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  • Language: en
  • Pages: 110


This book covers different aspects on the understanding of mechanisms, effects, and management of cholestasis. This unique compendium contains important citations, an invaluable amount of research work, and many applications, which are outstanding resources for clinicians, pharmacists, biochemists, upper-level undergraduate, graduate, and continuing-education students who are dedicated to discovering new knowledge on cholestasis.

Hepatitis A and Other Associated Hepatobiliary Diseases
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 152

Hepatitis A and Other Associated Hepatobiliary Diseases

Hepatitis A is a major health concern throughout the world. Its impact has largely been limited in recent times by the large-scale use of vaccines. It is, however, still rampant in various parts of the world, partly due to lack of medication, poor water access, and contaminated food products. This book provides comprehensive information on various aspects of hepatitis A with a focus on three of the most important biliary diseases: cholestasis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, and hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. Chapters cover such topics as pathology, epidemiology, at-risk populations, animal research models, and future trends.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 568


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2008-12-15
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

The effective use of microemulsions has increased dramatically during the past few decades as major industrial applications have expanded in a variety of fields. Microemulsions: Properties and Applications provides a complete and systematic assessment of all topics affecting microemulsion performance and discusses the fundamental characteristics, t

Recent Advances in Analytical Techniques: Volume 5
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 297

Recent Advances in Analytical Techniques: Volume 5

Recent Advances in Analytical Techniques is a series of updates in techniques used in chemical analysis. Each volume presents a selection of chapters that explain different analytical techniques and their use in applied research. Readers will find updated information about developments in analytical methods such as chromatography, electrochemistry, optical sensor arrays for pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis. The fifth volume of the series features five reviews which demonstrate chemical analysis techniques applied in different disciplines. - Superior Aspects of Liquid Chromatography-Based Mass Spectrometers in Chiral Analysis - New Trends in Sample Preparation for Pharmaceutical and Biological Analysis by Chromatographic Methods - Qualitative and Quantitative Investigation of Bio Tissues using Microscopy and Data Mining - Analytical Techniques For Analysis of Metals and Minerals in The Soil Samples - Monitoring Therapeutic Response in Cancers: A Raman Spectroscopy Approach

The ADME Encyclopedia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1209

The ADME Encyclopedia

The ADME Encyclopedia covers pharmacokinetic phenomena (Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion processes) and their relationship with the design of pharmaceutical carriers and the success of drug therapies. It covers both basic and advanced knowledge, serving as introductory material for students of biomedical careers and also as reference, updated material for graduates and professionals working in any field related to pharmaceutical sciences (medicine, pharmaceutical technology, materials science, medicinal chemistry). Structured as alphabetically ordered entries with cross-references, the Encyclopedia not only provides basic knowledge on ADME processes, but also detailed entries on some advanced subjects such as drug transporters, last generation pharmaceutical carriers, pharmacogenomics, personalized medicine, bioequivalence studies, biowaivers, biopharmaceuticals, gene delivery, pharmacometrics, pharmacokinetic drug interactions or in silico and in vitro assessment of ADME properties

  • Language: it
  • Pages: 207


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-07-08T00:00:00+02:00
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  • Publisher: Gruppo 24 Ore

Sostenibilità e digitale. I due capitoli chiave del Recovery Plan entrano con forza nei programmi delle università italiane e aprono la strada a nuovi corsi di laurea. Sono circa 200 le novità per l'anno accademico 2021/22 che portano l'offerta complessiva oltre quota 5mila tra triennali, magistrali biennali e magistrali a ciclo unico. La trasversalità tra le varie aree disciplinari è la stella polare dei programmi nuovi e di quelli vecchi che si aggiornano. Trasversalità che è indicata all'interno del Recovery Plan come obiettivo da centrare - utilizzando 430 milioni di risorse a disposizione - per rafforzare le competenze multidisciplinari, l'attenzione alle nuove tecnologie e alla green economy, insieme all'arricchimento del catalogo delle lauree professionalizzanti.

Dynamics of Mathematical Models in Biology
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 154

Dynamics of Mathematical Models in Biology

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-11-03
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  • Publisher: Springer

This volume focuses on contributions from both the mathematics and life science community surrounding the concepts of time and dynamicity of nature, two significant elements which are often overlooked in modeling process to avoid exponential computations. The book is divided into three distinct parts: dynamics of genomes and genetic variation, dynamics of motifs, and dynamics of biological networks. Chapters included in dynamics of genomes and genetic variation analyze the molecular mechanisms and evolutionary processes that shape the structure and function of genomes and those that govern genome dynamics. The dynamics of motifs portion of the volume provides an overview of current methods f...

Meeting abstracts of the 3° EVIta symposium
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 69

Meeting abstracts of the 3° EVIta symposium

The 3rd Symposium of the Italian Society of Extracellular Vesicles (The 3° EVIta Symposium), September 13-15, 2023 [Table 1].

A Cultural Symbiosis
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 320

A Cultural Symbiosis

  • Categories: Art

The history of the Florentine patriciate did not end with the establishment of the Medici Duchy and Grand Duchy of Tuscany. Proud and self-confident, these patricians were not subservient courtiers; on the contrary, they continued to exert a considerable influence on Florentine culture and politics for centuries. The patrician class in sixteenth-century Florence were the descendants of wealthy, sophisticated and politically savvy families who, while acquiring noble titles, estates, and villas, retained their long-standing urban identity. The mark they left on the city’s cultural and artistic life was embraced by the Medici, who used their political and diplomatic knowhow, eleborate artistic commissions, and European networks to enhance their power and prestige. A Cultural Symbiosis highlights the contributions to Florentine art and culture of eight patricians, focusing on the Valori, Pucci, Ridolfi, Vecchietti, del Nero, Salviati, Guicciardini, and Niccolini families.