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Dinamika pelayanan kebidanan khususnya di era 4.0. Era 4.0 yaitu masa sebelum pandemic COVID 19, Saat pandemic COVID 19 dan Setelah pandemic COVID 19. Era ini telah membuat banyak perubahan dalam memberikan pelayanan kebidanan sehingga membutuhan adaptasi baik bagi petugas kesehatan, klien ataupun sector yang yang memiliki pengaruh dalam pelayanan kebidanan. Pelayanan kebidanan yang dibahas pada buku ini dengan menggunakan pendekatan kesehatan ibu dan anak sepanjang siklus kehidupnya anatra lain : masa kehamilan, persalinan, nifas, bayi baru lahir, neonatus, bayi, balita, remaja, pasangan usia subur dan lanjut usia. Pendekatan ini penting untuk dilakukan karena setiap masa yang dilalui mempunyai hubungan sebab akhibat yang dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan ibu dan anak. Buku ini disusun berdasarkan telaah literature skala nasional maupun internasional, diskusi serta pemikiran para ahli di bidang kebidanan, kesehatan masyarakat dan psikologi. Prespektif kesehatan harus dikaji secara fisik dan psikologis. Seseorang dikatakan sehat, bukan
International Conference on Education, Humanities, Health and Agriculture (ICEHHA) is an annual agenda organized by the Universitas Katolik Indonesia Santu Paulus Ruteng. This year (2022) as the second conference that is scheduled in various fields, including education, humanities, health, and agriculture, on 21-22 October 2022 at Universitas Katolik Indonesia Santu Paulus Ruteng. The theme carried at this conference is ‘The contribution of ICT in the fields of education, humanities, health, and agriculture post COVID-19’. This conference is inspired by the biggest challenge faced by the Indonesian nation and all countries worldwide after Covid-19 is a disruption in various fields of hum...
The Handbook of the Biology of Aging, Sixth Edition, provides a comprehensive overview of the latest research findings in the biology of aging. Intended as a summary for researchers, it is also adopted as a high level textbook for graduate and upper level undergraduate courses. The Sixth Edition is 20% larger than the Fifth Edition, with 21 chapters summarizing the latest findings in research on the biology of aging. The content of the work is virtually 100% new. Though a selected few topics are similar to the Fifth Edition, these chapters are authored by new contributors with new information. The majority of the chapters are completely new in both content and authorship. The Sixth Edition p...
Law is generally understood to be a mirror of society that functions to maintain social order. Focusing on this general understanding, this text conducts a survey of Western legal and social theories about law and its relationship within society.
Can significant advances in development occur after adolescence? What are the highest possible states or stages of human development and how can they be realized? These and related critical issues are addressed in this volume by leading researchers and theorists in adult development. How we conceive of the endpoint, or highest state of development is crucial because it shapes our understanding of the direction, possibilities, and mechanisms of human growth. Even a decade ago, most psychologists believed that qualitative advances in development did not occur after adolescence. Based on recent research on adults, however, psychologists now question whether growth of fundamental human capacities necessarily culminates prior to adulthood. This new volume explores a variety of endpoints beyond the ordinarily proposed limits of human development. In addition to describing advanced forms of cognitive functioning , contributors also discuss other domains integral to adult growth--including affective, moral, self, and consciousness development.
The IOPA-IUU is a voluntary instrument that applies to all States and entities and to all fishers. Following the IPOA's introduction, the nature and scope of IUU fishing is addressed. This is followed by the IPOA's objective and principles and the implementation of measures to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing. These measures focus on all State responsibilities, flag State responsibilities, coastal State measures, port State measures, internationally agreed market-related measures, research and regional fisheries management organizations. Special requirements of developing countries are then considered, followed by reporting requirements and the role of FAO.
Didactically, a textbook of criminology should start at the beginning. The learning process, also an emotional process, begins in criminology with the concepts, views, emotions, attitudes and ideas we have regarding crime and criminals. Exploration of these underlying factors is one of the aims of the present book. We can free our thinking only by being aware of the significance of our own feelings and thoughts about a phenomenon like crime. 'That is the basic problem confronting us. In scien tific thinking implicit postulates as to the sensus communis, unless recognized and 1 neutralized, grow into idols.' The fight against crime is one example of such an idol. Crimes and criminals exist only by virtue of reactions to certain forms of be havior. For this reason this book will begin by examining the reactions of society to crime. Criminology is primarily a science of others than offenders. In this sense I invert criminology. The history of criminology is not so much a history of offenders, 2 as a history of the reactions of those in power.
The mostly German psychologists contributing here contend that people secure personal continuity throughout their life span by a combination of active attempts at regulating their development on the one hand, and flexible adjustment of the self to unalterable changes both in their social and physical environment and in such personal attributes as p.