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Filling the need for a comprehensive treatment that covers the theory, methods and the different types of metal ion complexes with water (hydrolysis), this handbook and ready reference is authored by a nuclear chemist from academia and an industrial geochemist. The book includes both cation and anion complexes, and approaches the topic of metal ion hydrolysis by first covering the background, before proceeding with an overview of the dissociation of water and then all different metal-water hydrolysis complexes and compounds. A must-have for scientists in academia and industry working on this interdisciplinary topic.
This book gives up-to-date information and broad views on e-waste recycling and management using the latest techniques for industrialist and academicians. It describes the problems of e-waste generated by all global living communities and its impact on our ecosystems and discusses recycling techniques in detail to reduce its effect as well as proper management of e-waste to save the environment. It also considers future technological expectations from e-waste recycling and management technologies.
EPD Congress is an annual collection of conferenceproceedings that addresses extraction and processing metallurgy.The papers in this book are drawn from symposia held at the 2014Annual Meeting of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society. The2014 edition includes papers from the following four symposia: FluidizationTechnologies for the Mineral, Materials, and EnergyIndustries General Recycling Materials Processing Fundamentals Recycling andSustainability Update
WEEE Recycling: Research, Development, and Policies covers policies, research, development, and challenges in recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). The book introduces WEEE management and then covers the environmental, economic, and societal applications of e-waste recycling, focusing on the technical challenges to designing efficient and sustainable recycling processes—including physical separation, pyrometallurgical, and hydrometallurgical processes. The development of processes for recovering strategic and critical metals from urban mining is a priority for many countries, especially those having few available ores mining. - Describes the two metallurgical processes—hydro- and pyro-metallurgy—and their application in recycling of metals - Provides a life cycle analysis in the WEEE recycling of metals - Outlines how to determine economic parameters in the recycling of waste metals - Discusses the socio economic and environmental implication of metal recycling
★美國亞馬遜百大名家、暢銷科幻系列「亞特蘭提斯進化三部曲」作者,又一醫療科幻驚悚奇作! ★橫掃美亞三大科幻排行榜冠軍,作品總銷量突破 4,000,000 冊! ★作品翻譯成24種語言發行全球,近3000位讀者星級好評! 【各界驚豔推薦】 生物人類學教授 王道還|瑞典皇家理工學院物理系博士 余海?| 名人書房主持人 詹慶齡|馬偕紀念醫院兒科住院醫師 戴裕霖| 作家 譚劍 【英國衛報大讚】 本書之精湛出彩,有如閱讀暢銷大師丹.布朗與麥可.克萊頓的傑作! 【台灣讀者心聲】 這看似不可思議的巧合卻又合情合理的發展...
Tradotto in 20 Paesi Oltre 1 milione di copie vendute Un grande thriller numero 1 negli Stati Uniti «Ben costruito e congegnato come un orologio svizzero, ricco di azione senza tregua, con una trama avvincente e tutti gli ingranaggi si incastrano alla perfezione.» Diana Gabaldon Harper Lane è in volo da New York a Londra, dove dovrà prendere la decisione più importante della sua vita. Ma una misteriosa turbolenza fa precipitare l’aereo nella campagna inglese, e la priorità, per lei e per gli altri passeggeri, diventa sopravvivere al disastro. Ben presto però i superstiti si rendono conto che nell’aria c’è qualcosa di strano e inspiegabile. Il mondo sembra diverso da come lo ric...
The Revelation Saga Tradotto in 20 paesi Oltre 1 milione di copie negli Stati Uniti Un grande thriller Nord del Marocco: la dottoressa Kate Warner è convinta di essere riuscita a scongiurare un’epidemia planetaria ed è pronta a usare anche su di sé la terapia che ha somministrato agli altri malati. Ma si sbaglia. Così come si è sbagliata sulla cospirazione di Atlantide: l’umanità, infatti, deve ancora affrontare un nemico inimmaginabile. Con pochissimo tempo a disposizione per l’intera razza umana, Kate troverà in un messaggio cifrato un potenziale aiuto. Osservatorio di Arecibo, Puerto Rico: Mary Caldwell ha aspettato per tutta la vita un segnale da un’intelligenza superiore ...