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This is an open access book. The 3rd International Conference on Business Law and Local Wisdom in Tourism (ICBLT) will be an annual event hosted by Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar, Bali. “Business Law and Local Wisdom in Tourism” has been chosen at the main theme for the conference, with a focus on the latest research and trends, as well as future outlook of the field of Call for paper fields to be included in ICBLT 2022 are Local Wisdom (Customary Law); Law on Business, Business Competition, and Prohibition of Monopoly; Law on Land and Environment; Law on Investment; Law on Criminal Act of Corruption and Asset Recovery Law on Licenses and Labor; Law on Tourism; Law on Transportation; La...
Dalam menjalankan kegiatan bisnis,setiap pelaku usaha (manajer bisnis) membutuhkan informasi yang valid dan relevan, dengan begitu mereka dapat menyusun rencana, mengevaluasi, melakukan pengendalian, dan mengambil keputusan. Akuntansi manajemen hadir sebagai disiplin ilmu manajerial untuk mengelola informasi akuntansi yang dibutuhkan oleh manajer tersebut. Berdasarkan hal di atas, maka buku ini disusun untuk menjawab permasalahan manajemen akuntansi dengan cara menghadirkan suatu pemahaman komprehensif dasar yang tidak hanya bersifat teoritis namun juga praktis. Materi yang tersaji berisikan berbagai kajian kompleksitas akuntansi manajemen yang sering ditemui oleh para pelaku usaha di lingkungan bisnisnya. Adapun kumpulan pembahasan di setiap materiya merupakan hasil pemikiran luar biasa yang dituangkan oleh para ahli yang berasal dari kalangan praktisi dan akademisi. Materi yang disajikan meliputi: Konsep dasar Akuntansi Manajemen; Konsep Biaya; Biaya Berdasarkan Aktivitas (Activity Based Cost); Akuntansi Pertanggungjawaban; Analisis Biaya Volume Laba; Penganggaran; Manajemen Kualitas Total (TQM); Biaya Pengambilan Keputusan; Reorganisasi dan Merger.
Kegiatan wirausaha berbasis UMKM memberikan kontribusi bagi pertumbuhan perekonomian Indonesia. Selain sebagai jaring pengaman masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah, UMKM nyatanya juga membantu pemerintah dalam memperluas kesempatan dan penyerapan tenaga kerja. Namun demikian masih banyak masyarakat yang kurang memahami bagaimana cara berwirausaha, mulai dari persiapan usaha, bentuk pengelolaan, hingga beberapa aspek legalitas usaha yang perlu diperhatikan. Menjawab hal di atas, maka buku ini hadir untuk membantu para pembacanya yang ingin memahami konseptual dasar kewirausahaan dalam lingkup UMKM dengan pembahasan yang lugas dan mudah dipahami. Adapun isi pembahasan dalam buku ini terdiri dari 1...
Measuring populations in person and on the telephone; Sample designs for personal and telephone interview surveys; Administration of the surveys; Response differences between the two modes of data collection; Method effects associated with specific types of measures; Measurable sources of error in the survey data; Sampling and data collection costs for the surveys; Summary and speculation.
An analysis of the 1999 Indonesian general election and subsequent presidential election in the context of Indonesian elections and politics. The book highlights major characteristics of Indonesian society and culture which affect electoral behaviour, namely ethnicity, regionalism and religion.
Based on a decade of exclusive research, Lowell Bryan and Claudia Joyce of McKinsey & Company have come up with a simple yet revolutionary conclusion: Your workforce is the key to growth in the 21st century. By tapping into their underutilized talents, knowledge, and skills you can earn tens of thousands of additional dollars per employee, and manage the interdepartmental complexities and barriers that prevent real achievements and profits. This can only be accomplished through organizational design and redesign. That's the new model for survival in the modern, digital, global economy. With the right design, your organization will have the capabilities to pursue whatever strategy is necessar...
Islamic finance is one of the fastest-growing sectors in international banking and finance. Owing to the increasing availability and ease of access to Islamic services, Islamic finance has become increasingly important not only in Muslim countries, but around the world, making it a global industry. Under the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) as well as in some regions, such as the Middle East and North Africa, a dual financial system is implemented, where Sharia-compliant products are marketed alongside conventional financial systems.In this thoroughly researched collection of chapters, researchers from around the world examine the role of Islamic finance in the economies and prospects of diffe...
Indonesian Islam is an important and timely book based on approximately 2,000 fatwâ (pl. fatâwâ)--an opinion on a point of law or dogma given by a person with recognized authority (ijâza)--demonstrating that classical Islamic reasoning is an alternative to state-defined Islam and is capable of dealing with contemporary challenges in ethics and morality in a consistent and rational way. The book provides a comprehensive survey of how modern Indonesian Islamic thinking has responded to changes in social practices since the 1920s, and how authorities have ruled on diverse subjects ranging from football pools to land sales and milk banks. The author examines in detail the development and nua...
At the beginning of the twentieth century psychologists discovered ways and means to measure intelligence that developed into an obsession with IQ. In the mid 1990's, Daniel Goleman popularised research into emotional intelligence, EQ, pointing out that EQ is a basic requirement for the appropriate use of IQ. In this century, there is enough collective evidence from psychology, neurology, anthropology and cognitive science to show us that there is a third 'Q', 'SQ' or Spiritual Intelligence. SQ is uniquely human and, the authors argue, the most fundamental intelligence. SQ is what we use to develop our longing and capacity for meaning, vision and value. It allows us to dream and to strive. It underlies the things we believe in, and the role our beliefs and values play in the actions that we take and the way we shape our lives.