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""A satirist in the tradition of Mark Twain and H.L. Mencken, John Leo has been long entertaining his readers by pillorying the worst excesses of the Political Correctness movement while lifting high the standard of common sense. This collection of editorials is Leo at his best-bitingly funny and with a keen moral edge." -Relgion and Liberty"
Explores the higher educational journeys of students of immigrant origin, providing policy, practice, and research implications.
This handbook unifies access and opportunity, two key concepts of sociology of education, throughout its 25 chapters. It explores today’s populations rarely noticed, such as undocumented students, first generation college students, and LGBTQs; and emphasizing the intersectionality of gender, race, ethnicity and social class. Sociologists often center their work on the sources and consequences of inequality. This handbook, while reviewing many of these explanations, takes a different approach, concentrating instead on what needs to be accomplished to reduce inequality. A special section is devoted to new methodological work for studying social systems, including network analyses and school ...
The institutional history of Ginling College is arguably a family history. Ginling, a Christian, women's college in Nanjing founded by Western missionaries, saw itself as a family. The school's leaders built on the Confucian ideal to envision a feminized, Christian family—one that would spread Christianity and uplift the family that was the Chinese nation. Exploring the various incarnations of the trope of the "Ginling family," Jin Feng takes a microscopic view by emphasizing personal, subjective perspectives from the written and oral records of the Chinese and American women who created and sustained the school. Even when using more seemingly ordinary official documents, Feng seeks to shed light on the motives and dynamic interactions that created them and the impact they had on individual lives. Using this perspective, Feng questions the standard characterization of missionary higher education as simply Western cultural imperialism to show a process of influence and cultural exchange.
En Quirke ha viscut massa temps entre els morts. Últimament, ha patit al·lucinacions i pèrdues de coneixement. La causa sembla ser una antiga ferida d’un cop brutal i, segons el metge, tan sols necessita un descans prolongat. Però en Quirke no està preparat per retirar-se. Una nit, durant una onada de calor a Dublín, un cotxe s’estavella contra un arbre i esclata en flames. La policia ho considera un accident o un suïcidi, però en Quirke arriba a una conclusió distinta en examinar el cos. Al mateix temps, la seva filla Phoebe rep la visita d’una coneguda, que està embarassada i tem per la seva vida, però no vol dir per què. Quan la dona desapareix, la Phoebe recorre al seu pare, i en Quirke busca ajuda en el seu amic l’inspector Hackett. En poc de temps es troben enmig d’una cadena perversa de fets, dins d’un món d’ombres, en què un dels personatges més poderosos de la ciutat utilitza la tapadora de la política i la religió per obtenir beneficis obscens.
Una vedova si innamora del vecchio quarterback del suo liceo e scopre di essere discendente dalle streghe. Da un'idea ispirata alla classica canzone di Paul McCartney nasce La fattoria di Junior, il nuovo romanzo della serie Racconti della contea di Sardis! Licenziata da un lavoro in città, Katie Montgomery e la figlia tredicenne Carol Grace si trasferiscono a nella contea Sardis ... nella fattoria che era stata di proprietà del nonno, Arthur ”Junior” Ballantine, con la speranza di crescere sua figlia nella relativa sicurezza dell'America rurale. Alan Blake è un poliziotto. Lascia anche lui la città per andare nella contea di Sardis... ma non per lo stesso motivo. Alan ha arrestato u...
"A satirist in the tradition of Mark Twain and H.L. Mencken, John Leo has been long entertaining his readers by pillorying the worst excesses of the Political Correctness movement while lifting high the standard of common sense. This collection of editorials is Leo at his best-bitingly funny and with a keen moral edge." -Relgion and Liberty
Explore the characters and locations of Kevin Costner’s Western film opus, Horizon: An American Saga Chapters One and Two, through Cale Glendening’s intimate cast portraits and behind-the-scenes photography. Horizon: An American Saga Is Kevin Costner’s beautiful and complex look at the settling of the West, exploring the lure of the frontier and how it was won—and lost—through the blood, sweat and tears of many. Channeling classic Western photography with gorgeous images in both black-and-white and color, photographer Cale Glendening offers a deeper look into each of the characters of Horizon. Shooting each member of the cast between takes on set, these portraits give readers an in...
This heartfelt collection is a testament to sociology’s power to heal people and transform societies. The world is a tough place right now. Climate change, income inequality, racist violence, and the erosion of democracy have exposed the vulnerability of our individual and collective futures. But as the sociologists gathered here by Marika Lindholm and Elizabeth Wood show, no matter how helpless we might feel, it’s vital that we discover new paths toward healing and change. The short, accessible, emotionally and intellectually powerful essays in Between Us offer a transformative new way to think about sociology and its ability to fuel personal and social change. These forty-five essays r...