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This book contains the proceedings of the First International Conference on law and human rights (ICLHR 2021). Where held on 14rd-15th April 2021 by virtually meeting in GMT+7 (Asia/Jakarta). This conference was held by Universitas Kristen Indonesia with the theme "ASEAN diversities and its principles toward ASEAN (Legal) Integration in Pandemic Era." The papers from this conference were collected in a proceedings book entitled: Proceedings of the First International Conference on law and human rights (ICLHR 2021). The presentation of such a multi-discipline conference will provide a lot of inspiring inputs and new knowledge on current trends in the fields of human rights, criminal law, civi...
Salah satu alasan penulis membuat buku ajar mata kuliah hukum pidana yang mana penulis membatasi tentang korporasi, karena penulis melihat perkembangan kejahatan saat ini telah membawa perubahan dalam hukum pidana di Indonesia. Semula negara kita belum mengakui bahwa korporasi dapat melakukan suatu tindak pidana layaknya manusia, namun dengan banyaknya kasus yang melibatkan korporasi maka sangat dimungkinkan korporasi dapat melakukan tindak pidana di Indonesia. Dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana,sampai sekarang masih menganut system pertanggungjawaban pidana hanya bisa dilakukan kepada orang (naturlijkpersoon), namun kini pengakuan korporasi sebagai subyek hukum pidana dapat kita lihat d...
Hukum Perlindungan Anak sedang mengalami perkembangan dewasa ini. Perkembangan. Itu tidak hanya terjadi pada sisi aturan yang mengaturnya, melainkan juga kian berfungsinya lembaga yang bergerak di bidang perlindungan anak, baik itu lembaga pemerintah mau pun lembaga-lembaga bentukan masyarakat. Perhatian berbagai pihak pada kasus kasus yang melibatkan anak juga semakin besar. Di samping itu kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya perlindungan hakhak anak sebagai generasi penerus juga semakin meningkat. Untuk dapat diselesaikannya berbagai permasalahan hukum tentang anak dan untuk dapat terpenuhinya hak-hak anak diperlukan pemahaman yang memadai akan berbagai aturan tentang anak. Substansi yang ...
Kehadiran ayah dalam pengasuhan sangatlah istimewa. Sentuhan-sentuhannya mampu menjadikan buah hatinya memiliki kepribadian hebat dan istimewa. Namun, paradigma bahwa ayah hanya bertugas mencari nafkah menjadi alasan para ayah tidak melibatkan dirinya dalam pengasuhan. Padahal kerap permasalahan anak muncul karena ketiadaan peran ayah dalam dirinya. Jika, hal ini dibiarkan tanpa ada solusi maka bangsa ini akan mengalami krisis terbesar berupa krisis peran ayah, tentunya hal ini berimbas terhadap generasi bangsa ini. Maka, sikap terbaik yang harus dilakukan oleh para ayah yaitu memperbaiki dan mengoptimalkan peran ayah dalam pengasuhan anak. Seperti apa cara memperbaiki dan mengoptimalkannya? Maka Buku Keistimewaan Peran Ayah dalam Pengasuhan Anak adalah jawabannya.
Treatment and rehabilitation have been central to the development of criminal justice policy, and have played an important role in the development of criminology. In recent years punishment and retribution have attracted more attention than rehabilitation, but there has been a resurgence of interest in treatment and rehabilitation, with indications that some things do 'work', and an emphasis on 'evidence-based' policy making. It is also the belief of many that a penal policy without an adequate treatment strategy is unjust and a denial of human rights. In this book Iain Crow provides an accessible overview of the concepts of treatment and rehabilitation, adopting a deliberately broad definition, and considers the historic
Ted Honderich's "Punishment" is the best-known book on the justifications put forward for state punishment. This enlarged and developed edition brings his writing to a new audience. With new chapters on determinism and responsibility, plus a new conclusion, the book also remains true to its original realism about almost all talk of retribution and proportionality. Honderich investigates all the commonsensical notions of why and when punishment is morally necessary, engaging with the language of public debate by politicians and other public figures. Honderich then puts forward his own argument that punishment is legitimate when it is in accord with the principle of humanity. Written in a clea...
This book represents a unique resource about Stewart Macaulay one of the common law world’s leading scholars of the law of contract and of the law in action approach to the study of law. Since 1959, he has published over 50 articles in leading journals, a number of working papers, (with colleagues at the University of Wisconsin Law School) a pathbreaking casebook for the teaching of the law of contract, and (with other colleagues) equally pathbreaking collections of materials for the teaching of the law in action or law in context approach to the study of law. In this work Macaulay has established himself as one of the postwar world’s leading scholars of the law of contract and of the so...
This is a comprehensive, introductory criminal law textbook that expands upon traditional concepts and cases by coverage of the most contemporary topics and issues. Contemporary material, including terrorism, computer crimes, and hate crimes, serves to illuminate the ever-evolving relationship between criminal law, society and the criminal justice system's role in balancing competing interests. The case method is used throughout the book as an effective and creative learning tool.Features include:" vignettes, core concepts, 'Cases and Concepts', 'You Decides, excerpts from state statutes, 'legal equations' and Crime in the News boxes" fully developed end-of-chapter pedagogy includes review questions, legal terminology and 'Criminal Law on the Web' resources" instructor resources (including PowerPoint slides, a computerized testbank and classroom activities) and a Student Study Site accompany this text