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Com o aumento exponencial do envelhecimento populacional no Brasil, faz-se necessário o aprofundamento do estudo na população idosa, com um olhar atento tanto no tratamento como na prevenção de muitas doenças que acometem essa faixa etária. O livro Neuropsicogeriatria: uma abordagem integrada traz uma versão atualizada sobre as particularidades que o médico generalista, assim como o médico residente das três áreas afins (neurologia, psiquiatria e geriatria) precisa saber para assistir de forma ampla e efetiva a pessoa idosa. Para isto, esta obra buscou reunir o que há de mais relevante na interface entre as três especialidades desde a abordagem mais adequada a este público peculiar, até as patologias mais prevalentes, critérios diagnósticos e tratamentos atualizados. Além disso, tendo em vista a importância do conhecimento da imagem cerebral, ferramenta muitas vezes imprescindível e amplamente utilizada para diagnóstico e acompanhamento de diversas patologias presentes nesta obra, incluímos um capítulo especial sobre neuroradiologia, com imagens ilustrativas de alta resolução.
O primeiro Tratado sobre paralisia facial publicado no Brasil, com base em mais de três décadas de experiência! Em 1984, foi inaugurado o Ambulatório de Paralisia Facial no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP, por iniciativa do Prof. Dr. Ricardo Bento da Otorrinolaringologia, com os colegas Prof. Dr. Antônio José Tedesco-Marchese, da Neurocirurgia, e Prof. Dr. Marcus Castro Ferreira, da Cirurgia Plástica. Foi o embrião de um grande projeto que beneficiou o serviço público em mais de 10.000 atendimentos em 33 anos de atividade, várias teses de doutoramento, inúmeros projetos de pesquisa e mais de 100 trabalhos publicados. É, até hoje, um exemplo da moderna med...
Feminicídio: mapeamento, prevenção e tecnologia representa um contributo valioso para a resposta a estas duas questões, tomando como modelo de pesquisa e de reflexão a experiência vivida no município de Fortaleza, Estado do Ceará. Esta obra retrata com fidelidade o panorama atual do feminicídio neste município, partindo da análise de processos em tramitação na Justiça.
The Manual provides step-by-step guidance to assist instructors in training policymakers and practitioners in the use of economic instruments – pollution taxes, user fees, property rights, etc, - for sustainable development in general and for environmental and natural resource management in particular. Designed as an interactive working document composed of flexible modules and exercises and providing guidance for trainers and course participants, the manual offers substantial flexibility for trainers to custom design courses that meet local needs and priorities.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3rd Edition is an accessible text on innovation and entrepreneurship aimed specifically at undergraduate students studying business and management studies, but also those on engineering and science degrees with management courses. The text applies key theories and research on innovation and entrepreneurship and then reviews and synthesises those theories and research to apply them in a much broader and contemporary context, including the corporate and public services, emerging technologies and economies, and sustainability and development and creating and capturing value from innovation and entrepreneurship. In this third edition the authors continue to adopt an explicit process model to help organise the material with clear links between innovation and entrepreneurship. This text has been designed to be fully integrated with the Innovation Portal at, which contains an extensive collection of additional resources for both lecturers and students, including teaching resources, case studies, media clips, innovation tools, seminar and assessment activities and test questions.
Chronicling the dramatic history of the Brazilian Amazon during the Second World War, Seth Garfield provides fresh perspectives on contemporary environmental debates. His multifaceted analysis explains how the Amazon became the object of geopolitical rivalries, state planning, media coverage, popular fascination, and social conflict. In need of rubber, a vital war material, the United States spent millions of dollars to revive the Amazon's rubber trade. In the name of development and national security, Brazilian officials implemented public programs to engineer the hinterland's transformation. Migrants from Brazil's drought-stricken Northeast flocked to the Amazon in search of work. In defense of traditional ways of life, longtime Amazon residents sought to temper outside intervention. Garfield's environmental history offers an integrated analysis of the struggles among distinct social groups over resources and power in the Amazon, as well as the repercussions of those wartime conflicts in the decades to come.
In today's global recession, strong management of firms and organizations are of the utmost importance. Best-selling Economics of Strategy focuses on the key economic concepts students must master in order to develop a sound business strategy. Bringing economic theory and strategic analysis to life in an engaging and uniquely modern way, Besanko et al. have collaborated for over 15 years to build an introductory business course that combines basic concepts from economic theory of the firm and industrial organization with ideas from modern strategy literature. The newly revised 5th edition offers more real-world applications to make materials studied in undergraduate Managerial Economics, Business Strategy, and Industrial Organization courses relevant. Armed with general principles, today's students—tomorrow's future managers—will be prepared to adjust their firms' business strategies to the demands of the ever-changing environment.
Jeremy Waldron has been a challenging and influential voice in the moral, political and legal debates surrounding the response to terrorism since 9/11. His contributions have spanned the major controversies of the War on Terror - including the morality and legality of torture, whether security can be 'balanced' with liberty, and the relationship between public safety and individual rights. He has also tackled underlying questions essential to understanding the practical debates - including what terrorism is, and what a right to security would entail. This volume collects all Waldron's work on these issues, including six published essays and two previously unpublished essays. It also includes a new introduction in which Waldron presents an overview of his contribution, and looks at the problems currently facing the Obama administration and the UK Government in dealing with the legacy of the Bush White House. The volume will be essential reading for all those engaged with contemporary politics, security law, and the continuing struggle for an ethical response to terrorism.