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Principles of Institutional and Evolutionary Political Economy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 447

Principles of Institutional and Evolutionary Political Economy

This is the very first book to explicitly both detail the core general principles of institutional and evolutionary political economy and also apply the principles to current world problems such as the coronavirus crisis, climate change, corruption, AI-Robotics, policy-governance, money and financial instability, terrorism, AIDS-HIV and the nurturance gap. No other book has ever detailed explicitly such core principles and concepts nor ever applied them explicitly to numerous current major problems. The core general principles and concepts in this book, which are outlined and detailed include historical specificity & evolution; hegemony & uneven development; circular & cumulative causation; ...

Proceedings of the 19th Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery National Congress (PERHATIKL 2022)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 362

Proceedings of the 19th Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery National Congress (PERHATIKL 2022)

This is an open access book. The ORL-HNS National Congress is a national deliberation event, especially for Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Society members. On this occasion, Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery West Java District were given the trust as the organizer of the 19th National Congress, located at The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung, West Java which will take place on October 27 - 29, 2022 hybrids. The 19th Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery National Congress consist of executive sessions and scientific, social, artistic, and sports activities. This congress event is held every three years and coincides with the Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery anniversa...

Gender Equity: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 544

Gender Equity: Challenges and Opportunities

This book comprises the proceedings of the TEQIP III Sponsored 2nd International Conference on “Gender Equity: Challenges and Opportunities” (2nd ICOGECAO 2020 -Virtual Mode), held at Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat, India, from 25 to 27 November 2020. ICOGECAO provided a platform for researchers from multiple countries to present their views about the challenges associated with gender equity. Gender equity is one of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 5) set up by the United Nations in 2015, to promote and empower all genders equally. The proceedings strongly support the ideas of gender neutrality and blow out the mind-set of limiting gen...

COVID-19 and Education in Africa
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 284

COVID-19 and Education in Africa

With comprehensive examples from researchers across East Africa, West Africa, and Southern Africa, the book examines how primary, secondary, and tertiary education was affected by the pandemic and how its effects are shaping the future of education in Africa. This book addresses diverse issues relating to COVID-19 and education, including the gendered-, classed-, and disability-related effects of the pandemic; African educators’ and students’ experiences with different remote learning technologies; and the outcomes of government interventions in education, such as prolonged school closures. The chapters and case studies highlighted in the volume represent the voices of African educators, students, and parents as they share their experiences of the pandemic and their perspectives on how learning should be optimised to better manage future disruptions to education. This book is the first of its kind to comprehensively examine the effects of COVID-19 on education in Africa and will be essential reading for researchers, academics, and scholars of African education, international and comparative education, and education policy.

Dasar-dasar Imunologi dan Infeksi
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 104

Dasar-dasar Imunologi dan Infeksi

Setiap menit setiap harinya, sistem kekebalan bekerja keras untuk melindungi tubuh kita dari infeksi. Ketika sistem ini bekerja dengan baik, kita tidak menyadarinya. Namun ketika sistem ini kehilangan keseimbangan, kita dihadapkan pada kondisi infeksi, alergi atau bahkan sistem imun yang menyerang sel tubuh sendiri. Saat ini, ilmu Imunologi terus berkembang. Para peneliti turut berkontribusi dalam upaya pencegahan dan terapi penyakit. Pemahaman yang baik terhadap respon tubuh ketika menghadapi agen penyebab penyakit telah membuka pengetahuan baru dalam penanganan penyakit infeksi dan kanker, dengan ditemukannya vaksin dan imunoterapi. Buku dasar-dasar imunologi dan infeksi ini hadir untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang imunologi dasar. Materi tentang sistem penyusun dan respon kekebalan tubuh, mekanisme inflamasi akut dan kronis, sistem komplemen dan proses migrasi leukosit diuraikan dengan padat dan ringkas, dibantu dengan pojok klinis dan soal latihan untuk menguatkan pemahaman. Besar harapan penulis, buku ini menjadi salah satu bekal ilmu kesehatan nantinya dalam memahami patomekanisme penyakit dalam bidang imunologi dan infeksi.

Aceh and Nias One Year After the Tsunami
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 220

Aceh and Nias One Year After the Tsunami

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2005
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Ali Baina Muhammadain : Pelopor Zakat Profesi Aceh
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 166

Ali Baina Muhammadain : Pelopor Zakat Profesi Aceh

Buku ini mengisahkan perjalanan hidup Muhammad Ali Muhammad seorang akademisi, ulama Aceh yang penuh perjuangan dan Pengabdian mulai dari kelahirannya hingga perannya dalam merintis IAIN Ar-Raniri dan gerakan zakat profesi. Ali Muhammad, sebagai guru, pemimpin, dan mubalig, menunjukkan keteguhan dalam berbagai perannya termasuk saat terlibat dalam musim haji kisahnya mencerminkan komitmen dan pengaruh positif dalam pendidikan Islam di Aceh serta nilai-nilai keluarga yang membentuk pribadi inspiratif. Buku ini mempersembahkan perjalanan seorang pendidik dan pemimpin yang berdedikasi tinggi dalam menciptakan perubahan positif di Aceh. saling Muhammad tidak hanya meninggalkan jejak dalam dunia pendidikan, tapi juga memberikan inspirasi tentang keteguhan, pengertian, dan arti keluarga. Selain sebagai narasi biografi, buku ini juga menggambarkan sejarah dan budaya Aceh membawa pembaca melintas berbagai era yang membentuk tokoh yang luar biasa ini. Semoga kisah hidup Ali Muhammad memberikan inspirasi bagi kita semua mengajarkan bahwa setiap langkah kecil dalam kehidupan kita dapat membentuk perjalanan yang berarti.

  • Language: id
  • Pages: 1210


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1987
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Communism for Kids
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 108

Communism for Kids

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-03-24
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  • Publisher: MIT Press

Communism, capitalism, work, crisis, and the market, described in simple storybook terms and illustrated by drawings of adorable little revolutionaries. Once upon a time, people yearned to be free of the misery of capitalism. How could their dreams come true? This little book proposes a different kind of communism, one that is true to its ideals and free from authoritarianism. Offering relief for many who have been numbed by Marxist exegesis and given headaches by the earnest pompousness of socialist politics, it presents political theory in the simple terms of a children's story, accompanied by illustrations of lovable little revolutionaries experiencing their political awakening. It all un...

Perlindungan Hukum Keanekaragaman Hayati (Relasi Sawit Dan Deforestasi)
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 258

Perlindungan Hukum Keanekaragaman Hayati (Relasi Sawit Dan Deforestasi)

  • Categories: Law

Pada bagian pertama buku ini menguraikan relasi ekspansi perkebunan sawit dan deforestasi yang menjadi ancaman terhadap keanekaragaman hayati di Indonesia. Pada bagian kedua diuraikan skema perlindungan keanekaragaman hayati baik dalam perspektif hukum Internasional, hukum Nasional, hingga secara spesifik pada perlindungan keanekaragaman hayati dalam perkebunan sawit. Pada bagian terakhir diuraikan secara singkat dampak pengesahan Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja terhadap keanekaragaman hayati di Indonesia.