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This e-book delves into creative methods for teaching Speaking and writing as productive skills in English as a foreign language classroom. The writing lessons consist of three chapters: “What Does the Text Really Mean to Me?”: Using a Making Connection Strategy in an Academic Writing and Reading Class; Travel Around the World: Your Stories Are the Windows of the World; and A Short Passage Composition: EFL Writing Activities Utilizing Social Media. Speaking lessons consist of two chapters: Invite Me If You Can! Snake and Ladder-Based Interactive Speaking Activities: Accepting and Declining Invitations and Developing Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) through Creative Speaking (Picture Word Inductive Model and Story Building). Each chapter is systematically organized to facilitate easy and effective comprehension for the readers.
The book Secondary English Goes Online is a practical guidebook for teaching and learning English using various types of text for students in grade XI. The use of text-based teaching instruction integrated with digital learning tools makes this book a good choice for a curriculum that emphasizes types of text to achieve particular communicative purposes. This volume consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 is about personal letter texts for talking about oneself, and the title is "Dear Sam,” Chapter 2 discusses a procedure text (i.e., manual), and the title of the chapter is "How do I do it?” Chapter 3 is about a narrative text (i.e., legend), and the title is "A long time ago." Chapter 4 is about a recount text titled "It was a great time in my life!" Lastly, Chapter 5 is a hortatory exposition text entitled "IMO, we should! Each book chapter consists of Building Knowledge of the Field, Modelling of the Text, Joint Construction of the Text, Independent Construction of the Text, Linking to Related Text, and Enrichment activities.
This e-book delves into creative methods for teaching Listening and Reading as receptive skills in English as a foreign language classroom. The listening lessons consist of three chapters: PPP for Integrating Listening-Speaking-Writing; Sit Back, Relax, and Listen Well: Music-Based Listening Activities and Listen Up! Using Top-Down and Bottom-Up Processes to Enhance Listening Skills through Podcasts. Reading lessons consist of three chapters: Multimodal Approaches for Teaching Reading through Digital EFL Reading Tasks and Boosting Reading Skills; Nearpod: Levelling-Up Students’ Vocabulary Collection and Reading Comprehension Skills; and using the 3-2-1 Strategy for Effective Teaching. Each chapter is systematically organized to facilitate easy and effective comprehension for the readers.
The Unexpected Show is a story about an anniversary celebration that went wrong. Through the story, the children will learn to be aware of dangers at the public places. The story also introduces emergency simulation to the children.
Dalam buku ini penulis ingin menunjukkan korelasi teologi sukacita dalam mewujudkan masyarakat yang semakin bermartabat. Untuk memperjuangkan masyarakat yang bermartabat dapat dimulai dari masing-masing diri kita sendiri, yakni bila kita telah memiliki kemerdekaan hati yang tampak melalui sukacita hidup kita. Tiga tokoh disampaikan sebagai teladan orang yang hatinya telah merdeka dan menampakkan sukacita hidup, yakni Paus Fransiskus, Kardinal Joseph Bernardin, dan Gus Dur. Kita dapat hidup seperti mereka. Sekarang ini, menghidupi sukacita menjadi aspek penting untuk melintasi masa pandemi covid-19. Dari proses berteologi yang dipaparkan dalam tulisan ini, diharapkan para pembaca dapat memili...
Book SKILL is designed to those who want to improve their skills of English. It explains the use of English grammars from basic to intermediate level based on their categories. Repetitive vocabularies in varying exercises make students remember and understand the way how to use them in sentences easily. It is also completed with test reviews with random exercises to test students' abilities of English grammars.
God is Love. To believe in this God of unconditional Love is a lived experience in each person and in each generation everywhere on the globe and all different cultures and historical periods. In the beginning of the nineteenth century we notice in the south of the Netherlands a strong movement to renew and to actualise the Catholic faith in the concrete circumstances of poverty and political neglect. In this way the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity Daughters of Mary and Joseph was founded on 7 July 1820 in ’s Hertogenbosch. Similar to several other congregations in the same period St Vincent de Paul was their principal source of inspiration, determined their charism and remained at ...
A Picnic with Donna is a story about a foam fire truck who was visiting an old friend. Through the story, the children will learn to find a solution when something doesn’t go as planned. The story also introduces the different use of foam and water in extinguishing fire to the children.
The book Secondary English Goes Online is a practical guidebook for teaching and learning English using various types of text for students in grade XII. The use of text-based teaching instruction integrated with digital learning tools makes this book a good choice for a curriculum that emphasizes types of text to achieve particular communicative purposes. This volume consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 discusses advertisements, titled “I’m lovin’ it! Just do it! Chapter 2 discusses a procedure text (i.e., manual), and the chapter title is "This is how you do it” Chapter 3 is an analytical exposition titled "Should I or Shouldn’t I." Chapter 4 is about a cause and effect text titled "So, it happens." Lastly, Chapter 5 is a narrative text entitled "Wingardium Leviosa! Each book chapter consists of Building Knowledge of the Field, Modelling of the Text, Joint Construction of the Text, Independent Construction of the Text, Linking to Related Text, and Enrichment activities.
Grammar: Adjective Patterns ini merupakan buku ajar tata bahasa Inggris yang berfokus pada struktur-struktur kalimat bahasa Inggris yang melibatkan penggunaan kata sifat (adjective) yang berfungsi untuk memberikan deskripsi mengenai kata benda (noun). Karena buku ajar ini memiliki hanya satu topik tata bahasa yang dikupas secara tuntas, pemelajar diharapkan dapat memahami topik ini dengan lebih baik. Buku ajar ini terdiri atas lima bab, yaitu Basic Adjective Patterns, Hyphenated Modifiers, Adjective Phrases, Relative Clause, dan Adjectives and Prepositions. Masing-masing bab berisi penjelasan yang perinci dan disertai dengan soal-soal pelatihan yang lengkap.