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Spanish Jesuits such as Francisco Suárez (1548–1617), José de Acosta (1540–1600), Pedro de Ribadeneira (1526-1611) and Juan de Mariana (1536-1624) had a powerful impact on English thinkers of the magnitude of John Locke (1632–1704), Francis Bacon (1561-1626), Robert Persons (1546-1610), Algernon Sidney (1623-1683), and, later, William Robertson (1721–1793), Thomas de Quincey (1785–1859) and Hilaire Belloc (1870–1953). An influence that was sometimes hidden and always controversial. This work highlights the importance of this influence regarding thought on politics, law and natural rights. A constitutionalist understanding of political power, the recognition and promotion of inn...
Hilaire Belloc’s thinking on the economy constitutes, by its originality and acuity, a heterodox approach of the greatest interest in addressing the economic problems of his time and those of our own. Belloc’s main interest as a writer were on economics and history, and his works were praised by economists such as F. A. Hayek or Wilhelm Röpke and political philosophers such as Robert Nisbet and Russell Kirk, but his contributions have been often overlooked. To address that oversight, this book inserts Belloc ́s ideas into the academic dialogue on economics. Despite not being a trained economist, Belloc developed his thought based on a coherent system rooted in original elements such as...
Atlantic slavery represents one of the blackest pages of human history. European powers not only colonised American lands but also brought African men and women to work as slaves on plantations. Intellectuals did not remain indifferent to this practice and – from the second half of the 18th century – criticised the institution of slavery from an ethical, legal, and economic point of view. This book aims to briefly illustrate the colonisation process implemented by France and Great Britain in the Caribbean and to reconstruct the debate on colonialism and slavery that developed in these two countries, approaching the issue from the standpoint of the History of Economic Thought. The decisiv...
This volume proposes a reconsideration of ecological and environmental aspects of the work and ideas of various heterodox authors and traditions in the history of economic thought, including the field of economic development. Many of the contributors to this book focus on thinkers and works which are not typically considered as part of the ecological sphere, while others consider such economists in a new light or domain. Thus, the book elucidates a new and useful research field of reconsidering ecological dimensions in the traditional history of economic thought as well as helping to delineate alternative views for ongoing debates on ecological themes. Did Veblen, Keynes, Sraffa, C. Furtado ...
John Maynard Keynes is best known for his contributions to economics, yet he spent nearly two decades exploring the concept of probability. His extensive work culminated in A Treatise on Probability (1921), in which he developed a unique notion of probability that continues to divide scholars regarding its relevance to economic theory. This book delves into the connections between Keynes’s ideas on probability and those of early Enlightenment philosophers, such as Locke, Leibniz, and Hume, who worked on probability before mathematicians claimed ownership over the subject. These authors framed probability as a substitute for knowledge when it is not available. Keynes extended these ideas an...
Drawing on a wide range of Hegel’s writings, this book analyses the Hegelian position on ethical action. This position is systematically compared with that of Immanuel Kant, the comparison emphasizing Hegel’s insistence on a morality grounded in an ‘ethical’ context which essentially refers to the state rather than the agent’s private will. The argument proceeds to the relationship between the state and the various components of civil society, and to the interaction between the state and the individual, and feeds into the debate regarding Hegel’s status in relation to Utilitarian Ethics and liberalism. This book carries further the researches published in A History of Utilitarian Ethics and Immanuel Kant and Utilitarian Ethics and will be of interest to readers in the history of political economy, political science, philosophy and ethics.
This book is a renovative research work on Ricardo’s theory of value and of money, achieved through analysis of Ricardo’s original writings, made available in Sraffa’s Works. Takenaga argues that Ricardo’s economic theory should be understood as a cost theory of value. He begins by re-reading the first chapter of Ricardo’s Principles, focusing on the chapter’s theoretical structure and definition of labour. He then extends Ricardo’s characterisation of the theory of value by situating it in the context of debates with other contemporary economists, namely Torrens and McCulloch. In the third chapter, he argues that Ricardo’s theory of money is not a quantity theory, and accord...
Takahashi reconstructs the key blocks of one of the founders of the institutional school, John R. Commons’ theories of the evolution of capitalism and of institutional change by taking the concept of transaction as a central point of departure. Commons’ theories continue to influence modern economics, and in this book, Takahashi scrutinizes his construction of transaction and its features and offers a reinterpretation of Commons’ institutional economics and transaction economics. He then explores how Commons’ analysis of going concerns (e.g., firms) has broader and deeper applications that extend to monetary policy, labor policy, and the business cycle. Takahashi examines how Commons’ and Veblen’s dynamic theories share cumulative causation. He closes by positing that Commons’ transaction economics seeks “reasonable capitalism” through a virtuous cycle of reasonable value and generation of good business ethics. This book will be attractive to researchers of institutional economics, political economy, heterodox economics, as well as the history of economic thought, law, and ethics.
Jesuitas españoles como Francisco Suárez (1548-1617), José de Acosta (1540-1600), Pedro de Ribadeneira (1526-1611) y Juan de Mariana (1536-1624) influyeron en pensadores ingleses de la talla de John Locke (1632-1704), Francis Bacon (1561-1626), Robert Persons (1546-1610), Algernon Sidney (1623-1683) o, posteriormente, William Robertson (1721-1793), Thomas de Quincey (1785-1859) e Hilaire Belloc (1870-1953). Una influencia a veces disimulada y frecuentemente controvertida. Una concepción constitucionalista del poder político, el reconocimiento y la promoción de los derechos innatos y la necesaria sujeción de los gobernantes a la ley, forman parte del importante legado de estos doctores escolásticos al acervo intelectual europeo.
Un análisis exhaustivo de la colación de grados en la Universitat de València desde su fundación en el año 1499 hasta la pérdida del patronato municipal sobre la institución universitaria como consecuencia de la aplicación de los decretos de Nueva Planta borbónicos, así como un catálogo de los graduados entre 1580 y 1611, con abundantes datos sobre su origen geográfico y social, títulos, etc.