscheint seit 1999 und veröffentlicht wissenschaftliche Aufsätze und Miszellen zu neulateinischen Autoren und Themen sowie Editionen neulateinischer Texte. Weitere feste Rubriken sind Rezensionen, Forschungsberichte und Projektbeschreibungen sowie Hinweise auf andere aktuelle Veröffentlichungen und Veranstaltungen zur Latinität der Neuzeit. Zusammen mit den Humanistica Lovaniensia (Leuven) ist das NlatJb die führende Zeitschrift, die sich exklusiv dem Bereich der neulateinischen Studien widmet. Das NlatJb erfüllt alle Kriterien des ERIH PLUS ( und ist in deren Liste wissenschaftlicher Zeitschriften aufgenommen. Beiträge können in Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Lateinisch, Spanisch abgefasst werden.
Ist das Neue in der Literaturgeschichte tatsächlich notwendig durch die Absetzung von etablierten Gattungstraditionen zu erklären? Bilden normsprengende Neuerungen in der Literatur und die normative Struktur einer literarischen Gattung notwendig Gegensätze? Welche Rolle spielen Referenztexte sowohl in der Konstitution einer literarischen Gattung wie auch ihrer Überwindung? Der vorliegende Band, der aus der Arbeit der Forschungsgruppe 2305 ‚Diskursivierungen von Neuem‘ und einer von ihr veranstalteten Tagung hervorgegangen ist, will herkömmliche lineare Erzählungen der Literaturgeschichtsschreibung in Frage stellen und in exemplarischen Fallstudien zeigen, wie Gattungen durch komple...
A series of letters between a professor of philosophy and an eleven-year-old girl.
Presents the best scholarship on Augustine's Confessions which will facilitate a better understanding of this masterpiece.
Known as "the Theologian", St Gregory of Nazianzus (in the eastern part of Turkey) is, with St Basil and St Gregory of Nyssa, one of the celebrated Cappadocian Fathers of the fourth-century Christian Church. Highly educated in both Christian theology and classical Greek literature, he found himself torn between a solitary, contemplative life and the reluctantly accepted, though in actuality relished, public figure of bishop, vigorous in defence of orthodoxy against the attacks of the Arians. He was even, briefly, Bishop of Constantinople and chairman of the Council in 381 which produced what we now know as the Nicene Creed. This edition of his poems brings together his theological acumen in a formative period and shows his ability to operate in the genre of didactic verse going back to the eighth century BC. The poems cover a range of topics, from the strictly theological to others dealing more broadly with the creation of the world, providence, the world of spiritual beings, and the human soul. They give a unique new insight both on the theological ideas of the period and on the uneasy emergence of Christian culture from the pagan past.
The authors examine the relationship between social science and philosophy and ask what sort of work social science and an accompanying philosophy should do. They reintroduce the question of ontology, through the work of Roy Bhaskar. The book argues against philosophising and is committed to a philosophical approach grounded in the social sciences.
A readily accessible text and translation for scholars and students of Paul, ancient Christian history, and biblical reception. In this new volume in the Writings from the Greco-Roman World series, Margaret M. Mitchell collects twenty-five of John Chrysostom's lesser-known sermons on Pauline passages as well as some that focus on Paul himself. Mitchell presents the Greek text and an original translation of each of these fascinating sermons in a fresh, engaging style that seeks to recapture the vibrancy and dynamism of the live oratory behind the homilies. Extensive notes to each homily evaluate how Chrysostom dealt with some of the ethical, theological, historical, political, and literary problems present in Paul's writings. Mitchell's work on Chrysostom offers a model for scholars to explore and understand how ancient Christian interpreters found in Paul’s letters a legacy that was as problematic as it was precious.