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The growth rate of the global halal industry has increased in recent years, from 7.5% in 2015 to more than 8% in 2016 and is expected to continue to increase in 2017 and beyond. Indonesia in particular has great potential in the development of the halal industry sector because of the percentage of Indonesia’s population which constitutes 12.7% of the world’s Muslim population. The large potential of Indonesia in the halal industry sector can support national economic growth. The market for halal industry in Indonesia, especially the food, travel, fashion, medicines and cosmetics sectors has reached around 11% of the global market in 2016. Behind the development of the halal industry glob...
The Faculty of Education and Teaching Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Bukittinggi, West Sumatera Indonesia, organized the 2nd International Conference on Education (BICED 2020) on 14-15 September 2020 in Bukittinggi, West Sumatera, Indonesia. The number of participants who joined the zoom room was recorded at 736 participants. 224 participants attended the conference via the zoom application and 539 participants via YouTube Channel. Participants came from 5 countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Brunei Darussalam, Thailand and Australia. BICED 2020 is implemented with the support of a stable internet network system and a zoom application. In the implementation there were sev...
The 7th Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education International Seminar (MSCEIS) was held by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) and the collaboration with 12 University associated in Asosiasi MIPA LPTK Indonesia (AMLI) consisting of Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), Universitas Negeri Malang (UM), Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ), Universitas Negeri Medan (UNIMED), Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP), Universitas Negeri Manado (UNIMA), Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM), Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (UNDHIKSA), Universitas Negeri Gorontalo (UNG), and Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA). In this year, MSCEIS 2019 takes the following theme: "Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education for Addressing Challenges and Implementations of Revolution-Industry 4.0" held on October 12, 2019 in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.
University Presses worldwide are struggling with three key issues: profitability and sustainability, globalization (digitalization and dominance of English), and Open Access. Indonesia, categorized as the third world in global discourse, is still developing its scholarly communication institution, including its University Press. Many publications stated that the Indonesian university press is in a weak position because of the managerial problem, the lack of support from authority and human resources matters. This research aims to seek the position of Indonesian University Press in the three main issues and pay much attention to elaborating the UGM Press. It combined the online survey and int...
This is an open access book.Hosted by Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang, it is an annual International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture held to gather researchers, practitioners, teachers, and students to identify and share various aspects in language, education, and culture. Theme: Embracing Changes and Innovations in Language, Education, Art, and Culture in Post-Pandemic Life Subthemes: Changes and Innovations in Language, Education, and Culture Changes and Innovations in Literature and Art Online Teaching and Learning Practices Corpus-Based Language, Teaching and Research Language in Media Gender and Identity Pop, Contemporary and Digital Culture Culture and SpiritualityMultilingualism and Translanguaging Visual and Performing Arts Oral Tradition & Local Culture Digital Literacy and Information Science
Pelaporan pelanggaran (Whistleblowing) menjadi pilihan banyak perusahaan sebagai langkah dengan tujuan supaya bisa mendeteksi kesalahan yang terjadi dan meminimalkan risiko kecurangan dengan memfasilitasi pelaporan. Pelaporan pelanggaran juga bisa diartikan suatu mekanisme yang efektif untuk mendeteksi kecurangan (Fraud), ACFE (2014). Banyak kecurangan di Indonesia tidak menjadikan pelaporan whistleblowing, hal ini tercantum pada peraturan yang ada belum mewajibkan. Peraturan Nomor X.K.6 BAPEPAM LK (Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Laporan Keuangan) tahun 2012 berisi berbagai aturan tentang tata cara menyampaikan laporan tahunan untuk perusahaan public/emiten. Isi peraturannya hanya menjelaskan tentang perusahaan publik atau emiten yang diwajibkan supaya mampu mengungkapkan mekanisme Whistleblowing yang ada di perusahaannya. Pada tahun 2013 yang lalu sudah ada 494 perusahaan publik atau emiten yang sudah tercatat, dan baru ada 142 yang sudah memiliki dan mengungkapkan kebijakan whistleblowing di perusahaannya.
Studi keislaman merupakan pemahaman tentang praktik keagamaan sehari-hari, seperti shalat, puasa, zakat, dan haji, serta nilai-nilai moral dan etika yang mendasari praktik-praktik tersebut. Ini melibatkan pemahaman terhadap hukum-hukum syariah dan prinsip-prinsip yang mengatur kehidupan. Buku Studi Keislaman ini merupakan bukan hanya memberikan knowledge namun juga value bagi yang mengkajinya. Buku ini bias digunakan sebagai pedoman perkuliahan pada jenjang perguruan tinggi dan juga kepada pembaca umum yang tertarik dengan kajian keislaman. Selamat membaca. Buku persembahan penerbit PrenadaMediaGroup #Kencana
Judul : MATERI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM BERBASIS MEDIA Penulis : Dr. Najamuddin Petta Solong, M.Ag. Ukuran : 14,5 x 21 cm Tebal : 364 Halaman ISBN : 978-623-497-918-3 SINOPSIS Sajian materi pendidikan Islam yang ditulis secara mendalam dan ringkas setiap topiknya dan disesuaikan agar relevan dengan kebutuhan pembaca ini diharapkan dapat menjawab berbagai persoalan yang ada. Buku ini diperuntukkan terutama kepada pelaku pendidikan persekolahan juga kalangan pemerhati, praktisi, dan akademisi muslim serta masyarakat pada umumnya sebab materi pendidikan Islam dibutuhkan sebagai “nutrisi akal dan ruhani” dalam makna luas. Materi pendidikan Islam berbasis media menjadi penting guna memudahkan proses ...
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the latest trends and developments in AI and business innovation research. In today's rapidly changing business environment, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an essential tool for innovation and growth. From marketing and customer service to supply chain management and product development, AI is transforming the way businesses operate, allowing them to make better decisions and achieve their goals faster and more efficiently than ever before. However, the integration of AI into business operations is not without its challenges and risks. There are concerns about data privacy, cybersecurity, and the potential for AI to disrupt traditional ...
Buku ini merupakan hasil kolaborasi dari para penulis yang berasal dari kalangan akademisi, praktisi, maupun professional dalam rumpun ilmu ekonomi. Dalam buku ini mengangkat isu strategis berkaitan dengan etika komunikasi dalam penggunaan media sosial yang terdiri dari 10 bab yang berisi tentang Bab 1 Etika Komunikasi; Bab 2 Media Sosial; Bab 3 Etika Komunikasi di Media Sosial; Bab 4 Implementasi UU ITE Dalam Berkomunikasi; Bab 5 Media Sosial Dalam Pandangan Hukum; Bab 6 New Media ; Bab 7 Literasi Media; Bab 8 Dampak Negatif dan Positif Media Sosial; Bab 9 Menggunakan Media Sosial Dengan Bijak; Bab 10 Mengidentifikasi Isue Hoax di Media Sosial