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Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2023 (IJCAH 2023)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 2066

Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2023 (IJCAH 2023)

This is an open access book. Welcome to the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2023 held by State University of Surabaya.This joint conference features four international conferences: the International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI) 2023, the International Conference on Cultural Studies and Applied Linguistics (ICCSAL) 2023, the International Conference on Research and Academic Community Services (ICRACOS) 2023, and the International Conference of SocialScience and Law (ICSSL) 2023 .It encourages dissemination of ideas in arts and humanity and provides a forum for intellectuals from all over the world to discuss and present their research findings on the research area. This conference was held in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia on August 26th, 2023 - September 10th, 2023

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1227


This book contains the proceedings of the The 5th Annual International Seminar on Trends in Science and Science Education (AISTSSE) and The 2nd International Conference on Innovation in Education, Science and Culture (ICIESC), where held on 18 October 2018 and 25 September 2018 in same city, Medan, North Sumatera. Both of conferences were organized respectively by Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Research Institute, Universitas Negeri Medan. The papers from these conferences collected in a proceedings book entitled: Proceedings of 5th AISTSSE. In publishing process, AISTSSE and ICIESC were collaboration conference presents six plenary and invited speakers from Australia, Japan...

Proceedings of the 1st Annual Conference of Islamic Education (ACIE 2022)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 251

Proceedings of the 1st Annual Conference of Islamic Education (ACIE 2022)

This is an open access book. This is the first annual conference of islamic education organized by Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember. This conference is a forum held to bring together various academics, researchers, lecturers, and practitioners, especially in the scope of Islamic education to discuss various contemporary issues related to the development of the world of Islamic education in the era of global transformation. This event can give you a valuable opportunity to share ideas, ideas, research results, theories, and various other contributions in the academic world. It can also encourage you to increase the network of collaborative relationships between researchers and other writers to build partnerships.

ICLLE 2019
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 590

ICLLE 2019

As an annual event, International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education in Digital Era (ICLLE) 2019 continued the agenda to bring together researcher, academics, experts and professionals in examining selected theme by language, literature and education in digital era. In 2019, this event held in 19-20 July 2019 at Padang, Indonesia. The conference from any kind of stakeholders related with Language and literature especially in education. Each contributed paper was refereed before being accepted for publication. The double-blind peer reviewed was used in the paper selection.

ISRL 2020
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 395

ISRL 2020

We are delighted to introduce Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium On Religious Life (ISRL 2020). This conference has brought academicians, researchers, developers and practitioners around the world. In collaboration with Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies (ICRS) and Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), the Agency for Research, Development and Training of the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA) convened bi-annual symposium with the following main theme: “Religious Life, Ethics and Human Dignity in the Disruptive Era”. The 3rd ISRL highlighted the role of religion and ethics in the disruptive era that erode human values, civility, and dignity. In the processes of d...

MIC 2021
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1089

MIC 2021

This book contains the proceedings of the 1st Multidiscipline International Conference (MIC) 2021 will be an annual event hosted by Nusantara Training and Research (NTR). This year (2021), this event was held in collaboration with Nusantara Training and Research (NTR) with Universitas Borobudur Jakarta will be held on virtual conference in 30 October 2021 at Salatiga, Indonesia. We carry the theme "Improving People's Quality in Pandemic Era," trying to continue to synchronize with all aspects in the pandemic era and prepare to face the new normal, as well as future outlook of the field of Call for papers fields to be included in MIC. The scope of this event is multidisciplinary. Starting from social science, economics, education, law, engineering, religion and other sciences. This conference was attended by participants and delegates from various universities from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Australia, and Japan. More than 100 participants from academics, practitioners and bureaucrats took part in this event to exchange knowledge according to their research results and competencies.

Psikologi Pendidikan
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 211

Psikologi Pendidikan

Karya ini ditulis untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pembaca tentang psikologi pendidikan dalam penerapan prinsip­-prinsip psikologi untuk pembelajaran. Buku­-buku yang berjudul Psikologi Pendidikan memang banyak tetapi isinya sangat bervariasi, sedangkan masalah psikologi pendidikan, khususnya untuk pembelajaran memiliki silabus tersendiri yang arahnya membekali calon pendidik untuk memahami aspek­-aspek psikologis yang terkait dengan proses pembelajaran. Dengan demikian, diperlukan penguasaan materi psikologi pendidikan yang lebih fokus mendukung keberhasilan proses pembelajaran. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan itu, buku referensi ini sangat diperlukan bagi pembaca yang berminat, terutama bagi komunitas...

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 491


"New media and development of gender roles: law, social, and economic perspective.” This theme was raised as an effort to observe the development of new technology that has greatly affected people’s lives. Formerly to seek information, people can get it through conventional radio media, newspapers and television. But now only use the smartphone we can get very much information that can be obtained by accessing the online media portal or sharing and socializing through social media. For decades it has been stated that the media has the power to shape public opinion. Media not only can form a “worldview” of society, but also able to create awareness and individual belief in reality; a reality that has been defined by the media. Media has a powerful and direct effect to the audience (market). Including how then the media formed an opinion in the community about gender roles through the content provided by the new media. Of course it will be interesting to study media related to the law, social, and economic perspective.

Metodologi Penelitian Politik
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 215

Metodologi Penelitian Politik

Inilah buku pertama yang berbicara tentang riset politik. Mengupas substansi secara sistematis dan memadu aplikasi para pemakainya di dalam dunia politik yang terkadang ruwet, eksklusif, dan penuh rahasia. Yang paling menarik, buku ini dilengkapi dengan berbagai studi kasus, dan didesain untuk memberikan keandalan mengidentifikasi teknik dan aplikasi teori riset yang tepat pada situasi dan kondisi yang akan diriset serta ilustrasi nyata implementasi di lapangan. Buku persembahan penerbit PrenadaMedia

Advertising Ed.8
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 785

Advertising Ed.8

  • Type: Book
  • -
  • Published: 2008-12-01
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  • Publisher: Kencana

Sebuah buku teks yang harus dibaca untuk mempelajari bagaimana menjalankan profesi advertising secara efektif dan efisien, baik di level akademis maupun praktis. Setiap bab dari buku ini diawali dengan contoh kasus advertising yang memenangkan penghargaan intersional. Keistimewaan buku ini menyajikan prinsip pokok dan praktik advertising yang efektif beserta contoh kampanye advertising yang dibuat oleh para profesional periklanan kelas dunia-bahkan para profesional itu sendiri ikut menyumbangkan tulisan yang menjelaskan ide-ide kreatif di balik karya advertising mereka. *** Persembahan penerbit Kencana (PrenadaMedia)