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This is a detailed account and an excellent narrative history of the often neglected period 1906-1908 in Turkey, in which the prelude and aftermath of the revolution and elections of 1908 took place. The year 1908 opened a new era of representative government and the social and political developments leading to the overthrow of the ancien régime are carefully and fascinatingly given. Historians and general readers will find The Revolution of 1908 in Turkey a thought-provoking book, which will resound in the discussion of the validity of Kemalist or quasi-Kemalist historiography and therefore provide a major contribution to the field.
This book is about domestic politics following the Revolution of 1908 in Turkey. Although seemingly straightforward in its telling of events from the opening of the Parliament in alte 1908 to the re-capture of constitutional government in early 1913, this book is built upon a premise that is fundamentally different from previous studies. Whereas previous studies deal with the period as if conditions were normalised immediately after the Revolution of 1908, this book takes the view that the period under scrutiny is a relentless struggle over the political future of Turkey. The Revolution of 1908 was no mere "restoration" of the Constitution of 1876. It tried to bring about a fundamental chang...
Bu kitapta 1908 Devrimi'ne giden yolun hikâyesi anlatılıyor. Türk tarih yazımında kabullenilmiş "2. Meşrutiyet" tanımı, 1908'de yaşanan siyasal dönüşümün çapını yansıtmaktan uzaktır. Zira 1908'de "meşrutiyet" çerçevesini aşan bir siyasal rejim değişikliği olmuştur. Hükümet artık yalnızca halk tarafından seçilmiş bir meclise karşı sorumlu hale gelmiştir. Mutlakiyetçi monarşi ve ona hizmet eden bürokrasi ilk kez siyasal süreçten dışlanmaya başlamıştır. Aykut Kansu, bu yönleriyle 1908'in Türkiye tarihinde 1923'ten daha önemli, "gerçek" dönüm noktası olduğunu ileri sürüyor. Bunu derken, resmî tarihçiliğin -hem de yerleşik muhalif ta...
Islam in Modern Turkey presents one of the most comprehensive studies in English of the seminal Turkish thinker and theologian, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi (1876–1960). A devout Muslim who strongly believed in peacefully coexisting with the West, Nursi inspired a faith movement that has played a vital role in the revival of Islam in Turkey and now numbers several million followers worldwide. While Nursi's ideas have been afforded considerable analysis, this book is the first to situate these ideas and his related activities in their historical contexts. Based on the available sources and Nursi's own works, here is a complete and balanced view of this important theologian's life and thought.
November 13, 1918. The day Mustafa Kemal arrived in Istanbul, just two weeks after the signing of the Armistice of Mudros. May 16, 1919. The day he left Istanbul for Samsun on the Bandırma steamship. This book relates the adventure that took place during the intervening six months. It is a story that has never received the treatment it deserves, but that has now been remedied. These six months were essentially the planning and preparation phase of the war of independence. Dr. Alev Coşkun gives the reader a masterful and meticulous account of Mustafa Kemal’s daily contacts in the context of political developments with commentary on the significance of these events. On the one hand we see ...
Taner Akçam is one of the first Turkish academics to acknowledge and discuss openly the Armenian Genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman-Turkish government in 1915. This book discusses western political policies towards the region generally, and represents the first serious scholarly attempt to understand the Genocide from a perpetrator rather than victim perspective, and to contextualize those events within Turkey's political history. By refusing to acknowledge the fact of genocide, successive Turkish governments not only perpetuate massive historical injustice, but also pose a fundamental obstacle to Turkey's democratization today.
Farklı tarih okumalarıyla tanınan Mustafa Armağan bu kez özgün bir eserle çıkıyor karşınıza. Sizi sarayın mahrem dünyasına götürüyor. Bütün kapılar kapandığında kendisiyle baş başa kalan padişahların kişisel dünyalarını açıyor önünüze. * Padişahlığı sırasında İstanbul’a adım atmayan sultan... * Kendi eliyle kazıdığı mühürleri çarşıda sattırıp parasını fakirlere dağıtan padişah… * II. Abdülhamid'in en sevdiği atı bir Bulgar eşkıyasına ödül olarak kimler vermişti? * Sigara aleyhine makale yazan padişah... * Annesinin ismi bilinmeyen Osmanlı padişahı... * Hangi padişahlar spor kulübü kurmuşlardı? * Vahdettin taht...