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The fifteenth century was a critical juncture for the College of Cardinals. They were accused of prolonging the exile in Avignon and causing the schism. At the councils at the beginning of the period their very existence was questioned. They rebuilt their relationship with the popes by playing a fundamental part in reclaiming Rome when the papacy returned to its city in 1420. Because their careers were usually much longer than that of an individual pope, the cardinals combined to form a much more effective force for restoring Rome. In this book, shifting focus from the popes to the cardinals sheds new light on a relatively unknown period for Renaissance art history and the history of Rome. Dr. Carol M. Richardson has been awarded the Philip Leverhulme Prize (2008) in the field of History of Arts.
The history of the Florentine patriciate did not end with the establishment of the Medici Duchy and Grand Duchy of Tuscany. Proud and self-confident, these patricians were not subservient courtiers; on the contrary, they continued to exert a considerable influence on Florentine culture and politics for centuries. The patrician class in sixteenth-century Florence were the descendants of wealthy, sophisticated and politically savvy families who, while acquiring noble titles, estates, and villas, retained their long-standing urban identity. The mark they left on the city’s cultural and artistic life was embraced by the Medici, who used their political and diplomatic knowhow, eleborate artistic commissions, and European networks to enhance their power and prestige. A Cultural Symbiosis highlights the contributions to Florentine art and culture of eight patricians, focusing on the Valori, Pucci, Ridolfi, Vecchietti, del Nero, Salviati, Guicciardini, and Niccolini families.
Almost Eternal: Painting on Stone and Material Innovation in Early Modern Europe gathers together an international group of ten scholars, who offer a novel account of the phenomenon of oil painting on stone surfaces in Northern and Southern Europe. This technique was devised in Rome by Sebastiano del Piombo in the early sixteenth century and was practiced until the late seventeenth century. This phenomenon has attracted little attention previously: the volume therefore makes a significant and timely contribution to the field in the light of recent studies of materiality and the rise of technical Art History. Contributors: Nadia Baadj, Piers Baker-Bates, Elena Calvillo, Ana Gonsalez Mozo, Anna Kim, Helen Langdon, Johanna Beate Lohff, Judith Mann, Christopher Nygren, Suzanne Wegmann, and Giulia Martina Weston.
In Florentine Patricians and Their Networks, Elisa Goudriaan presents the first comprehensive overview of the cultural world and diplomatic strategies of Florentine patricians in the seventeenth century and the ways in which they contributed as a group to the court culture of the Medici. The author focuses on the patricians’ musical, theatrical, literary, and artistic pursuits, and uses these to show how politics, social life, and cultural activities tended to merge in early modern society. Quotations from many archival sources, mainly correspondence, make this book a lively reading experience and offer a new perspective on seventeenth-century Florentine society by revealing the mechanisms behind elite patronage networks, cultural input, recruiting processes, and brokerage activities.
La storia della chiesa e convento di Santa Maria del Prato in Campagnano, fondazione benedettina attestata dal 1093, poi trasferita ai Minori conventuali nel secolo XIII e nel 1488 ai Minori osservanti, è una storia di lunga durata' che termina con la soppressione dell'Ente nel 1873, a seguito delle leggi eversive dell'asse ecclesiastico, per risorgere, negli ultimi decenni del secolo scorso, come Ente Assistenza Sociale "Il Salvatore". Ciò che sorprende è la 'quantità di storia' generata, a testimonianza della vitalità di questa fondazione la cui storia emerge alla nascita della nazione italiana e sempre è intrecciata nella complessa e complicata vicenda del Paese. Il volume, a cura di Lanfranco Mazzotti e Mario Sciarra, è introdotto da Luigi Londei, con saggi di: Laura Gili, Carmine Iuozzo, Dante Marini, Luigi Sergio Mecocci, Simona Sperindei.
This book presents case studies of collectors, patrons, and agents whose activities redefined collecting and the art market during a period when the status of the artist, rise of connoisseurship, and patterns of consumption established new models for collecting and display.
Der Band versammelt die Beiträge einer internationalen Tagung zum 200. Geburtstag von Ferdinand Gregorovius (1821–1891). Sie stand im Zusammenhang mit der Edition seiner größtenteils unbekannten "Gesammelten deutschen und italienischen Briefe", die einen vollkommen neuen Blick auf den Altmeister der Mediävistik und Erfolgsautor erlauben. Die Beiträge widmen sich seinem Blick auf den Katholizismus und das Judentum, seinem Verhältnis zu anderen deutschen Historikern im 19. Jahrhundert, gehen dem Verhältnis von Zunft- und Privatgelehrtentum und den Interferenzen von wissenschaftlicher Forschung und Zeitzeugenschaft nach. Aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln beleuchten sie Gregorovius' Selbstverständnis als Gelehrter, Philologe, Schriftsteller und Geschichtsschreiber sowie seine Stellung im internationalen Gelehrtennetzwerk. Ein Quellenanhang bietet eine größere Auswahl der bislang unbekannten römischen Korrespondenzen, die Gregorovius für die Berliner "National-Zeitung" verfasste. Die Artikel sind mit und neben seinen Tagebüchern eine erstklassige Quelle für den deutschen Blick auf Italien, das Risorgimento und die römische Stadtgeschichte.
Sorta nel luogo del martirio di San Cesidio, la collegiata custodisce le reliquie del titolare, del padre Rufino e di alcuni loro compagni, qualificandosi come un santuario di grande rilievo che legò precocemente le proprie fortune allascesa dellimporta