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Intended to follow the usual introductory physics courses, this book has the unique feature of addressing the mathematical needs of sophomores and juniors in physics, engineering and other related fields. Many original, lucid, and relevant examples from the physical sciences, problems at the ends of chapters, and boxes to emphasize important concepts help guide the student through the material. Beginning with reviews of vector algebra and differential and integral calculus, the book continues with infinite series, vector analysis, complex algebra and analysis, ordinary and partial differential equations. Discussions of numerical analysis, nonlinear dynamics and chaos, and the Dirac delta function provide an introduction to modern topics in mathematical physics. This new edition has been made more user-friendly through organization into convenient, shorter chapters. Also, it includes an entirely new section on Probability and plenty of new material on tensors and integral transforms.
Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics: Proceedings of the International Conference held at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, March 15-21, 1990
This book consists of three expository articles written by outstanding researchers in Mathematical Physics: Rafael Benguria, Peter Hislop, and Elliott Lieb. The articles are based on their lectures at the Fourth Summer School in Analysis and Mathematical Physics, held at the Institute of Mathematics, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Cuernavaca in May 2005. The main goal of the articles is to link the basic knowledge of a graduate student in Mathematics with three current research topics in Mathematical Physics: Isoperimetric inequalities for eigenvalues of the Laplace Operator, Random Schrodinger Operators, and Stability of Matter, respectively. These well written articles will guide and introduce the reader to current research topics and will also provide information on recent progress in some areas of Mathematical Physics.
This volume contains the proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics. The contributions selected for this volume represent some of the most important presentations by scholars from around the world on developments in this area of research. The papers cover topics in the general area of linear and nonlinear differential equations and their relation to mathematical physics, such as multiparticle Schrödinger operators, stability of matter, relativity theory, fluid dynamics, spectral and scattering theory including inverse problems. Titles in this series are co-published with International Press, Cambridge, MA.
Recent years have seen a growing trend to derive models of macroscopic phenomena encountered in the fields of engineering, physics, chemistry, ecology, self-organisation theory and econophysics from various variational or extremum principles. Through the link between the integral extremum of a functional and the local extremum of a function (explicit, for example, in the Pontryagin's maximum principle variational and extremum principles are mutually related. Thus it makes sense to consider them within a common context. The main goal of Variational and Extremum Principles in Macroscopic Systems is to collect various mathematical formulations and examples of physical reasoning that involve bot...
The volume collects papers from talks given at QMath11 - Mathematical Results in Quantum Physics, which was held in Hradec Kralove, September 2010. These papers bring new and interesting results in quantum mechanics and information, quantum field theory, random systems, quantum chaos, as well as in the physics of social systems. Part of the contribution is dedicated to Ari Laptev on the occasion of his 60th birthday, in recognition of his mathematical results and his service to the community. The QMath conference series has played an important role in mathematical physics for more than two decades, typically attracting many of the best results achieved in the last three-year period, and the meeting in Hradec Kralove was no exception.
The goal of this book is to expose the reader to the indispensable role that mathematics plays in modern physics. Starting with the notion of vector spaces, the first half of the book develops topics as diverse as algebras, classical orthogonal polynomials, Fourier analysis, complex analysis, differential and integral equations, operator theory, and multi-dimensional Green's functions. The second half of the book introduces groups, manifolds, Lie groups and their representations, Clifford algebras and their representations, and fibre bundles and their applications to differential geometry and gauge theories. This second edition is a substantial revision with a complete rewriting of many chapters and the addition of new ones, including chapters on algebras, representation of Clifford algebras, fibre bundles, and gauge theories. The spirit of the first edition, namely the balance between rigour and physical application, has been maintained, as is the abundance of historical notes and worked out examples that demonstrate the "unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics" in modern physics.
This book constitutes the proceedings of the QMath 7 Conference on Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics held in Prague, Czech Republic in June, 1998. The volume addresses mathematicians and physicists interested in contemporary quantum physics and associated mathematical questions, presenting new results on Schrödinger and Pauli operators with regular, fractal or random potentials, scattering theory, adiabatic analysis, and interesting new physical systems such as photonic crystals, quantum dots and wires.
The goal of the Entropy and the Quantum schools has been to introduce young researchers to some of the exciting current topics in mathematical physics. These topics often involve analytic techniques that can easily be understood with a dose of physical intuition. In March of 2010, four beautiful lectures were delivered on the campus of the University of Arizona. They included Isoperimetric Inequalities for Eigenvalues of the Laplacian by Rafael Benguria, Universality of Wigner Random Matrices by Laszlo Erdos, Kinetic Theory and the Kac Master Equation by Michael Loss, and Localization in Disordered Media by Gunter Stolz. Additionally, there were talks by other senior scientists and a number of interesting presentations by junior participants. The range of the subjects and the enthusiasm of the young speakers are testimony to the great vitality of this field, and the lecture notes in this volume reflect well the diversity of this school.
This book introduces readers to the living topics of Riemannian Geometry and details the main results known to date. The results are stated without detailed proofs but the main ideas involved are described, affording the reader a sweeping panoramic view of almost the entirety of the field. From the reviews "The book has intrinsic value for a student as well as for an experienced geometer. Additionally, it is really a compendium in Riemannian Geometry." --MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS