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In the era of COVID-19, many people have suffered high levels of stress and mental health problems. To cope with the widespread of suffering (physical, psychological, social, and economical) the positive psychology of personal happiness is no longer the sole approach to examine personal wellbeing. Other approaches such as Viktor Frankl’s theory of self-transcendence provide a promising framework for research and intervention on how to achieve resilience, wellbeing, and happiness through overcoming suffering and self-transcendence. The existential positive psychology of suffering complements the positive psychology of happiness, which is championed by Martin Seligman, as two equal halves of...
Applied Social Sciences: Psychology, Physical Education and Social Medicine is focused on an interdisciplinary area of research, coagulating quantitative and qualitative studies related to developmental psychology, methodology of applied psychology, educational psychology, physical education and social medicine. Some of these topics, such as deviant behaviours of adolescents, validation of specific psychological scales, cross-cultural approaches in education, behaviour optimization at the individual and group level in the sport environment, medical services for elderly persons, using illicit drugs and suicidal manifestation, the impact of economic crisis on population health state, and community health assistance, are extremely relevant for the dynamics of contemporary social identities. This volume offers both theoretical and empirical support for a wide range of professionals in the area of social and behavioural sciences, providing both accurate and profound diagnoses of post-communist Romanian realities.
This book deals with the Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) a widely used atomic emission spectroscopy technique for elemental analysis of materials. It is based on the use of a high-power, short pulse laser excitation. The book is divided into two main sections: the first one concerning theoretical aspects of the technique, the second one describing the state of the art in applications of the technique in different scientific/technological areas. Numerous examples of state of the art applications provide the readers an almost complete scenario of the LIBS technique. The LIBS theoretical aspects are reviewed. The book helps the readers who are less familiar with the technique to understand the basic principles. Numerous examples of state of the art applications give an almost complete scenario of the LIBS technique potentiality. These examples of applications may have a strong impact on future industrial utilization. The authors made important contributions to the development of this field.
Psihologia socială și psihologia clinică sunt domenii interconectate: pe de o parte, numeroase disfuncții psihologice sunt generate în cadrul acțiunilor sociale cotidiene, iar, pe de altă parte, eficiența intervențiilor terapeutice depinde în mare măsură de cunoașterea dinamicilor psihosociale prezente în spațiul clinic. Propunând o abordare integrativă a conceptului de sănătate psihologică, volumul are ca principal obiectiv introducerea disciplinei psihologiei sociale clinice în România. Sunt expuse pe larg problemele emoționale în viața cotidiană, cauzele comportamentului disfuncțional, rolul dinamicilor interpersonale și de grup în adaptare și terapie, procesele de schimbare psihologică, dar și strategiile terapeutice în context social.
Copilăria timpurie, intervalul de la naștere și până la împlinirea vârstei de 6-7 ani, reprezintă cea mai importantă perioadă din viața copiilor. Acum dezvoltarea lor este foarte rapidă, iar deficiențele de învățare și cele psihocomportamentale pot fi mai ușor depistate și remediate. Plecând de la aceste premise, autorii prezintă principalele repere ale educației timpurii, mijloacele educative, provocările actuale și posibile soluții, precum și aspecte legate de activitatea cadrelor didactice. Soluțiile propuse au drept scop o dezvoltare intelectuală și socială armonioasă a copiilor, obținerea unor performanțe școlare superioare, scăderea ratei eșecului școlar și a abandonului. Volumul pune la dispoziția studenților de la facultățile de științe ale educației, psihologie sau asistenta socială și practicienilor din aceste domenii rezultatele celor mai recente cercetări, precum și noi direcții de analiza.
All papers were peer-reviewed. In the industry, the laser is placed like a tool having shown its effectiveness from the point of view of the tasks execution speed, the accuracy and the quality of the obtained result. Beside, the plasmas obtained by laser, by discharge, or the dusty plasmas are now intensively studied both by theoretical and experimental approaches since their applications are very promising in many fields. The First International Conference on Laser and Plasma Applications in Materials Science (LAPAMS’08) organized by the Centre de Développement des Technologies Avancées (CDTA) of Algiers. Its objective was to present the state of the art, the trends, the fundamental asp...
A psychology of women textbook that fully integrates transgender research, issues, and concerns With clear, comprehensive, and cutting-edge coverage, The Psychology of Women and Gender: Half the Human Experience + delivers an authoritative analysis of classical and up-to-date research from a feminist, psychological viewpoint. Authors Nicole M. Else-Quest and Janet Shibley Hyde examine the cultural and biological similarities and differences between genders, noting how these characteristics can affect issues of equality. Students will come away with a strong foundation for understanding the dynamic influences of gender, sexual orientation, and ethnicity in the context of psychology and society. The Tenth Edition further integrates intersectionality throughout every chapter, updates language for more transgender inclusion, and incorporates new content from guidelines put forth from the American Psychological Association.
Penyusunan monograf ini didasari hasil penelitian dan fenomena yang sering terjadi pada pasien yang dirawat dirumah sakit. Masalah psikologis sering dialami pasien pada saat berada di rumah sakit ketika menjalani suatu prosedur tindakan medis. Masalah psikologis yang sering terjadi berupa perasaan trauma, takut, kecemasan, stress maupun depresi, bahkan dapat mengalami chronic sorrow/berduka kronis. Salah satu bentuk psikoterapi sebagai alternatif solusi yang dapat di gunakan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah hypnotheraphy. Terapi ini bermanfaat untuk untuk mengatasi masalah psikologis, masalah trauma, ketakutan, kecemasan ,stress, maupun depresi dengan mekanisme menjangkau pikiran bawah sadar, melakukan re-edukasi, dan meyembuhkan pikiran. Monograf ini membahas lebih mendalam tentang chronic sorrow/berduka kronis dan hypnotherapy dan beberapa hasil penelitian yang bertema masalah psikologis kecemasan, stress, depresi dan hypnotherapy sebagai alternative solusi. Hypnotherapy merupakan pilihan yang dapat diterapkan untuk keperawatan karena mempunyai manfaat yang cukup permanen dan membutuhkan waktu yang relative singkat untuk menangani masalah psikologis