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This book is an in-depth journey into an interesting and relevant philosophical space, taking readers through all four main domains: philosophy of learning, language, literature and socio-culture. Readers are invited to reflect on education as a lived experience and the active role of students in the learning process. Each section of the book features thought-provoking philosophical quotes.
In this book, the author takes readers through a comprehensive journey in the domain of Indonesian language learning, providing a comprehensive picture of the need to adapt to the development of globalization and the industrial revolution which have changed the educational paradigm. With a special focus on Indonesian language and literature, this book explains the concepts, strategies and implementation of learning innovations that can improve the quality of education in the ever-developing digital era.
Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing (BIPA) pada dasarnya merupakan sebuah proses sistemis, sistematis, dan terencana. Pembelajaran BIPA dikatakan sistemis karena di dalamnya terdapat seperangkat aspek dan serangkaian subkegiatan yang antara satu dengan yang lain saling berkaitan dan berinteraksi secara fungsional untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. Pembelajaran tersebut dikatakan sistematis karena dalam implementasi pelaksanaannya terdapat tataan yang bersifat prosedural dan berhubungan secara kronologis-kausatif. Selain itu, pembelajaran BIPA juga dikatakan terencana karena dalam pembelajaran sudah terjabar dan tergambar secara jelas dan tegas adanya dasar, arah/tujuan, target, da...
“Di tanah konflik, untuk dibunuh kau tak butuh dosa, tak harus berbuat salah apa-apa. Hidup hanya hadiah, mati sudah lumrah.” BASTI masih berusia belasan ketika ayahnya, seorang Panglima GAM (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka), tewas dalam sebuah operasi penggerebekan oleh Tentara Negara, pada masa Darurat Operasi Militer di Aceh. Demi membalaskan dendam, dia mengikuti jejak ayahnya bergerilya bersama GAM, terlibat kontak senjata, sampai akhirnya direkrut sebagai pembunuh bayaran. Sejak itu, Basti menjadi salah satu Orang Tak Dikenal yang kerap mengambil keuntungan di tengah perseteruan GAM dan pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Konflik bersenjata di awal tahun 2000-an ini, tidak hanya melahirkan cerita peperangan yang sengit, tetapi juga sindikat bisnis perdagangan senjata, narkoba, hingga pembunuh bayaran. ORANG TAK DIKENAL membawa kita ke dalam petualangan-petualangan yang melibatkan gerilyawan GAM, Tentara Negara, pengkhianatan, hingga kisah cinta di tengah pusara konflik sindikat bisnis gelap. [Mizan, Novel, Indonesia]
The report offers a simple framework for policy analysis by identifying three forest types: frontiers and disputed lands; lands beyond the agricultural frontier; and, mosaic lands where forests and agriculture coexist. It collates geographic and economic information for each type that will help formulate poverty-reducing forest policy.
This is an open access book. This conference is aimed to provide a medium for participants in disseminating their research ideas and results as well as developing their networks. Through the participants’ contribution, it is hoped that this conference could provide a deeper understanding of Economics Education, Economics, Business and Management, Accounting and Entrepreneurship issues. The theme for The Ninth Padang International Conference on Economics Education, Economics, Business and Management, Accounting and Entrepreneurship (PICEEBA) is “Leap to the imminent future: Seizing Opportunities in Education, Economics, and Business”. In this conference, we invite experts, practitioners...
This is an annual international conference held by this faculty involving four departments, Accountancy, Economics, Management and Shariah Economics. This year we come with the theme of “Sustainability and Digital Transformation in Global Vulnerability: Current Issues in Accounting and Shariah Economics”. There is a greater consciousness today of the links and inter-dependence of the two topics; scientific research which leads to a better understanding and knowledge of sustainability issues and massive transformation in digital development where the degree of susceptibility of an individual, a community, assets, or system to the impact of hazard has increased because of the physical, social, economic and environmental factors.
This book gathers the latest research, innovations, and applications in the field of civil engineering, as presented by leading national and international academics, researchers, engineers, and postgraduate students at the AWAM International Conference on Civil Engineering 2022 (AICCE’22), held in Penang, Malaysia on February 15-17, 2022. The book covers highly diverse topics in the main fields of civil engineering, including structural and earthquake engineering, environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, highway and transportation engineering, water resources engineering, and geomatic and construction management. In line with the conference theme, “Sustainability And Resilien...
Tujuan pembangunan kesehatan adalah untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat, sehingga masyarakat dapat hidup sejahtera, produktif serta dapat berkontribusi dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara. Dalam mewujudkan tujuan pembangunan kesehatan peran tenaga kesehatan sebagai pilar dalam memberikan pengobatan maupun pencegahan penyakit. Dokter dan tenaga kesehatan lainnya harus mampu berperan sebagai seorang manager pelayan kesehatan sebagai salah satu fungsi 'five star doctor". Dengan kemampuan manager-ianya yang andal tenaga kesehatan dapat memberikan pelayanan yang efektif dan efisien dalam konteks keterbatasan sumber daya. Sebagai persyarat menjadi seorang manager kes...
This book draws upon the findings of recent research projects exploring the creativity of smart cities. It captures the critical insights and institutional means by which to get beyond the all-too-often self-congratulatory tone that cities across the world strike when claiming to be smart. This book was published as a special issue of Urban Technology.