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This cutting-edge research companion addresses our current understanding of literary journalism’s global scope and evolution, offering an immersive study of how different nations have experimented with and perfected the narrative journalistic form/genre over time. The Routledge Companion to World Literary Journalism demonstrates the genre’s rich genealogy and global impact through a comprehensive study of its many traditions, including the crónica, the ocherk, reportage, the New Journalism, the New New Journalism, Jornalismo literário, periodismo narrativo, bao gao wen xue, creative nonfiction, Literarischer Journalismus, As-SaHafa al Adabiyya, and literary nonfiction. Contributions fr...
Squeezed between more powerful France and Spain, Catalonia has endured a violent history. Its medieval empire that conquered Naples, Sicily and Athens was crushed by Spain. Its geography, with the Pyrenees falling sharply to the rugged Costa Brava, is tormented, too. Michael Eaude traces this history and its monuments: Roman Tarragona, celebrated by the poet Martial; Greek Empuries, lost for centuries beneath the sands; medieval Romanesque architecture in the Vall de Boi churches (a World Heritage Site) and Poblet and Santes Creus monasteries. He tells the stories of several of Catalonia's great figures: Abbot Oliva, who brought Moorish learning to Europe, the ruthless mercenary, Roger de Flor, and Verdaguer, handsome poet-priest. Catalonia is famous today for its twentieth-century art. This book focuses on the revolutionary Art Nouveau buildings (including the Sagrada Familia) of Antoni Gaudi. It also explores the region's artistic legacy: the young Picasso painting Barcelona’s vibrant slums; Salvador Dali, inspired by the twisted rocks of Cap de Creus to paint his landscapes of the human mind; and Joan Miro, discovering the colours of the red earth at Montroig.
A powerful Catalan author gives us a penetrating story of meaningless deaths and personal isolation, set in the heart of one of Spain's most beautiful, vibrant places. In sleepy Vidreres, a Catalonian village suffering a deadening recession, prostitutes sit along the highway and two teenage boys have just died a horrible death. After attending their funeral, a banker named Ernest heads out to the spot where their car collided with a tree -- a tree that he himself planted there. Trying to come to terms with the accident, he meets a brutish trucker named Miqui who takes him to two sweet whores. So begins Ernest's journey into the dark depths of this unfathomable loss. Meanwhile, Miqui has his ...
This bibliography, listed alphabetically by authors of books and articles on Mercè Rodoreda, offers a detailed description of the content of more than two hundred studies on her work. In addition to Rodoreda’s narrative, the last decade has seen many more studies of her theater, poetry, painting, and early journalism. Also included is a comprehensive listing of editions and translations, as well as an index. The intention is to analyze and diffuse the great body of academic production on this worldwide representative of Catalan culture, with the hope that future studies can profit by a reading of pertinent existing scholarship on the subject. There are various kinds of publications, from ...
Josep M. Coll i Ramon Amigó combinen una exhaustiva recerca de camp amb un extens estudi de la documentació històrica en aquest recull onomàstic del terme de Pratdip, un dels pocs municipis del Camp de Tarragona que encara no disposaven d’un treball que aplegués els seus noms propis, de lloc i de persona. Aquesta monografia onomàstica ha comptat amb la participació de nombrosos informadors i també amb la col•laboració d'estudiosos del Camp, com Ferran Jové i Eugeni Perea per a la documentació històrica o Pere Navarro per a les transcripcions fonètiques. La riquesa toponímica de Pratdip, al sud del Baix Camp, en una zona de transició de l'àrea dialectal, queda ben reflectida en aquest recull, que ens ofereix una visió detallada i precisa de les seves muntanyes, els seus cursos fluvials, les seves coves i els seus masos.
La paraula primera es un artefacte narratiu torrencial i atzarós que descriu un univers personal, lúdic i subjectiu, que no s’adscriu a gènere i que es pot assimilar a un patchwork literari multiforme i colorista. Eduard Ribera (Balaguer, 1965) Especialitzat en narrativa breu, ha publicat La casa per la finestra (1988: Premi de Narrativa Ciutat de Balaguer 1987), El mite de la darrera llàgrima(1995), Oficis específics (1996), A que no | 99 exercicis d’estil (2011), un homenatge a l’escriptor Raymond Queneau que va rebre el Premi Lleida de Narrativa 2009, La vida assistida (2012), Premi de Novel·la Breu Ciutat de Mollerussa 2011, De memòria (2016) i La paraula primera (2017). Des de març de 2005 manté el blog L’Escriptori, amb el qual va obtenir el Premi Vila de Martorell 2009 al millor blog.
A History of Catalan Folk Literature is the fruit of a collaborative effort between fifteen researchers from various universities and research centres who have joined forces to create a broader study of Catalan folk literature that addresses the Catalan linguistic and cultural territories in their entirety. Since the thirteenth century, Catalan culture has created a rich and abundant literary legacy, and since the mid-nineteenth century this has been complemented by a tradition of folklore studies that remains very much alive today. Within this comparatively recent discipline, folk literature has played a particularly important role. The book presents the evolution of Catalan folk literature studies in each of the areas that make up the Catalan linguistic and cultural territories referred to above. The period considered stretches from the mid-nineteenth century, when the beginnings of a scientific interest in folklore emerged across Europe, to the present day.