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This continuation of a series of comprehensive chronological reference works lists the results of men's chess competitions all over the world--individual and team matches. The present volume covers 1978 through 1980. Entries record location and, when available, the group that sponsored the event. First and last names of players are included whenever possible and are standardized for easy reference. Compiled from contemporary sources such as newspapers, periodicals, tournament records and match books, this work contains 855 tournament cross tables and 90 match scores, and is indexed by events and by players.
This continuation of a series of comprehensive chronological reference works lists the results of men's chess competitions all over the world--individual and team matches. The present volume covers 1975 through 1977. Entries record location and, when available, the group that sponsored the event. First and last names of players are included whenever possible and are standardized for easy reference. Compiled from contemporary sources such as newspapers, periodicals, tournament records and match books, this work contains 872 tournament cross tables and 147 match scores, and is indexed by events and by players.
This reference work continues a comprehensive series chronicling men's chess competitions. Listed in this volume are the results of chess competitions from all over the world--including individual and team matches--from 1986 through 1988. Entries record location and, when available, the group that sponsored the event. First and last names of players are included whenever possible and are standardized for easy reference. Compiled from contemporary sources such as newspapers, periodicals, tournament records and match books, this work contains 843 tournament crosstables and 130 match scores, and is indexed by events and by players.
This reference work continues a comprehensive series chronicling men's chess competitions. Listed in this volume are the results of chess competitions from all over the world--including individual and team matches--from 1989 through 1990. Entries record location and, when available, the group that sponsored the event. First and last names of players are included whenever possible and are standardized for easy reference. Compiled from contemporary sources such as newspapers, periodicals, tournament records and match books, this work contains 576 tournament crosstables and 64 match scores, and is indexed by events and by players.
This reference work continues a comprehensive series chronicling men's chess competitions. Listed in this volume are the results of chess competitions from all over the world--including individual and team matches--from 1981 through 1985. Entries record location and, when available, the group that sponsored the event. First and last names of players are included whenever possible and are standardized for easy reference. Compiled from contemporary sources such as newspapers, periodicals, tournament records and match books, this work contains 1,508 tournament crosstables and 205 match scores, and is indexed by events and by players.
Informe sobre los proyectos financiados por el Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica y Desarrollo Tecnológico.
Im ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert standen alle Städte vor dem Problem, eine rasch wachsende Bevölkerung mit öffentlichen Dienstleistungen zu versorgen. Diese Aufgabe ging weit über den bisherigen Tätigkeitsbereich der Gemeinden hinaus. In unterschiedlichem Ausmaß und Breite boten die Städte Leistungen an, die bislang als gänzlich private Angelegenheit gegolten hatten. Während einerseits "Munizipalsozialismus" eine Politik bezeichnete, die am Anfang des modernen Wohlfahrtsstaates steht, galt er andererseits als Staatsintervention, welche die Grundlagen der liberal-kapitalistischen Gesellschaft bedrohte. Die aktuellen Debatten über Deregulierung und die bereits verwirklichten Schritte in diese Richtung lassen es sinnvoll erscheinen, einen Blick darauf zu werfen, was denn "Munizipalsozialismus" in Europas zwischen 1880 und 1939 tatsächlich bedeutete. Die Beiträge über Frankreich, Spanien, Deutschland, England und die Schweiz zeigen die ganze Spannweite kommunaler Interventionspolitik auf, die sich je nach den politischen Rahmenbedingungen von purem Fiskalismus bis zu Maßnahmen erstreckte, die eindeutig sozialistischer Theorie entsprangen.