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"In the year 1336 AD, two brothers Harihara and Bukka Raya, founded a kingdom on the banks of the Tungabhadra River at a place called Hampi. Over the next 3 centuries, it would grow to become one of the mightiest empires in the world, the Vijayanagara Empire. An empire dazzling in it's achievements, in it's riches, in it's arts. From it's founding, to it's fall after the Battle of Tallikota to the heights it achieved under Sri Krishna Deva Raya, City of Victory aims to recreate the splendor and glory of one of the most magnificent empires ever."--Amazon.
Are you aware that there is a Great Wall of India built by Rana Kumbha at the Fort of Kumbalgarh?Or that Rash Behari Bose was the first to introduce Indian curry into Japan?Or of the Naval Ratings Mutiny that rocked the British empire?India is a nation where history literally lies under your feet, where every rock, nook and corner, has a story to tale.History Under Your Feet aims to look at the history behind some places and persons in India.
The epic tale of a woman who breathes a fantastical empire into existence, only to be consumed by it over the centuries - from the transcendent imagination of Booker Prize-winning, internationally bestselling author Salman Rushdie. In the wake of an insignificant battle between two long-forgotten kingdoms in fourteenth-century southern India, a nine-year-old girl has a divine encounter that will change the course of history. After witnessing the death of her mother, the grief-stricken Pampa Kampana becomes a vessel for the Goddess, who begins to speak out of the girl's mouth. Granting her powers beyond Pampa Kampana's comprehension, the goddess tells her that she will be instrumental in the ...
In 1946, 20,000 non-commissioned sailors of the Royal Indian Navy mutinied. They were inspired by the heroism of the Azad Hind Fauj. But their anger was sparked by terrible service conditions, racism, and broken recruitment promises. In less than 48 hours, 20,000 men took over 78 ships and 21 shore establishments and replaced British flags with the entwined flags of the Congress, the Muslim League, and the communists. The British panicked and announced a Cabinet Mission to discuss modalities of transfer of power. By this time, Indian troops had refused to fire on the ratings, and the mutiny sparked revolts in other branches of the armed forces. The young ratings presented a charter of demand...
Efter att hon bevittnat sin mors död blir den nioåriga Pampa Kampana tagen i besittning av en gudinna som talar genom henne. Gudinnan ger flickan magiska krafter och berättar för henne att hon kommer att spela en central roll för uppkomsten av en mäktig stad vid namn Bisnaga – ”segerstaden”. Pampa Kampana ger med sitt berättande staden liv, och under de kommande seklerna blir hennes öde sammanflätat med Bisnaga, men staden vilar på bräcklig grund. Med "Segerstaden" har Salman Rushdie skapat en episk saga om berättandets magiska kraft och maktens oändliga hybris.
為什麼原油價格牽動所有民生物價?為什麼中東內戰不斷,美國也跟著參戰?在國際銀行的收支與匯兌之下,打得是什麼算盤? 檯面上的「現象」,檯面下的「現實」, 想要掌握全球趨勢,必先看懂這齣「黑金大戲」! 坐擁全球儲備貨幣至高地位的美元, 靠得全是華盛頓與華爾街那一小撮菁英分子推波助瀾! 加上善用地緣政治與標榜軍事優勢兩大支柱, 打趴大英帝國主義、攪動回教革命、防禦中俄勢力, 只要她緊握促升美元價值的「石油美元」這把權力之鑰, 沒有人能挑戰美國貨幣和美國貨幣政策, 任何企圖斬斷石油...
Na sequência de uma batalha menor entre dois reinos do Sul da Índia do século XIV, há muito esquecidos, uma rapariga de nove anos tem um encontro divino que irá alterar o curso da história. Depois de assistir à morte da mãe, Pampa Kampana, torna-se o veículo de uma deusa, que começa a falar pela boca da rapariga. Concedendo-lhe poderes que estão para lá da compreensão de Pampa Kampana, a deusa diz-lhe que ela será determinante no surgimento de uma grande cidade chamada Bisnaga – «a cidade da vitória» –, a maravilha do mundo. Ao longo dos 250 anos subsequentes, a vida de Pampa Kampana virá a estar profundamente interligada à de Bisnaga. Conferindo existência a Bisnaga ...
Hampi is one of the most beautiful and evocative of all historical sites in south India. Austere yet grandiose, it was established as the seat of the Vijayanagara empire in the mid-14th century, a time when art and architecture flourished. Contemporary chroniclers from Persia, Italy, Portugal and Russia visited the empire during this period and left glowing accounts of a city that was conquered by Sultanate troops in AD 1565, pillaged for six months, and abandoned. Hampi Vijayanagara examines the temples renowned for their florid ornamentation, intricate carvings, magnificent pavilions, stately pillars and a wealth of iconographic and traditional depictions. The book also includes site plans and three-dimensional reconstructions.
Booker-palkitun kirjailijan fantastisen lennokas paluu tarunhohtoiseen Intiaan. Voiton kaupunki on maaginen pienoismaailma, eloisa kudelma Intian historiaa ja mytologiaa sekä leikkisää, taiturimaista kuvittelukykyä. 1300-luvun Intiassa pieni tyttö, Pampa Kampana, näkee äitinsä kävelevän liekkeihin. Niin leskinaisten kuului tehdä. Orvosta tytöstä varttuu ihmeidentekijä ja jumalten liittolainen, joka osaa kasvattaa siemenistä kokonaisen kaupungin. Pampa luo kuiskimalla sen asukkaille menneisyyden, mutta oikeutta ja valtaa hän jakaa erityisesti naisille. Huikean 247-vuotisen elämänsä aikana Pampa kylvää ympärilleen iloa ja edistystä, mutta ei voi estää ahneita vallanrii...
*German Booksellers' Peace Prize 2023* « Ciudad Victoria es colosal y profunda, elevada y resplandeciente. Cada página es mágica, cada página es espléndida. Tratándose de una obra de arte significativa, no se parece a ninguna otra novela que pueda nombrar [...]. Un logro mayúsculo de uno de nuestros mejores autores vivos». Michael Cunningham La epopeya de una mujer que infunde vida a un imperio fantástico que acabará por devorarla al cabo de siglos, todo ello gracias a la sobresaliente imaginación de Salman Rushdie, ganador del Booker Prize y autor superventas. A raíz de una insignificante batalla entre dos reinos anclados en el olvido de la India del siglo XIV, una niña de nuev...