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This book examines how the experience of witchcraft developed and evolved from the Lutheran Reformation of Denmark in 1536 to the celebration of the Lutheran centennial of 1617. As well as exploring witchcraft, this volume is a portrait of Denmark and how religion and politics in the 16th and 17th centuries were impossible to separate. It was in this period from 1536 to 1617 that witchcraft went from an offence condemned in the Bible and prohibited in the medieval Law of Jutland, to being described in detail as the worst of crimes. Witchcraft evolved from being defined as imposing harm to someone or something, to being a mockery of God. Approaching the theme from the new history of experienc...
From different perspectives this book studies the role of Reformation theology in the shaping of Danish society and the social dimensions of Lutheran confessional culture. The book develops an approach making it possible to draw strong conclusion about the social teaching of Luther and its impact on the development of the Danish society. It works on a conceptual level by analyzing the social dimensions of key Lutheran concepts and their translation into the doctrine of the three estates (church, household, and state), and on the level of lived experience of life within these three orders, not at least within the household forming the ideal form also for church and state. Thus the chapters in...
The present volume features articles that employ source-work research in order to explore the individual Danish sources of Kierkegaard's thought. The volume is divided into three tomes in order to cover the different fields of influence.Tome II is dedicated to the host of Danish theologians who played a greater or lesser role in shaping Kierkegaard's thought. In his day there were a number of competing theological trends both within the church and at the Faculty of Theology at the University of Copenhagen, and not least of all in the blossoming free church movements. These included rationalism, Grundtvigianism and Hegelianism. In this quite dynamic period in Danish ecclesial history, Kierkegaard was also exercised by a number of leading personalities in the church as they attempted to come to terms with key issues such as baptism, civil marriage, the revision of the traditional psalm book, and the relation of church and state.
Kvækerne er både på verdensplan og i Danmark et meget lille trossamfund, der dog i mange sammenhænge har spillet en stor rolle. Allerede få år efter, at englænderen George Fox i 1652 har grundlagt kvækerbevægelsen, møder vi i Danmark på svenskekrigenes tid Jesper Baltzarsen Könecken, der agiterer mod deltagelse i krigen. Kvækerne bliver i Danmark nogle af de første militærnægtere, ligesom de arbejder for samfundsreformer på en række områder. Efter at der i 1875 er blevet stiftet et egentligt kvækersamfund i Danmark, organiserer dette længe før folkekirken og staten et hjælpe- og flygtningearbejde. Kvækerne bliver i 1944 medstiftere af Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke og er ligeledes initiativtagere til flere skoler. Denne bog skildrer hele historien op til coronakrisen, der også rammer det lille trossamfund hårdt.