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In Art in the Pre-Hispanic Southwest: An Archaeology of Native American Cultures, Radosław Palonka reconstructs the development of pre-Hispanic Native American cultures and tribes in the American Southwest and Mexican Northwest. Palonka also examines the wider context through the lenses of settlement studies and social transformation, while paying close attention to the material manifestations of pre-Hispanic beliefs, including intricately decorated ceramics and rock art iconography in paintings and petroglyphs.
This work applies generational mapping to the Ancestral Pueblo, using 15-year intervals. Distinct phases, found in other cultures, will be tested as to their applicability. They include: 1) "Invisible" Beginnings; 2) Establishment; 3) Novel Consolidation and Opening Up; 4) Crisis & Creativity; 5) Empire and Inclusion; and 6) Renewal or Rigidification? These findings will help the reader grasp the temporal flow of the Indigenous Southwest, which might otherwise be piecemeal and lack clarity. In addition to a useful mapping of time, the author brings an archetypal awareness to the patterns used in imagery and shows how it resonates with historical phases. We invite you to take a temporal journey into Pueblo times, to follow the evolution of their culture and cosmology, and to gain a sense of our solidarity with Indigenous peoples.
In Correlative Archaeology, Fumi Arakawa applies correlative thinking practices, which are derived from an East Asian view of the world that stresses connectivity, to archaeological interpretations. Arakawa, a Japanese scholar who was trained in Western archaeology, argues that a correlative paradigm can help archaeologists, as well as scholars and researchers from other disciplines, consider competing paradigms and integrate Native American voices and narratives into interpretations of prehistoric art and landscapes.
This is a story of a young lad who chose college far away from his small home town of Washington, NJ. He worked in the oil industry for 16 years in Saudi Arabia, 4 years in London, England, and 3 years in Stavanger, Norway. 23 years of exposure to the world’s diverse cultures and peoples gave him an unwavering respect and admiration for all citizens of the world. This book is a recollection of the events, thoughts, and experiences of Boehm’s transformative travels abroad. It contains stories of classical piano lessons, learning to fly a small single engine aircraft, and meeting with his distant relative, the world famous movie actress Ingrid Bergman. This memoir honors the remarkable life of a man full of adventure and travel all over the world.
Vor einigen Jahren erlebte ich, wie ein Führer bei einer Höhlenbegehung das installierte Licht ausmachte: um zu verdeutlichen, wie dunkel es dort vor Ort eigentlich ist – nur einfache Fackeln brachten etwas flackernden Schein, als die beeindruckenden Zeichnungen an den Wänden dort entstanden. Immer mehr solche frühen Kunstwerke kommen ans Licht, in allen Teilen der Erde – offenbar war der Wunsch, ein Abbild der realen oder auch der spirituellen Welt zu schaffen, tief verankert. Antje Findeklee, Spektrum der Wissenschaft. Aus dem Inhalt: - Felsmalereien im Regenwald - Australiens älteste Kängurus - Ein Kunstwerk von Neandertalern
Umat manusia memiliki sejarah panjang dalam membangun berbagai macam peradaban dan budaya di seluruh dunia hingga sekarang. Perlu proses yang tidak mudah bagi manusia dalam mengembangkan berbagai macam teknologi guna mencapai kehidupan yang makmur serta menciptakan masyarakat yang teratur. Buku ini meringkas tentang kronologi munculnya peradaban-peradaban kuno dari empat benua, yaitu Benua Afrika, Eropa, Asia, dan Amerika. Buku ini dimulai dari bagaimana manusia mulai menyebar ke seluruh penjuru Bumi, memulai cara hidup bercocok tanam, hingga berakhir memasuki Zaman Abad Pertengahan. Melalui metode penanggalan isotope karbon dan studi genetik, ilmu arkeologi modern kini telah banyak mengungkap berbagai pertanyaan tentang asal muasal artefak berbagai macam suku, budaya, dan bahasa di dunia. Kisah tentang bagaimana masyarakat kuno menjinakkan hewan ternak dan tanaman pangan, serta berkembangnya berbagai teknologi termasuk arsitektur dan militer disajikan secara kronologis.
Prólogo / Annick Daneels -- Introducción -- I. El culto al gobernante -- II. Forma y confines el universo -- III. Señores de la llanura -- IV. Señores de la montaña -- V. Epílogo en El Tajín.
The thirteenth century A.D. was a time of many changes and reorganization in the ancient Pueblo world in the Mesa Verde region. Still unresolved are the causes of the migration of Pueblo people from the Mesa Verde region to the south and southeast in the end of the century. The theories most cited and most supported by scientific data include environmental changes, increasing conflict and violence, social changes, and the attraction of a new cult or ideologies from the south. However, it seems that none of these theories can fully explain the total depopulation of the region. One reason often cited for the depopulation of the area is increasing conflict and violence. Evidence of conflict is ...