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Contextual Subjects
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 369

Contextual Subjects

  • Categories: Law

Law and legal discourse both presuppose and produce legal subjects. Views on the nature of the legal subject will constantly shift, therefore, with changes in the law. Contextual Subjects argues that a new view of the legal subject has indeed emerged and that it is now embedded in the social context and relationships. This claim is developed through a contrast of Canadian family law and administrative law as it was in the mid-twentieth century and as it is today. Robert Leckey argues that it is not only the subject that is contextual. Legal discourse and adjudication have also become more contextual, making family law and administrative law themselves contextual subjects. Leckey bolsters thi...

The Politics of Adoption
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 237

The Politics of Adoption

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2014-04-25
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  • Publisher: MIT Press

An argument that French adoption policies reflect and enforce the state's notions of gender, parenthood, and citizenship. In May 2013, after months of controversy, France legalized same-sex marriage and adoption by homosexual couples. Obstacles to adoption and parenting equality remain, however—many of them in the form of cultural and political norms reflected and expressed in French adoption policies. In The Politics of Adoption, Bruno Perreau describes the evolution of these policies. In the past thirty years, Perreau explains, political and intellectual life in France have been dominated by debates over how to preserve “Frenchness,” and these debates have driven policy making. Adopt...

The Greenwood Encyclopedia of LGBT Issues Worldwide
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 496

The Greenwood Encyclopedia of LGBT Issues Worldwide

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2010
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  • Publisher: Greenwood

"This set has an ambitious scope with the goal of offering the most up-to-date international overview of key issues in the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals. HIV/AIDS has been a major media focus, but this set fosters a broader understanding of the status of LGBT individuals in their society. More than 70 countries are represented. The clear, accessible prose is appropriate for high school student research on up. The material is especially needed in a cultural climate that increasingly supports and requires information about LGBT populations. The content is useful for a paper on a hot topic, health classes, discussion groups, and gay-straight alliance groups."--Google books viewed Oct. 15, 2020.

L' Interdit de la torture en procès?
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 262

L' Interdit de la torture en procès?

  • Categories: Law

Interdite de façon absolue et non suceptible de dérogation, la torture est pourtant au devant de la scène internationale depuis près de deux ans, à travers de multiples et sordides révélations y afférentes, et surtout à cause de la remise en question de son interdiction absolue, au prétexte de la lutte contre le terrorisme. De par son existence même, la résurgence de ce débat public autour de la torture témoigne de la dévalorisation progressive des schèmes justificateurs de son interdiction. L'invocation incantatoire et autolâtrique de la dignité humaine ne suffit en effet plus, si elle a jamais suffi, pour empêcher le recours à la torture. S'il en est ainsi, si, in fine, la recurrence de la torture s'explique par la faible justification de son interdiction absolue, alors il apparait qu'au plan philosophique, l'une des tâches primordiales consiste à réexaminer la justification de cette interdiction.

Elements of Genocide
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 273

Elements of Genocide

  • Categories: Law
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013-05-07
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Elements of Genocide provides an authoritative evaluation of the current perception of the crime, as it appears in the decisions of judicial authorities, the writings of the foremost academic experts in the field, and in the texts of Commission Reports. Genocide constitutes one of the most significant problems in contemporary international law. Within the last fifteen years, the world has witnessed genocidal conduct in Rwanda and Bosnia and Herzegovina, while the debate on the commission of genocide in Darfur and the DR Congo is ongoing. Within the same period, the prosecution of suspected génocidaires has taken place in international tribunals, internationalised tribunals and domestic courts; and the names of Slobodan Milosevic, Radovan Karadzic and Saddam Hussein feature among those against whom charges of genocide were brought. Pursuing an interdisciplinary examination of the existing case law on genocide in international and domestic courts, Elements of Genocide comprehensive and accessible reflection on the crime of genocide, and its inherent complexities.

Le Grotesque
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 260

Le Grotesque

  • Categories: Art

Incontestablement, le grotesque aujourd'hui fascine. Depuis son origine, on l'a vu franchir les frontières des arts plastiques pour venir s'immiscer en littérature, évoluer à travers les époques, et quelquefois se faire oublier pour mieux ressurgir à certaines périodes critiques de l'Histoire, lorsque, tirant parti de son potentiel contestataire, d'aucuns s'en sont servi comme arme contre la culture dominante. Le fait est que le grotesque, sur le plan anthropologique au sens le plus large, touche diverses dimensions de l'agir humain. Cette publication propose des balises, des repérages ou des essais sur la question, ainsi que des tentatives originales de tester la force d'analyse de cet objet paradoxal qu'est le grotesque, essentiellement pour les études littéraires et philosophiques.

La Vérité
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 108

La Vérité

La post-modernité a imposé un détachement vis-à-vis de la vérité comme « représentation adéquate », ou comme « objet » du discours. Il en ressort d'autant mieux que la vérité est processus, ou devenir, dont le sujet humain est agent, comme être de langage. La vérité ne va pas de soi, pas plus qu'elle n'est déjà faite. Elle appelle à reconnaître que sa mise en oeuvre relève de la capacité des êtres humains, comme sujets de parole, de désir, de pensée et d'action. Elle ne se tient pas au-delà de l'humain, comme parole de vérité, en surplomb ; elle relance plutôt, à même le langage où surgit la question humaine, la requête envers « la vérité de parole » (Yv...

Our Martens:F.F. Martens, International Lawyer and Architecht of Peace
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 374

Our Martens:F.F. Martens, International Lawyer and Architecht of Peace

  • Categories: Law

The rule of law, peace, disarmament, human rights: these are no longer empty words, but legal concepts steadily gaining force among nations. If the slow but sure codification of international law that began with the first Geneva Convention of 1864 has put down roots, against all odds, it is because of the passionate determination of a few visionary but practical actors on the world's stage. Pre-eminent among these `workers in the dawn' was the Russian jurist, diplomat and arbitrator F.F. Martens (1845-1909). Although Marten's reputation suffered during the Soviet era and on both sides of the Cold War, the lasting effect of his ideas and initiatives can be traced all the way from his early ye...

On Arbitration
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 973

On Arbitration

  • Categories: Law

This volume brings together the most important articles, lectures, and essays of Van Vechten (Johnny) Veeder, a towering figure in the worlds of international commercial arbitration and arbitration between States and foreign investors. As noted by Judge Stephen Schwebel in his introduction to the volume, Johnny Veeder was unsurpassed as an arbitrator, tribunal chairman, expositor, analyst, and historian of international arbitration. The writings in this collection address a wide range of topics in the field, including the historical context of international arbitration and its influence on the modern-day practice, the role and responsibilities of the arbitrator, and the principles upholding ...

L' Exil de soi. Sans-abri d'ici et d'ailleurs
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 324

L' Exil de soi. Sans-abri d'ici et d'ailleurs

«Qui sont les sans-abri ?» ; «Comment devient-on SDF?» ; «Sommes-nous tous susceptibles de nous retrouver un jour à la rue?» ; «Comment peut-on s'installer durablement dans le sans-abrisme?» sont quelques-unes des questions que chacun d'entre nous est amené à se poser face à un phénomène en expansion dans la plupart de nos grandes villes depuis une quinzaine d'années. Le présent ouvrage propose un éclairage pluriel sur une problématique complexe, en l'abordant dans une optique comparative et multidisciplinaire. Afin de mettre en lumière les traits communs aux personnes sans-abri et à leur parcours de vie, l'ouvrage explore trois «terrains» distincts : la Belgique, la Fr...