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The latest volume in the AMS's high-profile GSM series. The book presents a very accessible exposition of a powerful, but difficult to explain method of solving Partial Differentiel Equations. Would make an excellent text for courses on modern methods for solvng Partial Differential Equations. Very readable treatise of an important and remarkable technique. Strong bookstore candidate.
This volume contains the proceedings of the summer school and research conference “Frontiers in Geometry and Topology”, celebrating the sixtieth birthday of Tomasz Mrowka, which was held from August 1–12, 2022, at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP). The summer school featured ten lecturers and the research conference featured twenty-three speakers covering a range of topics. A common thread, reflecting Mrowka's own work, was the rich interplay among the fields of analysis, geometry, and topology. Articles in this volume cover topics including knot theory; the topology of three and four-dimensional manifolds; instanton, monopole, and Heegaard Floer homologies; Khovanov homology; and pseudoholomorphic curve theory.
What a wonderful book! I strongly recommend this book to anyone, especially graduate students, interested in getting a sense of 4-manifolds. —MAA Reviews The book gives an excellent overview of 4-manifolds, with many figures and historical notes. Graduate students, nonexperts, and experts alike will enjoy browsing through it. — Robion C. Kirby, University of California, Berkeley This book offers a panorama of the topology of simply connected smooth manifolds of dimension four. Dimension four is unlike any other dimension; it is large enough to have room for wild things to happen, but small enough so that there is no room to undo the wildness. For example, only manifolds of dimension four...
The modern subject of mathematical finance has undergone considerable development, both in theory and practice, since the seminal work of Black and Scholes appeared a third of a century ago. This book is intended as an introduction to some elements of the theory that will enable students and researchers to go on to read more advanced texts and research papers. The book begins with the development of the basic ideas of hedging and pricing of European and American derivatives in the discrete (i.e., discrete time and discrete state) setting of binomial tree models. Then a general discrete finite market model is introduced, and the fundamental theorems of asset pricing are proved in this setting...
“Classical groups”, named so by Hermann Weyl, are groups of matrices or quotients of matrix groups by small normal subgroups. Thus the story begins, as Weyl suggested, with “Her All-embracing Majesty”, the general linear group $GL_n(V)$ of all invertible linear transformations of a vector space $V$ over a field $F$. All further groups discussed are either subgroups of $GL_n(V)$ or closely related quotient groups. Most of the classical groups consist of invertible linear transformations that respect a bilinear form having some geometric significance, e.g., a quadratic form, a symplectic form, etc. Accordingly, the author develops the required geometric notions, albeit from an algebrai...
This book is a survey of asymptotic methods set in the current applied research context of wave propagation. It stresses rigorous analysis in addition to formal manipulations. Asymptotic expansions developed in the text are justified rigorously, and students are shown how to obtain solid error estimates for asymptotic formulae. The book relates examples and exercises to subjects of current research interest, such as the problem of locating the zeros of Taylor polynomials of entirenonvanishing functions and the problem of counting integer lattice points in subsets of the plane with various geometrical properties of the boundary. The book is intended for a beginning graduate course on asymptot...
This excellent book provides an elegant introduction to functional analysis ... carefully selected problems ... This is a nicely written book of great value for stimulating active work by students. It can be strongly recommended as an undergraduate or graduate text, or as a comprehensive book for self-study. --European Mathematical Society Newsletter Functional analysis plays a crucial role in the applied sciences as well as in mathematics. It is a beautiful subject that can be motivated and studied for its own sake. In keeping with this basic philosophy, the author has made this introductory text accessible to a wide spectrum of students, including beginning-level graduates and advanced und...
Mainly from the perspective of a probabilist, Hsu shows how stochastic analysis and differential geometry can work together for their mutual benefit. He writes for researchers and advanced graduate students with a firm foundation in basic euclidean stochastic analysis, and differential geometry. He does not include the exercises usual to such texts, but does provide proofs throughout that invite readers to test their understanding. Annotation copyrighted by Book News Inc., Portland, OR.
The amount of algebraic topology a graduate student specializing in topology must learn can be intimidating. Moreover, by their second year of graduate studies, students must make the transition from understanding simple proofs line-by-line to understanding the overall structure of proofs of difficult theorems. To help students make this transition, the material in this book is presented in an increasingly sophisticated manner. It is intended to bridge the gap between algebraic and geometric topology, both by providing the algebraic tools that a geometric topologist needs and by concentrating on those areas of algebraic topology that are geometrically motivated. Prerequisites for using this ...