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Due diplomatici italiani impegnati nella preparazione del Vertice di Genova hanno scritto per il Ministero degli Esteri (in italiano e in inglese) una guida preziosa per chi desideri conoscere la natura, il funzionamento, la storia del G7/G8, uno dei momenti chiave della politica estera italiana. Gli autori si avvalgono dell'esperienza acquisita e di una esauriente e corposa documentazione in lingua inglese, contenuta nel CD-rom allegato al volume, per tracciare un consuntivo dell'evoluzione del G7/G8. Tra i fili conduttori risaltano l'informalità dei lavori, l'attualità delle discussioni dirette a tradursi in decisioni concrete ed il progressivo ampliamento degli argomenti in agenda, dai temi finanziari ed economici alle questioni politiche e di sicurezza, alle problematiche globali.
The Group of Eight has become a central actor in global governance with a steadily expanding role and agenda. The leaders' summits remain at the apex of the G8 system, but the leaders' work is complemented by intensifying and expanding networks of ministerial fora as well as various task forces and expert groups. Some of these entities, initially launched by the leaders, have taken on a life of their own with an agenda that diverges from the main concerns of the summits. Following on from Hajnal's acclaimed book The G7/G8 System, this volume discusses the origins, characteristics, evolution, role and agenda of the G7 and G8 system, including a systematic survey of its components. It introduces the major debates about the G7 and G8, looks at proposals to reform the G8-G20 and provides a detailed study of the complex, elusive and changing patterns of documentation of the broader G8-G20 system, including electronic information.
The Group of Eight has become a central actor in global governance with a steadily expanding role and agenda. The leaders' summits remain at the apex of the G8 system, but the leaders' work is complemented by intensifying and expanding networks of ministerial fora as well as various task forces and expert groups. Some of these entities, initially launched by the leaders, have taken on a life of their own with an agenda that diverges from the main concerns of the summits. Following on from Hajnal's acclaimed book The G7/G8 System, this volume discusses the origins, characteristics, evolution, role and agenda of the G7 and G8 system, including a systematic survey of its components. It introduces the major debates about the G7 and G8, looks at proposals to reform the G8-G20 and provides a detailed study of the complex, elusive and changing patterns of documentation of the broader G8-G20 system, including electronic information.
This book focuses on the recent rise of new regional economic institutions such as the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, which were established, in part, as a result of dissatisfaction of dynamic emerging markets with global economic institutions such as the IMF, the World Bank, and the GATT/WTO. The latter were formed by advanced economies in the West, after the historic Bretton Wood Conference of 1944. In doing so, the book addresses how this recent round of decentralisation, defined as the co-existence of “senior” global institutions and a plethora of newly-established regional inst...
Contea di origine feudale, il Lussemburgo, stretto tra Francia, Belgio e Germania e retto da una monarchia costituzionale, è oggi l’unico Granducato al mondo. Un angolo d’Europa davvero incantevole su cui regna Sua Altezza Reale il Granduca Henri, primogenito del Granduca Jean – scomparso ad aprile del 2019 a 98 anni – colui che ha permesso al Lussemburgo di diventare quello che è oggi: sede di molte istituzioni e agenzie continentali, centro finanziario di grandissimo rilievo internazionale, uno scrigno nel cuore dell’Europa. Il Granduca trascorse l’intera vita lottando per la libertà. Si arruolò come volontario nell’Esercito britannico durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale p...
With over 11,000 names listed, the Officical directory of the European Union is indispensible for knowing whom to contact, and where, in the institutions, agencies and bodies of the Eurpean Union.
This annual directory gives contact details for key members of the institutions and agencies of the European Union, including the European Parliament, the Council, and the European Commission, down to the level of heads of basic operational units. Also known as the Inter-institutional directory of the European Union (IDEA), it contains information updated to July 2006, and it supersedes the 2005 edition (ISBN 9278402583) and the July 2005 update (ISBN 9278403024).