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Nesse terceiro volume da Coleção As Pensadoras, conheça a produção de conhecimento de cinco importantes Pensadoras pelos olhos de outras cinco mulheres intelectuais: Silvia Federici (por Anna Laura Maneschy Fadel), Eliane Potiguara (por Bárbara Flores), Ivone Gebara (por Carolina Bezerra Souza), Azoilda Loretto da Trindade (por Gisele Rose) e Elza Freire (por Nima Spigolon). O livro busca ser uma contribuição para o registro e divulgação das ideias dessas grandes Pensadoras que tanto contribuíram para pensarmos a situação das mulheres, em toda a sua pluralidade, nos diferentes âmbitos da sociedade. Apresentação: Isabel Lousada Coordenação Geral: Rita Machado Coordenação Editorial: Larissa Mundim
O capitalismo e, mais especificamente, sua versão mais agressiva, o neoliberalismo, transformaram a convivência entre nós, humanos, numa guerra de todos contra todos. Para nos salvar desse caminho que tem como único destino possível o sofrimento e nossa extinção definitiva, o papa Francisco nos convida a repensar a forma com que cuidamos de nossa casa (Oikos), propondo uma economia refundada nos valores do cuidado e do amor: a Economia de Francisco e Clara.
Os crimes de ódio e intolerância são formas de violência direcionadas a determinadas pessoas e grupos sociais, geralmente minoritários ou vulneráveis, mas que afetam toda a coletividade. Trata-se de violações aos direitos humanos que têm se proliferado no Brasil e no mundo e exigem um debate plural, ético e profundo, voltado não só para identificar possíveis causas, mas também apontar caminhos viáveis para seu enfrentamento. Com base nisso, convidamos policiais, médicos, psicólogos, advogados, professores, analistas, magistrados, defensores públicos, enfim, uma gama de seletos e renomados especialistas para refletirem e escreverem, sob essa ótica multidisciplinar, sobre as...
From today’s vantage point it can be denied that the confidence in the abilities of globalism, mobility, and cosmopolitanism to illuminate cultural signification processes of our time has been severely shaken. In the face of this crisis, a key concept of this globalizing optimism as World Literature has been for the past twenty years necessarily is in the need of a comprehensive revision. World Literature, Cosmopolitanism, Globality: Beyond, Against, Post, Otherwise offers a wide range of contributions approaching the blind spots of the globally oriented Humanities for phenomena that in one way or another have gone beyond the discourses, aesthetics, and political positions of liberal cosmopolitanism and neoliberal globalization. Departing basically (but not exclusively) from different examples of Latin American literatures and cultures in globalized contexts, this volume provides innovative insights into critical readings of World Literature and its related conceptualizations. A timely book that embraces highly innovative perspectives, it will be a mustread for all scholars involved in the field of the global dimensions of literature.
-- Uses the stress-adaptation model as its conceptual framework -- The latest classification of psychiatric disorders in DSM IV -- Access to 50 psychotropic drugs with client teaching guidelines on our website -- Each chapter based on DSM IV diagnoses includes tables with abstracts describing recent research studies pertaining to specific psychiatric diagnoses -- Within the DSM IV section, each chapter features a table with guidelines for client/family education appropriate to the specific diagnosis -- Four new chapters: Cognitive Therapy, Complementary Therapies, Psychiatric Home Health Care, and Forensic Nursing -- Includes critical pathways for working in case management situations -- Cha...
Complete with romance, action, comedy, and an army of shambling corpses, this prequel to the hit mash-up novel will have Jane Austen rolling in her grave—or crawling out of it! Four years before the events of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, the Bennet sisters are enjoying a peaceful life in the English countryside, reading, gardening, and daydreaming about future husbands—until a funeral at the local parish goes strangely and horribly awry. Suddenly, corpses are springing from the soft earth—and only one family can stop them. As the bodies pile up, Elizabeth Bennet grows from a naive young teenager into a savage slayer of the undead. Along the way, two men vie for her affections: Master Hawksworth is the powerful warrior who trains her to kill, while thoughtful Dr. Keckilpenny seeks to conquer the walking dead using science instead of strength. Will either man win the prize of Elizabeth’s heart? Or will their hearts be feasted upon by hordes of marauding zombies?
"One of the best books written about interracial relationships to date. . . . Childs offers a sophisticated and insightful analysis of the social and ideological context of black-white interracial relationships."—Heather Dalmage, author Tripping on the Color Line "A pioneering project that thoroughly analyzes interracial marriage in contemporary America."—Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, author of Racism without Racists: Color-Blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in the United States Is love color-blind, or at least becoming increasingly so? Today’s popular rhetoric and evidence of more interracial couples than ever might suggest that it is. But is it the idea of racially mixed ...
Clinical Mycology offers a comprehensive review of this discipline. Organized by types of fungi, this volume covers microbiologic, epidemiologic and demographic aspects of fungal infections as well as diagnostic, clinical, therapeutic, and preventive approaches. Special patient populations are also detailed.
"Testing and Assessment in Translation and Interpreting Studies" examines issues of measurement that are essential to translation and interpreting. Conceptualizing testing both as a process and a product, the collection of papers explores these issues across languages and settings (including university classrooms, research projects, the private sector, and professional associations). The authors have approached their chapters from different perspectives using a variety of methods, some focusing on very specific variables, and others providing a much broader overview of the issues at hand. Chapters range from a discussion of the measurement of text cohesion in translation; the measurement of interactional competence in interpreting; the use of a particular scale to measure interpreters renditions to the application of a specific approach to grading or general program assessment (such as interpreter or translator certification at the national level or program admissions processes). These studies point to the need for greater integration of research and practice in the specific area of testing and assessment and are a welcome addition to the field."